Purchase Items on Contract

For more information on the Delivery Order (DO) transaction, refer to the "PO Transaction Type" topic. For information on the Shopper (SHOP) page, refer to the "Shopper Functionality" topic.

To purchase items on contract using the Shopper (SHOP) page, perform these steps:

  1. Open the Shopper (SHOP) page.

  2. Search for the commodity that you want to purchase.

  1. Add the Commodity to your Shopping Cart.

Select the line in the Available from a Master Agreement search results tab for the commodity that you want to request.  

The Shopping Cart icon at the top of the Shopper page is updated with the total items/services added and the total price. The Quantity/Unit/Unit Price/SC Amount fields are blanked out after an item/service is successfully added to the Shopping Cart.

  1. Repeat Step 3 until you have added all the items that you want to request to your Shopping Cart. If you have entered a value into the Quantity, Unit, Unit Price or SC Amount fields, then you must select the Add to Cart button before navigating from this page or selecting any other link or button on this page; otherwise, a warning message is issued. Selecting Leave Page/OK (depending on your browser) clears any data entry from items not added to the shopping cart and transitions you to your intended destination. Selecting Stay on Page/Cancel (depending on your browser) keeps you on the current page and maintains the values you have entered into the Quantity, Unit, Unit Price or SC Amount fields.

Note: When adding multiple rows to a Cart with a single click, then the user must select all the desired rows, enter the required values, and then click on the Add to Cart icon next to the Export icon on the header of the corresponding section.

  1. Verify Shopping Cart Items.

  1. Initiate the Checkout Process.

  1. Complete the Header tab.

  1. Expand and complete the Commodity tab.

  1. Expand and complete the Accounting tab.

  1. Click Validate to validate for errors.

  2. If errors exist, fix the errors and repeat Step 10.  If no errors exist, then continue with Step 12.

  3. Click Submit to submit the transaction.