Travel Administration (TRADM)

Travel Administration allows authorized users to define system-wide travel options and defaults.

Field InformationField Information

While most fields are self-evident, the following require further clarification.

Field Name

Field Description

Effective From

Effective To

As travel policies can change within a fiscal year, travel administration rules are defined with a required pair of dates that cannot overlap between subsequent records nor leave gaps. The Effective To date is controlled by the LATEST_YEAR Application Parameter. 

Miscellaneous Vendor Customer

When implemented as a Dual site, this is a required field to define the miscellaneous vendor code used for activity that must occur through Financial: disbursement of travel advances, expense reimbursements, and for related accounts receivable activity if the traveler later needs to be billed for unused advances.

Billing Address Code

Billing Profile

When implemented as a Dual site, the billing address and billing profile are required for use with the Miscellaneous Vendor Customer on Receivable and Cash Receipt referencing a Travel Advance.

Travel Policy

The default Travel Policy for Vendor Customer record (Financial Only implementation) or on the Department Specific Data transaction (Dual site implementation). This policy can be overridden by the default established on Department (DEPT) when a department has unique requirements from the site-wide default.

Payment System

The Payment System setting is the final one in the choice of Implementation Method, to control whether travel advances and reimbursements are disbursed through Financial or through labor distribution in HRM (something currently unavailable without interfaces).

  • Financial Only – The AD Chain of Financial makes all disbursements that are not done manually with a Manual Disbursements.

  • HRM Only – HRM makes all disbursements.

  • Financial by Default – Choice for when Financial should be the primary source of payment, but users could choose HRM when necessary.

  • HRM by Default – Choice for when HRM should be the primary source of payment, but users could choose Financial when necessary. A common scenario for this choice is when advances should be paid out with Financial, but all reimbursements should be paid out of HRM.

Outstanding Advance Threshold

This amount serves to limit the total sum of outstanding (unused) advances for a given traveler. The outstanding amount must either be returned or applied to expenditures to reduce the outstanding balance.

Advance Days

The number of days that controls how far in advance a traveler can be advanced before the trip start date.

Receipt Minimum

The minimum amount that an expense line must exceed to require a traveler to supply a receipt. Amounts on the Travel Policy by Expense Type and Department Travel Policy by Expense Type take precedence over this Travel Administration rule.

Days Expense Report Due

The number of days, which if exceeded before an expense report is submitted after the Travel End Date, requires a Late Expense Report Explanation.

PCard Reconciled Status Code

PCard Unreconciled Status Code

These status settings are used to update Unprocessed Procurement Card Activity and the Paid Procurement Card Transaction when reconciling against expense reports.

Allow Automatic Advance Generation

Allow Automatic Expense Report Generation

These controls trigger the automatic creation and submission of later travel transactions from initial ones. An authorization can trigger an automatic advance for the traveler, where requested. An authorization can also trigger a direct pay expense report to pay a vendor in advance of travel.

Limit Expenses by Taxable Status

When false, expenses incurred on non-overnight and overnight trips are not limited by the Taxable Status setting Travel Expense Type.

When true, if the Overnight at a Temporary Work Location indication is true for a trip detail and the expense type is taxable, then only expense types with a Taxable Status of Overnight Non-Taxable or Both are allowed. If the Overnight at a Temporary Work Location indication is false and the expense type is taxable, then only expense types with a Taxable Status of Day Trip Taxable or Both are allowed.

Require Travel Justification

When a Justification Reason should be supplied when a traveler travels out of state, this indication should be set to true. Travel Types of Out of State, Both In/Out of State, and International then require a justification. Otherwise, a justification is optional.

Default Mileage Start Location

This control determines whether the Start Location field for a mileage expense defaults to the concatenation of the Address Line 1, City, State, Zip, and Country fields from the Traveler line. If not, the starting location must be specified. If it defaults, it can be changed when necessary.

Authorization Send Email Notification

Advance Send Email Notification

Expense Send Email Notification

Disbursement Send Email Notification

Each is an indication to send an email to the traveler when the respective transaction reaches the Transaction Status of Final for all three Transaction Functions: New, Modification, or Cancellation.

  • Optional: The respective indication on the given transaction defaults to true but can be changed to false.

  • Required: The respective indication on the given transaction defaults to true and cannot be changed to false.

  • Prohibited: The respective indication on the given transaction defaults to false and cannot be changed to true.

Refer the External Email and Letter Configuration for information on these emails.

Vendor/Customer Required for Direct Pay on Wizard/Mobile

If the wizard view of the expense reports should support direct payments, setting this indication to true enables that function. Otherwise, only the regular view of the expense report can be used for direct payments, which can be the case when this is a rare event.

Lodging Percentage

The maximum reimbursable amount for lodging is a factor of this percentage and the applicable lodging per diem rate.

First Day/Last Day Percentage

The maximum reimbursable amount of per diem on the first and last day of travel is a factor of this percentage and the applicable per diem rate.

Latest Breakfast Time

Earliest Dinner Time

The latest time a traveler can start their travel and be eligible to expense breakfast as part of per diem on the first travel day. 
The earliest time a traveler can end their travel and be eligible to expense dinner as part of per diem on the last travel day.
Please enter in the HH:MM format from 00:00 to 23:59.

Source ID – CONUS Locations

Source ID – OCONUS Locations

Source ID – Foreign Locations

The Source ID – CONUS is used to define the default Source ID used when the specified destination is within the continental United States (CONUS).

The Source ID – OCONUS is used to define the default Source ID used when the specified destination is outside the continental United States (CONUS: Alaska, Hawaii, or a US territory.

The Source ID - Foreign Locations is used to define the default Source ID when the specified destination is outside of the United States.

GSA (General Services Administration)

DOS (Department of State)

DOD (Department of Defense) 


Default Disbursement Format for Check

Default Disbursement Format for EFT

Each is an optional default value used for traveler reimbursements and direct pay events when a Financial Only implementation. Both are required if a Dual site implementation.

Expense Report – Accrued Expense Event Type

The default used on expense reports when the expense exceeds any advance when the Payment System if Financial. The value should be AP01 or a similar event type to record a disbursement request.

Expense Report – Advance Liquidation Event Type

The default used on expense reports when liquidating an advance when the Payment System if Financial. The value should be TR15 or a similar event type with no posting codes to only liquidate the advance.

Expense Report – PCard Event Type

The default used on expense reports is recording PCard expenses for either Payment System. The value should be TR11 or a similar event type with no posting codes as the PCard process generates accounting entries. 

HRM Payment System - Accrued Expense Event Type

The default used on expense reports when the expense exceeds any advance when the Payment System if HRM. The value should be TR16 or a similar event type with no posting codes as entries from HRM back into Financial generate accounting entries.

HRM Payment System – Advance Liquidation Event Type

The default used on expense reports when liquidating an advance when the Payment System if HRM. The value should be TR16 or a similar event type with no posting codes as entries from HRM back into Financial generate accounting entries.