Information Tabs

The transaction components mentioned thus far (for example, Header, Accounting, and so forth) are displayed in a series of horizontal tabs just beneath the Page Title Bar. When there are more tabs than will render in the horizontal space, navigation options will appear. Within each tab there can be a field displayed to give reference to the location for a user within a transaction. The More Info icon can also exist to show more reference. Within each tab is also displayed the number of records. Please note that if on a parent component tab, the child tab will only display the number of child records for the selected parent record and not the total number of child records across the transaction.

An Expand/Collapse icon appears to the right of the last tab in view for the page. The Expand/Collapse icon allows you to maximize/minimize the information area for tabs. When minimized, only the first line of information is displayed (including the attachment count, if any). By default, the information area for tabs is expanded; however, you can select the Minimize Information Tabs field on the Preferences tab of Account Settings via User Profile, if you want to minimize the information area for all tabs on all pages in the application by default. You can then expand the information area for all tabs on a specific page by selecting the Expand/Collapse icon to the right of the last tab in view. This setting will remain for that page until you log out, then the default specified on your Account Settings will take precedence the next time you log in and access the page. Refer to the “Account Settings” topic in the CGI Advantage Getting Started User Guide for more information on the Minimize Information Tabs field.

If more tabs exist than can fit horizontally on a page, the following options are provided to navigate to the other tabs.

  • You can select the three dots that appear to the right of the last tab in view and then select the tab name from the list that appears. After selecting the tab’s name, you are navigated directly to that tab and the selected tab is displayed.

  • You can select the Next (right arrow) icon that appears to the far right of the last tab in view to view the next tab. You can continue selecting the Next icon to navigate to each of the remaining tabs. Once you reach the last tab, the Next (right arrow) icon is disabled.  

  • You can select the Previous (left arrow) icon that appear to the left of the first tab in view to view any tabs that exist before the first tab in view.  Once you reach the first tab, the Previous (left arrow) icon is disabled.