Setting up the Auto Retirement Change

The Auto Retirement Change (ARTCG) page allows the HRM administrator to specify deduction types and plans that an employee should be enrolled in or not enrolled in based on the Retirement Type and Plan that they are currently enrolled in.

Several reference tables are used to setup benefits. For more information about each reference table, refer to the appropriate section of the Reference Page Overview. To set up the auto retirement change, open the ARTCG page and perform the following steps:

  1. Select the Create button.

  2. Complete the header information above the New - Current Retirement/Type/Plan Changes section.

  • Coverage to Start – CVL is available for the administrator to specify the period in which the employee’s benefit coverage and deduction is to begin. This is a required field. The administrator has the following CVL options available to select from:

  • PENS Effective Date = Use the PENS effective date.

  • Current Pay Period End Date = Use the pay period end date of the employee’s current pay period.

  • Next Pay Period = Use the first day of the next Pay Period from the employee’s current pay period.

  • First of Next Month = Use the first day of the next month from the PENS effective date.

  • First of the Second Month = Use the first day of the second month from the PENS effective date.

  • Retro – A Retro check box is available to specify if the Auto Change batch job is to use the assignment effective date specified on the PENS even if it is a prior date from when the batch job is being run.

If the PENS effective date that was submitted to generate a benefit policy change is not within the current pay period being processed when the Auto Change batch job is run, the Auto Change batch job will use the effective date on the PENS even if it is prior to the current pay period.

If the Retro check box is not checked (false), then the Auto Change batch job will use the pay period end date of the pay period being processed by the Auto Change batch job according to the PERD. The Auto Change batch job will identify the first PERD where the Run GTN is checked true and use that pay period start and end period.

  1. Complete the New - Current Retirement/Type/Plan Changes section. 

  2. New - Current Retirement Type – The new – current retirement type the employee is now enrolled in. This is a required field.

  3. New – Current Retirement Plan – The new – current retirement plan the employee is now enrolled in. This is a required field.

  4. New – Current Deduction Type – The new – current deduction type the employee is to be enrolled in based on the retirement type and plan the employee is now enrolled in.

  5. New – Current Deduction Plan – The new – current deduction plan the employee is to be enrolled in based on the retirement type and plan the employee is now enrolled in.

  1. Complete the Prior Deduction/Type/Plan Changes section. 

  2. Prior Deduction Type – The deduction type the employee is to no longer be enrolled in based on the retirement type and plan the employee is now enrolled in.

  3. Prior Deduction Plan – The deduction plan the employee is to no longer be enrolled in based on the retirement type and plan the employee is now enrolled in.

*Note: An employee does not have to have a prior deduction type and plan to have a new deduction type and plan specified. And, an employee does not have to have a new deduction type and plan when a prior deduction type and plan were specified.

  1. Click Save.