Benefits Summary Landing
The Benefits Summary Landing Page allows you to view/modify information regarding your benefits enrollments, dependents, and beneficiaries. The Benefits Summary carousel allows you to perform the following functions:
Benefits and Deduction SummaryBenefits and Deduction Summary
The Benefits and Deduction Summary section displays your current, future, and past enrollments summary. This page allows you to view the changes that were made to benefits enrollment through the Benefits Enrollment Wizard, such as the dollar amount enrolled in flexible spending accounts, the total cost of dollar-based benefits and deductions, the total cost of percent-based benefits and deductions, your dependents that are covered for particular benefits, benefits that were waived during the enrollment, or deductions that were unenrolled during the enrollment process.
You can perform the following actions on this page:
Back - This button will take you to the previous page.
Benefits Enrollment Wizard - Select the Benefits Enrollment Wizard button on the top right-hand side corner of the page, to navigate to the Benefits Enrollment center. Refer to the Benefits Enrollment Wizard topic for detailed information on enrolling into benefits.
Search - Select the Current, Future, or Past drop-down value in the Time Period field to see your current, future, and past enrollments.
This page displays the following sections:
Benefit EnrollmentsBenefit Enrollments
This section displays the information related to the benefits in which you are enrolled (either active or inactive enrollments). Select the Expand icon for the selected row to view the detailed information.
This section contains your personal deductions (either active or inactive), for example a credit union or charity deduction. Select the Expand icon for the selected row to view the detailed information.
Dependent Benefit CoveragesDependent Benefit Coverages
This section contains information related to the benefit coverages in which your dependents are enrolled, (either active or inactive). Select the Expand icon for the selected row to view the detailed information.
Active Dependent Coverages - contains information related to dependents with active benefit coverages, including those dependent coverages existing prior to the completion of the Benefits Enrollment Wizard (whether changed or not) and those dependent coverages added through the Benefits Enrollment Wizard.
Inactive Dependent Benefit Coverages - contains information related to dependents whose benefit coverages have been terminated through the Benefits Enrollment Wizard.
Manage Dependent ProfilesManage Dependent Profiles
Select the Manage Dependent Profile tile from the carousal to view your dependents details.
You can perform the following actions on this page:
Back - This button will take you to the previous page.
Benefits Enrollment Wizard - Select the Benefits Enrollment Wizard button on the top right-hand side corner of the page, to navigate to the Benefits Enrollment center. Refer to the Benefits Enrollment Wizard topic for detailed information on enrolling into benefits.
Select the Edit row-level action to modify or update your existing dependent’s details. This transitions you to the Employee Dependent Profile (EDPND) transaction. This transaction is only available for the employee role.
Note: You can also add or update the dependent information while enrolling into benefits such as Deferred Compensation or Life Insurance via Benefits Enrollment Wizard, refer to the Benefits Enrollment Wizard - Adding/Modifying Dependents topic for more information.
Manage Beneficiary DesignationManage Beneficiary Designation
Select the Manage Beneficiary Designation tile from the carousal to create or update your beneficiaries.
You can perform the following actions on this page.
Back - This button will take you to the previous page.
Benefits Enrollment Wizard - Select the Benefits Enrollment Wizard button on the top right-hand side corner of the page, to navigate to the Benefits Enrollment center. Refer to the Benefits Enrollment Wizard topic for detailed information on enrolling into benefits.
Select the Create action to add your beneficiary’s details. This transitions you to the Beneficiary Designation (BDES) transaction.
Select the Edit row-level action to modify or update your existing beneficiary’s details. This transitions you to the Beneficiary Designation (BDES) transaction.
Manage Manage ACA Information
The Manage ACA Information page allows you to select whether or not you would like to receive your ACA Forms electronically instead of a paper form.
This section allows you to download the generated ACA form for a specific year. Upon selecting the Attachment icon, the system gives you an option to download the ACA form.
To opt out of receiving the paper distribution, in the Electronic ACA section, set the Would you like to go and receive your ACA forms electronically? filed option to Yes, select the Save Preference button giving your consent to opt out of paper distributions of ACA forms. After submitting your consent to opt out, you will receive a message that your Paperless consent option has been updated and the Effective Date on the ACA section will be updated with the date you submitted your consent. Once you opt for receiving the ACA electronically, you will no longer receive a paper copy of your ACA forms. However, a PDF version of your form will be available for you to view, print, or download as needed.
If you wish to change the Paperless option back so that you will once again receive paper versions of your ACA forms, set the Would you like to go and receive your ACA forms electronically? field option back to No, and select the Save Preference button. Beginning with the next year, you will begin receiving the paper distribution again.
You can perform the following actions on this page.
Back - This button will take you to the previous page.
Benefits Enrollment Wizard - Select the Benefits Enrollment Wizard button on the top right-hand side corner of the page, to navigate to the Benefits Enrollment center. Refer to the Benefits Enrollment Wizard topic for detailed information on enrolling into benefits.