Manage Videos

The Manage Videos (VIDEO) page allows a user to add or modify videos that are displayed in Advantage Assistant. This page displays the list of baseline and site-specific (if any) videos.

Note: Sites must purchase a license to add site-specific videos.

The Add Video page is accessed by selecting the Add Video button on the Manage Videos page.




Video Title


Indicates the title that is displayed in the Assistant pop-up window for the video.

Video Description


Indicates the description that is displayed in the Assistant pop-up window for the video.

Business Role


Indicates the business role(s) for which the video is available:

  • Sites can select the available business roles from a pick list.

  • Multiple values can be added with a comma separated list.

  • If no option is selected, then the system defaults the value to ALL.

Page Code


Indicates the page code for which the video should be associated with.



Indicates whether a video is Site Specific or Baseline Delivered.



Indicates the application that is associated with the page code selected.



Select this check box to ensure that this video is displayed in the Assistant pop-up window once the user navigates and launches Assistant for the mapped business role and page code. By default, this check box is not selected.

When the Active check box is not selected, the preview of this video is only displayed in the Assistant pop-up for the creator of the video. An Inactive label appears next to the video’s name in the Assistant pop-up so the creator can easily tell which videos are inactive.

All Business Roles


Select this check box to assign this video for all available business roles. By default, this check box is selected.

All Page Codes


Select this check box to assign this video for all available page codes.

Choose a Video File


Users can upload videos through the Video widget available that allows video upload through a single selection. Videos can be uploaded either through the Choose a Video File button or by dragging and dropping the files. Once the video is uploaded, users can change the video name and upload a thumbnail through the Edit Video button.

The Video widget provides an additional security option for sites to restrict video access to authorized users. To enable this option, an access code can be optionally added through the Edit Security button. The minimum length of the access code should be 6 and the maximum length is 15. The system has a built-in Single Sign-On mechanism to display the video via the Assistant Video popover without re-entering this access code while viewing the video.

Video URL


Once the video is uploaded, you must copy the video URL from the widget and paste in the Video URL field.



Indicates the Department(s) for which the video is available. Advantage uses the user’s home department to filter videos.

Multiple values can be added with a comma separated list.

Once the above field details are entered, click the Save & Close button. A site-specific video is created successfully.

The Edit Video page is accessed by selecting the Edit row-level action for an existing site-specific record on the Manage Videos page; the Copy Video page is accessed by selecting the Copy row-level action for an existing record on the Manage Videos page. A site-specific video can be deleted by selecting the Delete row-level action for an existing record on the Manage Videos page.


  1. The Manage Videos page currently does not allow users to map a video to pages that do have a page code. For example: Login page, Session expired page, and so on.

  2. Assistant Videos currently support only the following video formats; MP4, WEBM, MKV, and MOV.

  3. The user does not have the ability to add more than a single page code for a video in the Page Code field at this time. Users can choose to make a copy of a Video record and associate the record with a new page code.

  4. The Video Upload option does not support the user to add/upload more than one video at a time on a page.

  5. Assistant is configured with a maximum number of videos allowed per site. If a site uploads videos beyond this limit, then a system feedback message is issued. The message text is configurable via the Messages (MESG) page by updating the Q0288 record. Sites must purchase an additional license to be able to upload videos beyond the limit.

How to Add Assistant Video to Advantage Home Page

Users can now add Advantage Assistant videos inside an Advantage video widget. This allows existing Assistant videos to be available on an Advantage Home Page for quick reference by users.

Steps to follow: Navigate to the Widget Library (WIDLIB) page.

  1. Click on the Create button to open the Create Widget page.

  2. On the Create Widget page select Type as Video and fill in all required fields such as Name, Height, Width, and Component URL. If applicable to Mobile, then select that check box as well. You can optionally add a Description.  

  3. Navigate to the Manage Video page (VIDEO) and search for the required video record and copy the video URL and paste it into the Component URL field on the Create Widget page.

  4. Click Save & Close.

  5. To Configure this widget to the Home Page, refer to the “Home Page Configuration” section in the CGI Advantage Business Role User Guide.  

  6. Now navigate to the Home Page to view and play the configured video.