Feature Flag Configuration
The Feature Configuration (feature.conf) file includes the following parameters with an enabled property that turns the associated feature on or off in the application. In order to use the associated feature, the enabled property must be set to true and the application must be bounced.
Parameter |
Default Value |
Parameter Description |
Redis |
false |
When the redis flag is turned on (enabled = true), and redis is setup, then user configuration data (recent search / grid configuration) will read from memory instead of the database. If enabled = false, it will read from the database. |
recentSearch maxRecentSearchCardCount maxRecentSearchPinnedCardCount |
15 10 |
The recentSearch parameter is always enabled so it does not include an enabled flag; therefore, the Recent Search section is always displayed. This functionality provides the ability for a site to configure the maximum recent search card and pinned card count via the maxRecentSearchCardCount and maxRecentSearchPinnedCardCount properties. |
favorite maxFavoriteCardCount |
15 |
This parameter is always enabled so it does not include an enabled flag; therefore, the Favorites functionality is always enabled in the Advantage application. The maxFavoriteCardCount property indicates the maximum number of cards that can appear in the Favorites section on a page. If a user is marking a record as a Favorite and the maximum number of cards are already reached, then the oldest Favorite Card is removed and the new Favorite Card is added and the record associated with the oldest Favorite Card is no longer marked as a favorite. |
transactionSummaryTab |
true |
This parameter allows sites to enable/disable displaying the Summary tab as the first tab, when a transaction is opened in Pending or Final Phase, by setting the enabled property to true or false, respectively. Note: For all other Phases, the Header is displayed first. |
tableBasedConstraints flushCacheOnConfigRuleUpdates |
false |
The tableBasedConstraints parameter is always enabled so it does not include an enabled property; therefore, the Configurable Validation feature is always enabled. The flushCacheOnConfigRuleUpdates property enables the real time testing feature when set to true, that is, changes to Configurable Validation setup (additions/updates) are immediately reflected in the application. This property assists with the development of configurable validations in test environments without a need for an application bounce. The flushCacheOnConfigRuleUpdates property must be set to false in Production environments. |
configurableFormula flushCacheOnConfigFormulaUpdates |
false |
The configurableFormula parameter is always enabled so it does not include an enabled property; therefore, changes to Configurable Formula setup (additional/updates) are immediately reflected in the application. The flushCacheOnConfigFormulaUpdates property assists with the development of configurable formulas in test environments without a need for an application bounce. The flushCacheOnConfigFormulaUpdates property must be set to false in Production environments. |
transactionWorkflowActions |
false |
If this parameter is enabled, then a user that belongs to a workflow role is not required to perform the Take Task action prior to performing other workflow actions. |
enableGridPinning gridPinningPageKeys
This parameter enables/disables pinning the grid header for certain pages in the Performance Budgeting application (when a user scrolls vertically). The gridPinningPageKeys property controls which pages are impacted by this parameter. The following keys are delivered by default. keys = ["BF0201","BF0200","BF0400","BF0186", "BF0086","BF0067","BF0050"]} If a page is listed as one of the keys for the gridPinningPageKeys property and the enabled property is set to true for the enableGridPinning parameter, then when a user scrolls vertically on the grid on the indicated page, the column headers remain in view. |
false |
The viewAllRecordsOnGrid feature flag allows sites to enable/disable the ability to show more than 500 records in the standard grid, by setting the enabled property to true or false, respectively. The showViewAllonGrid property must also be set to true in the page metadata for the grid and there must be more than 500 records returned in the search results. If the showViewAllonGrid property is not present in the metadata for the grid and/or the viewAllRecordsOnGrid feature flag is set to false, then grid pagination does not include the ability to show more than 500 records at one time. Performance implications should be considered when enabling the showViewAllonGrid property in the page metadata for a grid. Note: The view_all_max_row_count property in the ui_preferences.conf file determines the maximum number of records that can be displayed in the grid. Refer to the “UI Preferences Configuration” topic for more information about this property. |
false |
This parameter enables/disables the wrapping of column headings for dynamic columns in grids on Budget Request and Query Results pages in Performance Budgeting. The column_title_wrap_count property defined in the ui_preferences.conf file, determines the number of characters after which the next space should then be wrapped. |
false |
This parameter enables/disables the ability to prevent the label for the first column heading in a grid from wrapping. If this flag is turned off (enabled = false), the first column will not wrap, and if turned on (enabled = false), the first column will wrap (provided the column name is present in the page data.) |
enableHtmlSnippet |
false |
This parameter enables/disables the use of a custom HTML snippet, which renders inside of an iframe in the header of the login page. Refer to the “Custom Header on Login Page” topic for more information about this parameter. |
googleAnalytics |
false |
This parameter enables/disables the Google Analytics functionality. Refer to the “Google Analytics” topic for more information. |
ssoForExternalApplication |
false |
This parameter enables/disables the ability to set up a QuickLink to an external application. If this flag is turned on (enabled = true) then the Application Type field is available when External Application is selected in the Type field on the QuickLink Library. If this flag is turned off (enabled = false) then the Application Type field is not available on the QuickLink Library even if External Application is selected in the Type field. Design flags in the sso.conf file determine the values available in the Application Type field. Refer to the “SSO Configuration” topic for additional information about this functionality. |
onlineBatchProcesses |
false |
This parameter enables/disables the ability to associate System Processes to Batch Processes using batch parameters and enables/disables the ability to associate Transaction Type resources to System Processes.
appRolesSecurity |
false |
This parameter enables/disables the ability to show/hide the level of security access to respective business roles currently assigned to a user on the User to Business Role Association page.
enableTotalOnBudgetRequests |
false |
Enabling this feature flag allows sites to view Totals updated immediately after the user populates a posting amount and navigates to the other line on the Budget Request Lines tab of Budget Requests. Note:
If this feature flag is disabled, the Totals will be updated on the Budget Request Data tab only after the Save action. |
enableAttachmentOptions |
false |
This parameter enables/disables the ability to control attachments via the setup on the Attachment Options (ATTOPTN) page.
enableSortByDimensionFeature |
false |
Enabling this feature flag displays a Sum icon that allows sites to view the sub-totals on budget lines by sorting/grouping on dimensions that are enabled for that budget form. On selection of a dimension, the system presents the gird in the Advanced Grid format and sub-groups the budget lines as per the selected dimension to display the sub-totals. If the flag is disabled, the Sum icon is not available on the grid toolbar and sorting cannot be performed. |
enableUserSpecificLogging |
false |
This parameter enables/disables the dynamic logging feature. If it is set to true, then logging configuration can be updated on the Logger Configuration (LOGCNFG) page instead of log4j2.xml. The updates on the LOGCNFG page will be applied automatically and logs will be printed based on those updates without restarting the server. If it is set to false, then logging configuration can be updated from the log4j2.xml file. |
TimesheetDailyValidations |
false |
This parameter enables/disables the timesheet daily validation feature on Timesheet (TIMEI)/Timesheet Adjustments (TADJ)/Group Timesheet (TIMEG) transactions.