Print Resource Setup

The print resource and parameters are defined using the Print Resource Setup (IPRS) page. You can configure an Email print resource for certain procurement transactions to default the recipient, subject, message text, and sender information. The functionality to default the information applies only when you open the transaction, click the Print action within the transaction menu, and then select Email output.

The following recipient default is supported:

The following subject, message text, and sender default is supported when you print Purchase Order (PO) type transactions, Master Agreement (MA) type transactions, Standard Requisitions (RQS transaction code), or General Routing (GR) type transactions to an Email print resource:   

Configuration Points:

Set up ELGT record(s) to store the default subject, message text, and sender information.

Define EMAIL_NOT_CNFG_TYPE and EMAIL_TO_FIELD print resource parameters for Email print resources that are used with Purchase Order (PO) type transactions, Master Agreement (MA) type transactions, Standard Requisitions (RQS transaction code), or General Routing (GR) type transactions.

Print Resource Parameters


Description of Parameter



ELGT record used to default email fields



Comma separated email fields to default to Email Address. Format is <data object name>__<attribute name>.


  • Default to PO header’s Requestor and Issuer email:


  • Default to MA vendor line’s Vendor email:


  • Default to RQ header’s Buyer email:


Special Note: The General Routing transaction type does not have any delivered procurement forms for printing.

Refer to the “External Email and Letter Configuration” topic in this guide for more information about the External Email and Letter Configuration (ELGT) table.

Refer to the "Print Resource Setup" topic in the CGI_Advantage_4_BIRT_Migration_Guide.pdf for information about day zero print resources and print resource parameters.