Worklist Details

The Worklist Details (WRKLSTDL) page displays additional fields from transactions against each Worklist entry. This allows users to sort on those fields so that the user can prioritize Worklist items. For each Transaction Code, the additional fields that should be displayed on this page is configured on the Configure Worklist Details page.

For example: The Accounts Payable manager should be able to sort Invoice transactions as per their Scheduled Payment Date so that he/she may be able to prioritize approval of Invoice transactions with an earlier Scheduled Payment Date. Thus, the Scheduled Payment Date field can be displayed on the Worklist Details page for Worklist items of Invoice transactions with the appropriate setup on the Configure Worklist Details page. The manager can then sort on the Scheduled Payment Date field on this page.

The Transaction Code field value is mandatory for browsing the records because Custom fields are defined based on the Transaction Code on the Configure Worklist Details page. Use the Selection check box to select one or multiple worklist items to be reassigned, returned, reprioritized, or viewed. To select or deselect all the items on the page, check the Selection check box in the grid header section. All actions available on the Worklist page are available on this page. Refer to the "Worklist" topic for more information.