View PDF Action for Transactions

CGI Advantage has advanced and sophisticated forms printing capabilities to use instead of just a browser print. The View PDF action allows you to generate and view a PDF for a transaction. This action is available from an open transaction from the transaction level menu choice of View PDF or from the Transaction Catalog with the record level menu, Other Actions sub menu, and View PDF action.

Users are not required to select from various print options such as the print job and resource when using the View PDF action. Selecting the Default Form on the transaction Header will capture the default print options and generate the PDF.

When using the View PDF action, sites can configure whether the PDF should download directly to the user’s local machine or open in a new browser tab and save it with a custom file name. This functionality is controlled by the DFLT_FORMS_DOWNLOAD parameter on ERP Application Parameters.

The following parameters on the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) table are used by the system to generate and show the PDF for a transaction.

Parameter Name

Parameter Value




Polling Frequency (in seconds) to perform the View PDF action. The output folder on the Print Server will be verified for the generated PDF file based on the interval specified in this parameter.



Total Wait Time (in seconds) for the View PDF action. This will be the maximum time for which the system will keep polling to the output folder on the Print Server.