COBRA Benefits (CBN)

The COBRA Benefits (CBN) transaction allows you to track the deduction types and plans in which a qualified beneficiary or a covered individual is enrolled.

For example, if an employee is currently enrolled in a medical benefit that is COBRA eligible when a COBRA event occurs (for instance, the employee gets divorced), and the ex-spouse elects COBRA coverage for herself and their children. Therefore, the ex-spouse's medical benefit, as well as the children’s coverage will be expired and COBRA Benefits (CBN) transactions will be created for the ex-spouse and for each of the children to track which deduction type and plan the ex-spouse and the children are enrolled in since the employee is paying for the COBRA coverage, as per the divorce decree.

For Affordable Care Act (ACA) reporting, the ACA Information section allows you to define the Offer of Coverage, Monthly Cost, Lowest Cost Benefit Type/Plan and enrollment dates for COBRA plans.  In addition, the individual being covered by the COBRA coverage is defined in the Individual section. The address defined on the Mailing Address section is used to define the address of the person who is the COBRA plan's policy holder.

This address is listed on the employee or dependent's 1095B.

The COBRA Benefits is comprised of the following tabs:


This tab captures the Employee ID for the COBRA Benefits (CBN) transaction.


Use this tab to select a qualified beneficiary or covered individual.

Select the Qualified Beneficiary and/or Covered Individual. The Qualified Beneficiary can be the Employee. If the employee is the qualified beneficiary, leave this field blank. If the dependent is the qualified beneficiary, enter the Dependent ID. If an identification number is entered, the qualified beneficiary’s full name is displayed.

If the person has not already been entered in the system, enter the person's First, Middle, Last Name, Date of Birth and Social Security Number.

Note: For an existing employee/dependent, the Social Security Number or SSN Applied For value cannot be modified. These values are inferred from the Employee/Dependent table.

COBRA Attribute Maintenance DetailCOBRA Attribute Maintenance Detail

The COBRA Attribute Maintenance Detail tab captures the following information:

  • Benefit Type/Plan information as well as the Coverage Start/End dates.

The COBRA Benefits Trigger transaction can be created in the following way:

  • Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.

  • Select the Create COBRA Benefits row-level action on the COBRA Benefits tab of the COBRA Activity Folder (COBRA) activity folder.


Refer to the following tasks that you can performed using the COBRA Benefits transaction: