
The Header of the Travel transactions contain the common Header fields as described in the "Header" topic in the Transactions User Guide. The following fields are not common to Header tabs.

Field InformationField Information

Field Name


Field Description

Employee Created By, Created On, Submitted By, and Submitted On

System Set

These four values are only visible on the full transactions and are set based on the corresponding wizard transaction. Their population is a means of knowing the source of the travel event for reporting or workflow purposes.

Late Expense Report Description

Conditionally Required

A free-form reason for filing a late expense report is required for approval purposes if the Record Date is after the Travel End Date plus the number of days defined in the Days Expense Report Due on Travel Administration.

Trip ID


Each trip must have a unique system-wide identifier, which can be manually entered or automatically generated.

Auto Generate ID


An indication, when set to true, generates a Trip ID based on the TRVL entry on Unique Numbers.

When automatic numbering should always be done, then this field should be made to default to true and protected from data entry along with the Trip ID field.

Trip Name


A descriptive name must be assigned to each trip for identification/recognition purposes in addition to the Trip ID.

Purpose of Trip


A descriptive reason for a trip for approval and reporting needs.

Travel Start Date

Travel Start Time

Conditionally Required


The date a trip begins is always required unless the Travel Type is No Travel.

A start time (HH:MM format) is optional header information but can be populated to infer down to expense lines that require a start time for controlling purposes from Travel Administration, Travel Policy by Expense Type, or Department Travel Policy by Expense Type.

Travel End Date

Travel End Time

Conditionally Required


The date a trip ends is always required unless the Travel Type is No Travel.

An end time (HH:MM format) is optional header information but can be populated to infer down to expense lines that require an end time for controlling purposes from Travel Administration, Travel Policy by Expense Type, or Department Travel Policy by Expense Type.

Travel Type


A required indication that provides needed information to editing expenses based on where the travel occurs:

  • In-State – The trip did not take the traveler outside of their work state.

  • Out of State – The trip took the traveler outside of their work state.

  • Both In and Out of State – The trip included portions in and out of the work state.

  • International – Travel outside of the continental and non-continental US, which includes US territories.

  • No Travel – Used for recording non-travel related expenses such as tools, gear, and uniforms.

Travel Justification

Conditionally Required

A justification reason is required for approval purposes if Require Travel Justification is set on Travel Administration and the Travel type is Out of State, Both In/Out of State, or International. Valid justifications are defined on Travel Justification (TRJUS).


City, State/Province, Country, County

Conditionally Required

The destination for travel can come from the Destination (DSTN) data or it can be manually entered with City, State/Province, Country and County. One of the two methods is required when Travel Type is other than No Travel and the Multi-Segment Trip is not true.

Client-Related Travel


This indication, although with a specific label, is generic in nature in that it does not carry any system edits, but is available for workflow, configurable validations, and reporting. One example would be a child welfare case worker using this indication for travel for that specific work instead of travel for a conference or educational event.

Multi-Segment Trip


When traveling to multiple destinations, this indication must be set to true for there to be more than one destination recorded on expense lines.

Overnight at a Temporary Work Location


Overnight expenses are those incurred while traveling away from home if the employee's duties require him/her to be away from the general area of their tax home overnight or for a period long enough that the employee needs to stop for substantial sleep or rest to properly perform their duties.

Setting this indication to true when all expenses are of this type, else the corresponding setting is made for each expense type. Configuration on Travel Administration can limit what can be expensed by Taxable Status.

Miscellaneous 1 - 5


These five miscellaneous indications are generic in nature in that none carries any system edits, but each is available for workflow, configurable validations, and reporting needs.

Reason for Modification

Conditionally Required

The travel transactions carry the same capability as accounts receivable transactions to require a reason when they are modified or cancelled. The requirement comes from Transaction Control and the choices come from Reason (REASN).

Final Trip Expense Report


This indication is data entry aid to make the transaction set the Reference Type to final for all Trip Detail records referencing an authorization. If not, then any authorized expenses greater than the incurred expenses remain open. If the incurred expense is greater, two Accounting Lines are generated for the authorized expense. The first will be final and the second will be memo.