Manage Benefits (MBENF)

The Manage Benefits (MBENF) page allows you to manage an employee's current benefit enrollments, and view other eligible benefits.

Field InformationField Information

The Auto Enrollment Benefit flag signifies whether employees with this benefit policy type should be enrolled in a benefit plan automatically.

If on the Benefit Policy Type (BPLT) page, the Auto Enrollment Flag is set to Yes, the benefit plan specified on the Auto Enrollment Deduction Plan field will be automatically enrolled to the employee. If the Auto Enrollment Flag is set to No, the auto-enrollment process is not allowed. This field must be set to No if the Employee Override Allowed field on the Employee Fringe Benefit Plan (BENP) or the Employer Fringe Benefit Plan (EFBP) page is set to Required.

You can perform the following actions on this page:

  • Create Benefit Enrollment - This action transitions you to the Create Benefit Enrollment (ENRL) transaction.

  • Waive Benefit - The Waive Benefit button allows you to waive a benefit which means an employee will not be enrolled in a benefit. If selected, it indicates that the enrollment designates that the employee is waiving the coverage and the Benefit Type Class. If a benefit offers an incentive for waiving the benefit, the employee will be automatically enrolled into a benefit that will generate the incentive amount.

  • Benefit Statement Trigger - This action transitions you to the Benefits Statement Trigger (BSTG) transaction.

  • Select the Edit row-level action to modify or update your existing benefit enrollment details. This action transitions you to the Benefits Enrollment (ENRL) transaction.