COBRA Attribute Maintenance (CAMT)

The COBRA Attribute Maintenance (CAMT) transaction allows you to view and record information about an employee's COBRA attributes. Attributes include: coverage period data, beneficiary ID, covered individual ID, mailing address, and information about disabilities.

The COBRA Attribute Maintenance transaction is comprised of the following tabs:


Use this tab to record the Employee ID.

COBRA Attribute Maintenance DetailCOBRA Attribute Maintenance Detail

The COBRA Attribute Maintenance Details tab records COBRA status maintenance details, such as the Qualified Beneficiary ID, start and end date of the benefit's coverage period, Beneficiary Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number, and address. Contact information for the COBRA qualified beneficiary is also recorded in this tab.

Note: For an existing employee/dependent, the Social Security Number or SSN Applied For value cannot be modified. These values are inferred from the Employee/Dependent table.

The COBRA Attribute Maintenance transaction can be created in the following way:

  • Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.

  • Select the Create COBRA Attribute Maintenance row-level action on the COBRA Attribute Maintenance tab of the COBRA Activity Folder (COBRA) activity folder.

The coverage period dates for individuals who are eligible for COBRA coverage are automatically initialized based on transactions entered through the Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT) and the Dependent Profile (DPND) pages. However, the COBRA Attribute Maintenance (CAMT) page can be used to update existing coverage period dates and to enter coverage period dates for those individuals who have not been scheduled. You can also modify a COBRA recipient’s personal data through the COBRA Attribute Maintenance transaction.