Benefits Enrollment Wizard
What is the Benefits Enrollment Wizard?What is the Benefits Enrollment Wizard?
The Benefits Enrollment Wizard is an electronic enrollment process that enables you to enroll yourself and any eligible dependents into the various employee benefit programs. Your organization can specify whether you can perform electronic enrollments for being newly hired to the organization, for an open enrollment period, or for a life event. Also you can enroll into various voluntary deductions options.
How do I access the Benefits Enrollment Wizard?How do I access the Benefits Enrollment Wizard?
You can access the Benefits Enrollment Wizard in the following ways:
Select the Benefits card from the employee Home page and then select the Benefits Enrollment Wizard button from the Benefits Summary page.
Select the primary navigation panel and select the Manage Employee Information business process. Select the View Benefits and select one of the function from the three options: Benefits and Deduction Summary, Manage Dependent Profile, and Manage Beneficiary Designation and select the Benefits Enrollment Wizard button.
Select the primary navigation panel and select the Manage Employee Information business process. Select the Manage Employee Information Landing Page. The Manage Employee Information Home page will be displayed and from here you can select the Benefits card.
How can I enroll into the Benefits Enrollment?How can I enroll into the Benefits Enrollment?
You can perform the following steps to launch and enroll into benefits through the Benefits Enrollment Wizard.
Select the Benefits Enrollment Wizard button on the left-hand side top corner of the page, to navigate to the Benefits Enrollment center. The Benefits Enrollment center displays the type of enrollments for which you are eligible, and the Access Expires on, which is the date on or before you must complete an Open or Life Event enrollment. You will only be presented with the enrollment types for which you are eligible. For instance, if you are not a new hire, then the New Hire Enrollment option will not be displayed.
Select the type of enrollment you want to perform by selecting the enrollment type option card:
Open Enrollment - An open enrollment period for benefits selections is typically offered annually by employers, to allow you to make changes to your insurance coverage.
The Access Expires on field will be shown on the card to display the date on or before you should complete the open enrollment.
Life Event Enrollment - A specified period during which enrollment changes can be made due to life event changes. Select this card if your current election needs to be changed because of a life event. You will be navigated to Life event page.
Select the appropriate Life Event Type and Life Event Sub-Type (if configured at your site) from the drop down menu. Available Life Event Types are:
Insurance Eligibility
Job Change
Marital Status Change
Qualified Child Support Order
Enter the Date of Life Event (the date the event took place). This date should be in the past, unless future date enrollment is allowed on Life Event Enrollment by the administrator.
The Access Expires on field will display the date on or before you should complete the life event enrollment.
Personal Deductions - Select this option to make changes to your voluntary deductions. Personal deductions can be viewed or changed at any time, regardless of any other enrollment periods. There is no restriction on the number of days you have to complete this type of enrollment as Personal Deductions do not have a limited enrollment time period.
Select the Continue button to transition to the next page of the Benefits Enrollment Wizard.
If you wish to continue the enrollment process at a later time, select the Exit button. Once you re-enter to the wizard, you will be redirected to last completed step.
Once the Benefits Enrollment Wizard is launched, you can continue with the Benefits Enrollment pages. Refer to the Benefits Enrollment Pages topic for detailed information on the various enrollments that you are eligible to enroll.
Some benefits may allow you to designate beneficiaries or enroll your dependents, where you will be presented with the actions related to that.
Once you have completed enrolling into benefits, you will be navigated to the Personal Deductions page. The Personal Deductions page allows you to view and select the personal deductions that are available and the deductions you have already selected on the same page.
The summary page allows you to review the benefits and personal deductions you have selected to enroll in before you finally submit your selections.
From the summary page, if you want, you can make any changes to your selections by navigating to the respective benefit page using the Previous button. You can also do so by clicking on the benefit step and jumping directly to the benefit step that requires a change.
Select the Submit Enrollment button to submit your enrollments selections as final.
Upon selecting the Submit Enrollment button you will be required to acknowledge that you agree to the deductions you have selected to enroll in.
If you face any issues while enrolling into benefits, you can reach out to your Benefits Administrator. The Benefits Administrator can enter the wizard and make necessary changes, if required, to resolve the issue. Once the issue is resolved you can continue the enrollment process and submit your enrollment.
Note: Only one user can access the Benefits Enrollment wizard at a time. Once the Benefits Administrator enters into the wizard, you will not be able to access the wizard and it will be locked for all types of enrollment. If you try to enter into the wizard and select the Continue button a message will be displayed indicating that your Benefits Enrollment Wizard is locked by the Benefits Administrator for review.
If you are inside the Benefits Enrollment wizard and the Benefits Administrator enters the wizard at the same time, the wizard will be locked for you. When you select the Continue or Previous button a message will be displayed indicating that your Benefits Enrollment Wizard is locked by the Benefits Administrator for review. Please exit the wizard and you can return once it is released by the Benefits Administrator to see the changes made by him/her.
For detailed information on each step in the Benefits Enrollment Wizard, select one of the following options below:
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