Benefits Processing Reference Pages

The Benefits Processing business area includes many references pages. The reference pages for Benefits Processing are loaded in a predetermined order. Refer to the "Table Loading Order" topic for the order that the reference pages should be set up. Refer to the "COBRA References Pages" topic for a list of the COBRA reference pages.

Reference Page Name

Reference Page Code


Auto Benefit Change


Specifies the deduction type and plans an employee is to be enrolled in based on their benefit policy, as well as which benefit deductions the employee is no longer to be enrolled in.

Auto Retirement Change


Used to specify the deduction type and plans that an employee is to be enrolled or not enrolled in based on the employee’s current retirement type and plan they are enrolled in.

Benefit Cost by FTE Percentages


Stores the employer’s cost as a percentage or as a fixed amount for varying FTE ranges by the benefit type/benefit plan.

Benefits Include-Exclude Deduction Category


The Benefits Include/Exclude Deduction Category (BPDC) page allows you to define benefit deduction categories into common categories for inclusion or exclusion of benefits.

Benefits Include/Exclude Pay Category


The Benefits Include/Exclude Pay Category (BPPC) page allows you to define benefit pay categories into common categories for inclusion or exclusion of benefits.

Benefit Plan Class


Allows you to define the codes that group benefit plans.

Benefit Policy Type


Allows you to identify the valid benefit type and plan combinations included in a particular benefit policy.

Benefit Report Control


Allows you to identify valid benefit report IDs.

Benefit Type Class


Provides the highest level of aggregation for benefit programs (for example, benefit types).

Benefit Type Class Include/Exclude


Allows you to define the Benefit Plans that can be selected in the Benefit Enrollment Wizard by the employees.

Benefit Type Sub-Class


Allows you to define codes that further group a benefit type class.

Downloadable Forms for Administrator


This page allows you to create and maintain Downloadable Forms.

Electronic ACA Tracking



Allows you to query employees who have opted out of printing ACA forms.  

Employee Benefit Contribution Level


The Employee Benefit Contribution Level (EBCL) page defines salary ranges and contribution percentages for Benefit Type and Benefit Plan combinations to support the New Jersey local government health routine.

Employee Benefits Enrollment Administrator


Must be set up in order for Open Enrollment to work correctly.  Here the administrator outlines for each Department and Deduction Policy combination the Start and End Dates for open enrollment.  

Employee Fringe Benefit Plan


Allows you to define benefit plans for employee fringe benefits, including pension information.

Employee Fringe Benefit Type


Allows you to define employee deduction types that are considered employee fringe benefits.



The Employer (EMPR) page allows you to define information about an employer of a spouse, dependent, or beneficiary.

Employer Fringe Benefit Plan



Allows you to define benefit plans for employer fringe benefits, including pension information. A benefit type may have one or more benefit plans associated with it.

Employer Fringe Benefit Type


Allows you to define fringe benefit types for the employer's contribution towards a benefit.

Employer Fringe Include Exclude Deduction Category


The Employer Fringe Include Exclude Deduction Category (EFDC) page allows you to define and maintain the codes for Employer Fringe Include/Exclude Deduction Categories.

Employer Fringe Include Exclude Pay Category


The Employer Fringe Include Exclude Pay Category (EFPC) page allows you to define and maintain the codes for Employer Fringe Include/Exclude Pay Categories.

Insurance Company


The Insurance Company (INSC) page allows you to define the codes that identify insurance companies that are recognized by your site.

Life Event Benefit Eligibility


This Life Event Benefit Eligibility (LIFEBE) reference page allows you to configure valid Benefit Types and Benefit Plans for a Life Event Type and Life Event Sub-Type. When configured, the plans will be the only ones available to the user within the Life Event Benefit Wizard.

Life Event Sub-Type


The Life Event Sub-Type (LIFES) reference page allows you  to create Life Event Sub-Types to be used within the Life Event Benefit Wizard.

Life Insurance Question


The Life Insurance Question (ELIQ) reference page allows the HRM coordinator to specify which life insurance benefit deduction types and plans will be displayed to the employee in the Benefits Enrollment Wizard based on the answer to the Tobacco/Nicotine Question and Gender value fields on the ELIQ reference page.



This page allows you to define the codes that describe the relationship of an individual (for example, an applicant or beneficiary) to an employee.  

Retirement Contribution Code


The Retirement Contribution Code (RTCC) page allows you to record and view information pertaining to contribution codes used by payroll processing for pension system payments.

Retirement Pay Category


The Retirement Pay Category (RPCC) page allows you to define valid retirement pay category codes.