COBRA Activity Folder (COBRA)
The COBRA Management (COBRA) activity folder makes it easy for you to administer various activities associated with entering and maintaining COBRA coverage by gathering all of the necessary pages together into one place. After opening the COBRA Management (COBRA) activity folder, use the Employee Search tool and grid to find and select the appropriate employee. Next, use the secondary navigation panel to access the appropriate pages.
The COBRA activity folder contains the following tabs:
Use the Employee tab to display the employee information and search for specific employees.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
Create COBRA Attribute Maintenance -This action creates and opens the COBRA Attribute Maintenance (CAMT) transactions, which allows you to create and record the employee's COBRA attributes.
COBRA Attribute MaintenanceCOBRA Attribute Maintenance
Use the COBRA Attribute Maintenance tab to view, create, or modify beneficiary information.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
Create COBRA Attribute Maintenance -This action creates and opens the COBRA Attribute Maintenance (CAMT) transactions, which allows you to create and record the employee's COBRA attributes.
COBRA Status MaintenanceCOBRA Status Maintenance
Use the COBRA Status Maintenance tab to view, create, or modify recipient information.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
Create COBRA Status Maintenance -This action creates and opens the COBRA Status Maintenance (CSMT) transactions, which allows you to create and record the employee's COBRA status.
COBRA Financial MaintenanceCOBRA Financial Maintenance
Use the COBRA Financial Maintenance tab to view, create or modify financial information.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
Create COBRA Financial Maintenance -This action creates and opens the COBRA Financial Maintenance (CFMT) transactions, which allows you to create and record the payments made by a COBRA recipient.
COBRA Financial HistoryCOBRA Financial History
Use the COBRA Financial History tab to view the financial history.
COBRA Financial History DetailCOBRA Financial History Detail
Use the COBRA Financial History Detail to view the detailed financial history.
COBRA Benefits (ACA Reporting)COBRA Benefits (ACA Reporting)
Use the COBRA Benefits (ACA Reporting) section to view, create, or modify COBRA Benefits and Affordable Care Act (ACA) information.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
Create COBRA Benefits -This action creates and opens the COBRA Benefits (CBN) transactions, which allows you to create and record the employee's COBRA benefits details.
Select Related Transactions from the page-level menu, to view related transactions.