Setting Up HIPAA

As part of the implementation of the HIPAA process, your site must identify the Employee Fringe Benefits offered that should qualify for HIPAA Certificates. For more information about each reference table, refer to the appropriate section of the Reference Page Overview.

Perform the following steps for the functional setup required to ensure proper HIPAA Processing:

  1. Create a list of all Employee Fringe Benefits that should qualify for HIPAA Certificates.

  2. On the Benefit Report Control (BRCT) page, create a Benefit Report ID called ‘HIPAA’. using the following information:

  3. Benefit Report ID: HIPAA

  4. Benefit Report Title 01: HIPAA INTERFACE

  1. Once you have the list of Fringe Benefits that you have determined will be HIPAA eligible, identify the Benefit Type Class Codes for these Benefits. This information will be available on the Employee Fringe Benefit Type (BENT) page.

  2. Update the Benefit Type Class Code (BTCL) page for each of the Codes you have selected to include at least one Benefit Report ID of ‘HIPAA’.  

Note: As a general rule, you will find that most of the BTCL codes that have been identified as a class covered by COBRA, will also be HIPAA eligible Benefit Classes.