Benefits Enrollment Wizard - Adding/Modifying Beneficiaries

The Life Insurance benefits may allow you to designate beneficiaries. This is determined by your employer.  If allowed, you will be presented with the Designate Beneficiary action under the Enroll Benefits grid of the Life Insurance page.  The Designate Beneficiary pop-up window allows you to see your existing dependent(s), add a person who is not a dependent as a beneficiary, or to specify a Trust as the beneficiary.  

The Designate Beneficiary page displays the beneficiary's name, relationship to you, whether the beneficiary should be a primary or secondary beneficiary, and the percent of distribution for the primary and secondary beneficiaries.  

Designating Existing BeneficiariesDesignating Existing Beneficiaries

If the list of beneficiaries contains all the people you wish to designate as beneficiaries for this benefit, follow these steps:

  1. For each person who is to be designated as a beneficiary, you will need to specify if they are to be a primary beneficiary or a secondary beneficiary. Select either the Primary or the Secondary under the Beneficiary Type column.

  2. For each Primary beneficiary, enter the Primary Percent of Distribution amount.  The total Percent of Distribution for all primary beneficiaries must total 100%.  For example, if you only have one primary beneficiary, such as a spouse, you would enter 100 for the Primary Percent of Distribution.  If you have two primary beneficiaries, you would divide the percentage between them (such as 50/50, 40/60, etc.).  As you enter each percentage, the Total Primary Percent of Distribution will be refreshed with the total amount.  This total amount must equal 100.

  3. For each Secondary beneficiary, enter the Secondary Percent of Distribution amount.  The total Percent of Distribution for all secondary beneficiaries must total 100%.  For example, if you only have one secondary beneficiary, such as one child, you would enter 100 for the Secondary Percent of Distribution.  If you have multiple secondary beneficiaries, you would divide the percentage between them (such as 50/50, 20/20/20/20, etc.).  As you enter each percentage, the Total Secondary Percent of Distribution will be refreshed with the total amount.  This total amount must equal 100.

If you wish to add a beneficiary that is not displayed in the list on this Designate Beneficiary page, select the Add icon and enter the information for the beneficiary.  Refer the instructions under Adding a New Beneficiary below for further information.

Adding a New BeneficiaryAdding a New Beneficiary

If you wish to add a beneficiary that is not listed on the Designate Beneficiaries page, perform these steps:

  1. Select the Add icon from the top of the page.  A new row will be inserted.  On this row, you can enter the necessary information for the beneficiary, including the beneficiary's name, suffix, birth date, gender, relationship, and social security number (SSN) (or select the SSN Applied For check box if the SSN number has not yet been assigned). This page also allows you to specify a Trust as a beneficiary.  

  2. Enter the information for the Beneficiary. Do not enter information in the fields Trust unless the beneficiary is to be a Trust. Date of Trust, and Trustee fields unless the beneficiary is to be a Trust.

  3. If a Trust is being specified as a beneficiary, only the Trust (name of the Trust), Date of Trust (date the trust was established), Trustee (person who holds or manages the assets for the trust), and Relationship fields should be entered; all other fields should be left blank. The Relationship should be one that indicates a Trust.

  4. Select Save to save your changes and you will be navigated to the Benefits Enrollment Wizard. Select Cancel or close X icon to discard the changes and you will be navigated to the Benefits Enrollment wizard page without saving your changes.

  5. Your beneficiary will not be displayed in the list of beneficiaries on the Designate Beneficiaries page until you add them as an existing dependent.  Follow the instructions above for "Designating Existing Beneficiaries" for further instructions.


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