Setup for New Hire Enrollment

To use the New Hire Enrollments, the following entries are required in CGI Advantage HRM:

  • Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) - ESS NEW HIRE ENROLLMENT - Selecting the Yes/No Flag check box for this parameter makes the New Hire Enrollment options available in the  Benefits Enrollment center page. The Numeric Value should be used to specify the number of days from the Employee's Original Appointment Date that the employee will be eligible to participate in New Hire Enrollment. This value should not be set to zero or to a negative value. When the specified number of days has lapsed, the employee will not be able to enter the Benefits Enrollment Wizard as a new hire because the enrollment option will no longer be displayed.

  • New Hire Calendar Date (NEWHCLDT) - The New Hire Calendar Date (NEWHCLDT) page is used by the New Hire Enrollment process. On this page an HR Administrator can assign for each Department and Benefit Policy combination the date parameters for new hire enrollment for separate periods of time for any eligible benefit. This page is useful for situations where groups of new hires (hired within a specified period) should all become eligible for a benefit at the same time. A ’*****’ value can be used to indicate a universal policy for either Department or Benefit Policy. For example, if a Benefit Policy had the same date parameters for all departments, then the administrator only makes one entry using ’*****’ as the Department field value. If one department requires different parameters, then a separate entry can be made for that department. The look up is done first by From Date, Department, and Benefit Policy, then by From Date and Department, and lastly just by From Date until an entry is found.

For more information on setting up this page, refer to the New Hire Calendar Date (NEWHCLDT) topic.

New Hire Enrollment for Employees with a Probationary Period

In certain cases, a site may not wish to grant an employee access to the New Hire Enrollment option until he or she has completed a probationary period, In this case where the employee is hired in a probationary status, the New Hire Enrollment access period will start at end of the probation period set on the employee's profile. If the Probation Required check box is selected on the Personnel Action (PACT) code and the Probation Start Date and Probation End Date fields are established on the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction, then the New Hire Enrollment will be delayed by the length of the probationary period. Once the employee is moved to a full-time status by another Personnel Action code, where the Probation Required check box is not selected on the PACT table, then employee will be eligible for New Hire Enrollment.

If the probationary dates specified on the Employee Status Maintenance have passed, an employee will still not be allowed to the New Hire Enrollment option when the employee remains in a probationary status based on his last personnel action (i.e. where Probation Required check box is selected/true on PACT). The New Hire Enrollment can only start when probation period has ended and the employee has a non-probationary personnel action processed to update his profile.