ERP Application Parameters
The ERP Application Parameters (ERPCTRL) page contains application level parameters and values. These parameters can be used for different functionalities, such as, holding application level configuration and enabling/disabling features (for example, Sofia and Advantage Assistant).
The Advantage Assistant feature in Advantage enables access to real-time guidance for the Advantage applications. This feature provides a tailored on-screen, step-by-step guidance for the individual pages, business processes, and embedded instructional videos to provide on-demand training for key features and business processes.
Sofia is a self-learning virtual assistant that assists you with collecting and analyzing data, processing transactions, and interacting with the knowledge base.
For most of the parameters on this page, when configuration details change, users must log out and log back in for changes to take effect. Exceptions are noted under the Parameter Description below. This is a common page and accessible from all applications. There is an option to create new records using the Create button.
Parameter |
Default Value |
Parameter Description |
Provides the URL of the Advantage Assistant application. This URL is used for Advantage and the Assistant Application Integration. |
Advantage Connect Token is used for establishing a secured connection between Advantage ERP and Advantage Connect. |
Advantage Connect URL is the URL end point to establish a connection to Advantage Connect. |
Provides the parameters of the Advantage Sofia ESS BOT Configuration Parameters. These configuration parameters are used during Advantage and Sofia Application Integration. This feature requires a license. This feature is not applicable for the Vendor Self Service application. |
Provides the URL for Sofia end point. This feature requires a license. |
false |
This flag is used to enable/disable Advantage Assistant in the Advantage application. |
false |
This flag is used to enable/disable Screen Recording icons in the Global Navigation Panel in the Advantage application. This feature requires a license. |
false |
This flag is used to enable/disable Sofia in the Advantage application. This feature requires a license. |
false |
This is a system wide setting to turn on/off the Email alert notification feature. |
false |
This is a system wide setting to turn on/off the SMS alert notification feature. |
false |
This is a system wide setting to turn on/off the additional delivery option to schedule an Immediate Critical Alert. Submitting an Immediate Critical Alert will display a critical alert pop-up immediately (within 30 seconds) to an online user. A server restart is needed for changes to reflect. Note: Redis Server needs to be enabled at the site level along with setting this parameter to true. Refer to the “Additional Post Installation” section in the CGI Advantage 4 Container Deployment Guide for more information. |
30 |
Determines the expiry time in minutes for an Immediate Critical Alert. A server restart is needed for changes to reflect. |
This is the Client Id present in the DocuSign account. This feature is not yet in use in the Vendor Self Service application. |
The base URI is used to call DocuSign API and it is present in the DocuSign account. This feature is not yet in use in the Vendor Self Service application. |
The Account Id present in the DocuSign account. This feature is not yet in use in the Vendor Self Service application. |
The User Id present in the DocuSign account. This feature is not yet in use in the Vendor Self Service application. |
The host environment is used to call DocuSign API and it is present in the DocuSign account. This feature is not yet in use in the Vendor Self Service application. |
DocuSign Brand Id is used to customize the theme of signing window. This feature is not yet in use in the Vendor Self Service application. |
The version number is used to call DocuSign API. This feature is not yet in use in the Vendor Self Service application. |
false |
This flag is used to enable/disable Assistant baseline videos from the Advantage Assistant pop-up window and Manage Videos page grid view in the Advantage application. |
Advantage Assistant Upload Video URL is the URL end point to store Informational Videos to Vidyard, which is a secured external storage repository. This feature requires a license. |
false |
This is a system wide setting to turn on/off the Field Database Information feature. If this parameter is set to true, then users can individually control this feature via the Enable Field DB Help check box on the Account Settings > Preferences tab. Refer to the “View Field Database Information” topic for more information. |
Provides the value displayed when a user’s mouse hovers over the product logo image that is displayed from the logo page metadata (Logo.xml). If this parameter value is not specified, and logo title is not present in file-based extensions, the system displays “Logo” by default. Refer to the “Configure Logo Title” topic in this user guide for details on where the parameter applies. |
false |
This parameter allows sites to minimize horizontal scrolling on the Timesheet (TIMEI) transaction by decreasing the space between days to display more days in a single view. Note: The page accommodates the maximum number of fields as per the best fit in the available space based on the display/browser settings. Sites must set the ENABLE_COMPACT_GRID_VIEW parameter to true, if they want users to see the compact grid view on the TIMEI transaction. By default, this parameter is set to false. |
false |
This is a system-wide setting to turn on/off the audit logging for the File Transfer API. A value of false will disable the audit logging for the File Transfer API. A value of true will enable the Audit logging for the File Transfer API to record file transfer requests made via the File Transfer (FUD) page or any other process using the File Transfer API, such as Advantage Connect or a PowerShell script. Note that updating this parameter does not require logout and login to take effect. |
enableBusinessCardPopUp |
false |
This is a system-wide setting to turn on/off the User Business Card pop-up. A value of true will show a clickable user ID value that opens a User Business Card pop-up and a value of false will show the value normally. Note that updating this parameter requires an application bounce to take effect. |
true |
This parameter manages the View PDF functionality on forms and transaction pages. If set to true, the PDF is downloaded. If set to false, the PDF file is opened in a new tab. By default, the parameter value is set to true. |
Use Unicode to specify single characters or strings of characters to skip during import/export. Use a comma to separate values. If you need to specify multiple values, specify them in the order in which they should be removed. Note that updating this parameter requires an application bounce to take effect. |
false |
This parameter is used to disable/enable Asynchronous Rule-based Audit Logging. Possible values can be true or false. |
false |
This parameter is used to enable/disable the column pagination feature. Note: If this global parameter is set to true, then the column pagination feature is enabled on those pages where the page metadata property "enableColumnPagination" is true. |
false |
This parameter is used to enable/disable the View All button on all worklist widgets. When set to true, the View All button is enabled on all worklist widgets. When set to false, the View All button is not available on worklist widgets. The default value is false. If the value is left blank, a false value is used. |
true |
When enabled, the Active User Sessions (ACTVUSR) page will track the active users that are online in the application. Updating this parameter to false will disable the active user session tracking feature. |
false |
The Bypass Action Validation for Assistant Guide flag controls whether to perform action validation when playing Assistant guided walkthroughs. Example – A recorded guide expects the user to perform the Validate action, but the user clicks the Close action on the page. When this flag is set to false, actions that the user performs while playing Assistant walkthroughs are validated against what is recorded. A Warning modal is presented to the user to confirm whether the user intends to continue performing the action and the guide can be stopped. When this flag is set to true, validation is bypassed. |
false |
When enabled, the system mandates that a minimum of two search criteria fields are required when searching on the Transaction Catalog (DOCATLG) pages across the Advantage 4 application. This means, the user must provide values for at least 2 search fields such as the Transaction code and any other of the given filters to perform the search action successfully. The default value is false. If the value is left blank, a false value is used. |
false |
This parameter controls expansion of Assistant and Sofia icons by click or hover. When set to false, icons expand on hover. When set to true, icons expand on click. Note that updating this parameter requires logout and login to take effect. |
true |
This parameter enables or disables immediate publishing of home page updates and left navigation menu changes. If set to true, home page and left navigation menu changes refresh immediately after the Publish action. If set to false, home page and left navigation menu changes require postcd jobs to refresh. Note that updating this parameter requires logout and login for the changes to take effect. When making a large number of updates to different roles, it is recommended that batch processing be used to register the updates. Please see the “Advanced – Batch Processing” section in the CGI Advantage Business Role User Guide for more details. |
false |
When enabled, the transaction print action prints comments from all versions of the transaction to the PDF. The default value of false only prints comments from the current version. Note that updating this parameter does not require logout and login to take effect. |
false |
When enabled (set to true), the "Recent Searches" and "Create New" features can be enabled as indicated below:
false |
When enabled (set to true), the Create New action is displayed in the Global Search results (when searching by Page Code) for all transactions and reference tables that include the Create button. Note: The ENABLE_ADVANCED_GLOBAL_SEARCH parameter must also be set to true to enable this feature. Refer to the previous row for more information. |
false |
When enabled (set to true), the server date and 24-hour time format will be shown on the Header of all transactions for the Created On (DOC_APPL_CREA_DT and DOC_CREA_DT), Modified On (DOC_APPL_LAST_DT and DOC_LAST_DT) and Last Approved On (DOC_LAST_APRV_DT) fields. Applicable for both Web and Mobile transaction pages. For the Mobile application, the server date and time is shown for the Submitted On field for the Header view and Comments view as well. Default value is false. |
1,2 |
This parameter controls Advantage Assistant tab display order. If you want to display both the Screen Guides and Videos tabs, set to 1,2 or 2,1 depending on the desired display order. Default is 1,2 (Screen Guides followed by Videos). Set to 1 to display Screen Guides only. Set to 2 to display Videos only. After updating this parameter, the user must logout and then login for changes to take effect. |
false |
This is a system-wide setting to enable or disable the application-specific business role feature. If this parameter is set to true, the Application Business Role tab is displayed on the User to Business Role Association page, LDAP User to Business Role Association page, UDOC transaction, and HRDOC transaction. This feature provides the ability to configure a primary (default) Business Role for each Advantage application. For example, a Financial Business Role can be the primary when navigating to Advantage from a Financial transaction workflow approval email or other hyperlinks. With this feature an additional parameter is introduced to the application URL, which defines the application the user will be accessing once they login. This setup allows the system to navigate to a specific Business Role depending on what application the user needs to access. When this feature is enabled, workflow notification email links will have an extra parameter automatically appended to the application URL. Once the user logs in with the link, the application-specific business role will be set by the System. |
200 |
This parameter value determines the maximum number of attachments that can be viewed on the Attachments modal window. It is recommended to keep this value up to a ceiling of 500. Default value is 200. Server restart is needed, for changes to reflect. |
false |
When set to true, the system will disable (hide) the Account Settings - Password Management tab to prevent users from changing their own password. Note that updating this parameter does not require logout and login to take effect. |
false |
This setting allows administrators to control whether specific users can log in to the Advantage application without requiring Dual Factor Authentication (DFA). This setting is only applicable when EnableDualFactorAuthentication is set to true in the Adv30Params.ini file. If BYPASS_DFA_FOR_SPECIFIC_USERS is set to true, administrators can configure the system to permit certain users to bypass DFA during the login process, enhancing flexibility for users with specific roles or requirements. Conversely, if BYPASS_DFA_FOR_SPECIFIC_USERS is set to false, the system enforces DFA for all users, ensuring a uniform security standard across the entire application. |