One Time Deduction (OTDED)

The One Time Deduction transaction allows you to generate special "one- time" only deductions. Unlike permanent deductions which are taken from an employee's pay check every pay period, one-time deductions are taken from the employee's pay only once. One-time deductions can be positive or negative: a positive one-time deduction reduces an employee's net pay and a negative one-time deduction increases an employee's net pay. The One Time Deduction Allowed field on the Deduction Plan (DPLN) page determines if a one-time deduction can be taken for the deduction type and plan specified.

The One Time Deduction transaction has the following tabs:

One Time DeductionOne Time Deduction

This tab is used to enter header details for a one time deduction, such as Employee ID, and add or replace information in the Add/Replace field.

The Modified On and Modified By field displays the last update time of each record in the table along with the User ID that made the update.

One Time Deduction DetailOne Time Deduction Detail

This tab is used to enter one-time deduction details such as deduction type, deduction plan, and event date.

Note: The One Time Deduction transaction is enabled with Inbound and Outbound API to facilitate seamless integration with any third-party system/application.

This OTDED API provides following endpoints and methods:

  • POST IMPORT - allows users to import an OTDED transaction via inbound.

  • PATCH UPDATE - allows users to update an existing OTDED transaction.

  • PATCH SUBMIT - allows the user to submit an existing OTDED transaction in draft status.

  • PATCH CANCEL - allows users to cancel/delete an existing transaction that is in draft status.

  • GET EXPORT - allows users to fetch the field-based details via outbound integration.

The following points must be determined while using OTDED API:

  • The API key/token needs to be generated before the use of API.

  • Make sure that the following mandatory fields are entered in the API body.

  • Deduction Type

  • Deduction Plan

  • Employee ID

  • Add/Replace

  • Event Date

  • Transaction ID (Manual or Automatic)

  • Line number

  • Valid DEDT and DPLN should be selected

  • Employee ID must be valid.

  • Employee Department must be active.

  • Employee Status to be active.

  • From Date must be within time slice.

  • For Update, Submit, and Cancel make sure the existing transaction is in ‘Draft’ status.

  • Reference data export through API from Deduction Type, Deduction Plan and Employee has also been enabled to facilitate this OTDED integration.

The One Time Deduction transaction can be created in the following ways:

  • Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.

  • Select the Create One Time Deduction row-level action on the Pending Deduction tab of the Deduction Management (DEDM) activity folder.


Refer to the following topics that contains the instruction on the tasks that can be performed using the One-time Deduction transaction: