Record a Vendor's Response to a Solicitation

For information on the Solicitation Response Wizard (SRW) transaction, refer to the "SR Transaction Type" topic. For information on the Solicitation Response Wizard tool, refer to the "Solicitation Response Wizard" topic.

To record a vendor's response to a Solicitation using the Solicitation Response Wizard, perform these steps:

  1. Open the Solicitation Response Wizard page.

  2. Complete the Solicitation Information tab.

  1. Complete the Solicitation Response Information tab.

Either indicate valid information into all four fields under the Solicitation Response Information tab or leave all four fields blank. Note: If all fields in this tab are left blank, then when the Create Response link is selected, the system will default the values.

  1. Select Create Response. Result: You are transitioned to the Step 1: Response Summary tab of the generated SRW transaction.

  2. Complete the Step 1: Response Summary tab.

  1. Complete the Step 2: Commodity Response tab. Note: Complete this tab for each Commodity line.

  1. Complete the Step 3: Criteria Response tab. Note: Complete this tab for each criterion.

  1. Click the Validate button to validate for errors.

  2. If errors exist, fix the errors and repeat Step 8. If no errors exist, then continue with Step 10.

  3. Click the Submit button to submit the transaction.