Transform Catalog
The Transform Catalog page allows the Catalog Administrator to trigger the “transformation” of CIF Catalog files to the Microsoft Excel Catalog file format if the Catalog File Type is CIF File. If the Catalog File Type is Excel File, then the Catalog Administrator can trigger the “upload” process for Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) catalog files.
The following fields are required on the Transform Catalog page:
Catalog Administrator Name – This field provides the administrator’s name for the automatic email notification that is sent when the Catalog Upload process completes successfully. If the CATALOG_ADMIN_NM parameter is populated on Application Parameters, then a value is automatically inferred in this field. You can change this inferred value, if needed.
Catalog Administrator Email – This field provides the email address for the automatic email notification that is sent when the Catalog Upload process completes successfully. If the CATALOG_ADMIN_EMAIL parameter is populated on Application Parameters, then a value is automatically inferred in this field. You can change this inferred value, if needed.
Vendor Customer – This field provides the Vendor/Customer Code associated with the Vendor that sent the Catalog.
Vendor Contact Phone – This field provides the phone number for the vendor selected in the Vendor Customer field. The value in this field is inferred from the default Ordering address on the Vendor/Customer table. You can change this inferred value, if needed.
Vendor Contact Email - This field provides the email address for the vendor selected in the Vendor Customer field. The value in this field is inferred from the default Ordering address on the Vendor/Customer table. You can change this inferred value, if needed.
Catalog Name – This field identifies the name associated with the catalog file that is being uploaded (for example, 2013 Office Supplies).
Catalog Effective From – This field identifies the date that the catalog becomes effective. The Catalog Administrator uses this date on the Header of the Master Agreement (MA) when uploading a catalog to the MA.
Catalog Effective To - This field identifies the date that the catalog expires. The Catalog Administrator uses this date on the Header of the Master Agreement (MA) when uploading a catalog to the MA.
Catalog File Type – This field identifies the file type of the catalog file being uploaded or transformed. Valid options are: CIF File (Catalog Interface Format) or Excel File (Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format).
Catalog File Name – This field allows you to browse for and select the catalog file that you want to upload. The file selected must match the Catalog File Type. If the Catalog File Type is Excel File, then the file extension must be .xlsx.
Picture File Name - This field allows you to browse for and select the zip file that contains the picture files that you want to upload. Note: This field is only required if at least one line-level catalog item in the CIF or Excel file specifies either a Picture File Name or a Thumbnail File Name.
If a .cif file is being transformed to an .xlsx file, then if the Catalog Upload Maximum Error Limit (CATUPLD_MAX_ERR_LIMIT) as established on the Application Parameters table has been reached the transformation process will stop and end with a Failed Status. Once all errors have been fixed and the transformation/upload process has completed successfully, a record is added to the Catalog Files page and the appropriate files (.cif, .xlsx, and/or .zip) are attached to the record.
The Catalog Administrator should review the catalog excel file for completeness and accuracy via the Catalog Files page. The Catalog Administrator should then create a Master Agreement with a Commodity Line Type of Catalog and upload the catalog using the Advantage catalog upload process. Refer to the “Loading Catalogs to a Master Agreement in Financial” topic for more information on this process.