Benefits Enrollment Pages

The Benefits enrollment pages of the Benefits Enrollment Wizard allow you to waive or enroll into selected benefits depending on your employer's requirements. Enrollment benefits are sorted on each page of wizard by benefit type, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance.  For instance, all medical benefits for which you are eligible to enroll will be displayed on one page (Benefits Enrollment- Medical) while all dental benefits will be displayed on a separate page (Benefits Enrollment - Dental). 

Listed below are examples of some of the Benefits Enrollment - benefits type pages available in the wizard.

  • Medical

  • Dental

  • Vision

  • Health Care Spending Account

  • Life Insurance

  • Long Term Disability

  • Pension

Other pages that might be displayed as Benefit options include: Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Deferred compensation, Dependent Care Spending Account, Long Term Disability-Health, Short Term Disability and Survivor Income Benefits.

For more detailed information on each of the Benefits Enrollment page level action and information refer the following topics below:

Benefits Enrollment Wizard Carousel Benefits Enrollment Wizard Carousel

Benefits Enrollment Wizard provides a carousal that helps you to navigate through the various benefits enrollment pages. The left and right arrow button allows you to move through the carousal.

Total Employee/Employer CostTotal Employee/Employer Cost

This information pane displays you the total employee cost and total employer cost till the completed benefit pages as you enroll into the benefits.

Current Enrollment Grid SectionCurrent Enrollment Grid Section

This section displays a grid line with detailed information about the benefits (Primary/Secondary) that you are currently enrolled. This section displays the details such as the Enrolled Benefit Type, Current Plan, Coverage Level, Dependents Covered, Employee Cost and Employer Cost.

Manage BenefitsManage Benefits

This section allows you to enroll into or waive the selected benefit type. In this section based on your selection the other fields will appear. For example, on the Medical benefits type, if you select the check box for Waive Benefits, the Choose Benefits field will be disabled and the Waive Incentive Amount associated (if any) with the medical benefit Type will be displayed.

Similarly, if you choose the benefit and the coverage level as dependent, then all other fields and sections related to the benefit will appear.

Waive BenefitWaive Benefit

If you have an option to elect to waive a benefit, which means you choose not to enroll in a benefit, a check box to waive the benefit will be displayed.  Select this check box to waive the benefit. If a benefit offers an incentive for waiving the benefit, you will be automatically enrolled into a benefit that will generate the incentive amount.

Note:  Not all organizations offer an incentive for waiving a benefit.

Goal Oriented DeductionGoal Oriented Deduction

  •  Goal Amount- The Goal Amount field varies depending on the benefit selected.

  • In some cases, you will not be able to change the Goal Amount, whereas in other cases, you will be able to specify a Goal Amount.

  • If you can change the goal amount to achieve, you will be required to select the Calculate Cost button to see the amount you will pay per pay period to meet the goal you specified. The Employee Cost field will be updated to show how much you will be contributing to meet the goal specified.

  • If you can change the field value you will be required to select the Calculate Cost button to refresh the calculated fields (Employee Cost, Check Goal date is met on).

  • Employee Cost- This field can be a set employee contribution amount per paycheck that is not changeable by you; or this field can be changeable by you to allow you to specify how much you want to contribute per paycheck to meet the goal. If you can change the field value, you will be required to select the Calculate Cost button to refresh the summary section.

  • Number of Paychecks - This fields provides the information about the number of paychecks in which the entered Goal amount has to be distributed. If the Number of paychecks is not set by your employer then by default the number of paychecks will equal to remaining number of pay cycles from the deduction begin date.  For example, if you enter a goal amount of $5,000.00, and select the Calculate Cost button, the deduction calculation logic will take into account when the deduction will begin and being taken from your pay check and the frequency for which the deduction is set up (for this example, it will be semi-monthly). The number of paychecks for the year will be 24 for semi-monthly deduction frequency for the complete year. Hence, the employee cost amount would return: $5,000.00 / 24 = $208.33.

Also, if allowed, the user can enter the value of the number of paychecks and the entered number of paychecks should be less than or equal to the number of pay cycles left from the deduction begin date.

  • Deduction Frequency - This field provides the information about the frequency with which the deductions will be taken. This field is based on the Pay cycle frequency of the user.

  • Check Goal Date is met on - This field provides the information about the date when the Goal will be met. This field is calculated based on the Deduction Frequency and the Number of Paychecks fields, after the user selects the Calculate Cost button.

  • Maximum Goal Amount - This fields provides the information about the Maximum amount of the Goal that you can enter. The entered Goal Amount should be less than or equal to the value under the Maximum Goal Amount.

Cafeteria Contribution AvailableCafeteria Contribution Available

If you are currently enrolled or select to enroll in a Cafeteria Benefit program, the Benefits Enrollment Wizard will display a running balance of the Cafeteria Benefit Contribution monies that are available to be applied towards your Cafeteria Benefits.

Cafeteria Benefits based on Medical Plan coverage level

On the Benefits – Medical page, the initial Cafeteria Contribution Available balance will be 0.00 until you select a Coverage Level. Once you select a Coverage Level, the Cafeteria Contribution Available field will be updated to reflect the remaining Cafeteria Contribution available to cover additional Cafeteria Benefits. As you select to enroll in additional Cafeteria Benefits the Cafeteria Contribution Available field will be updated each time you select to enroll in a Cafeteria Benefit.

Cafeteria benefits based on a percentage of your salary

On the Benefits – Medical page, as you select to enroll in Cafeteria Benefits the Cafeteria Contribution Available field will be updated each time you select to enroll in a Cafeteria Benefit.

To transition to the next page in the Benefits Enrollment Wizard, select the Continue button. Your enrollment selections/changes will be saved and you will be notified immediately by the wizard if there are any errors that need to be corrected.  If there are no errors, you will be presented with the next page in the Benefits Enrollment Wizard.

Choose BenefitChoose Benefit

The Choose Benefit field displays the list of benefit types, for example CIGNA HMO, MEDICAL PREMIUM. Select the benefit type in which you wish to enroll.

Coverage LevelCoverage Level

The Coverage Level field displays the eligible coverage levels associated with each benefit type. Select the coverage level in which you wish to enroll.

Choose PlanChoose Plan

The Choose Plan field displays the benefit plan associated with each benefit type. Select the benefit plan in which you wish to enroll.

Deduction RateDeduction Rate

The content in Deduction Rate varies depending on the benefit that you have selected:

  • If the benefit is rate based (meaning the deduction is based off a percentage) and you are allowed to change this rate, this field will contain the Deduction Rate and a Calculate Cost button. You can enter your desired deduction rate and update the Employee Cost by selecting the Calculate Cost button.

  • If the benefit is rate based (meaning the deduction is based off a percentage) but this rate cannot be altered, this column will display the required Deduction Rate (non-editable) and a Calculate Cost button for this benefit. You can update the Employee Cost by selecting the Calculate Cost button.

  • If the benefit is dollar based (meaning the deduction is based on a set dollar amount) but the amount cannot be altered, the Deduction Rate field will not appear.

Primary Care Physician Primary Care Physician

Some benefits may require that a Primary Care Physician (PCP) be specified. If required, the Primary Care Physician and Primary Care Physician Look-up fields will be displayed.  Otherwise, these fields will not appear. If these fields do appear, enter the PCP Name.  If you do not know the PCP Name, you may select web link under Primary Care Physician Look-up, which will take you to another browser to locate a PCP.  You will not lose your place within the Benefits Enrollment Wizard upon closing the web link.  Once located, manually enter the name of the PCP Name as this will not automatically be inferred.

Employee CostEmployee Cost

The amount that you (the employee) are responsible for paying.

If the benefit is flat amount, dollar based and non-Goal Oriented (meaning the deduction is based on a set dollar amount) and you are allowed to change this amount if the override is allowed. Apart from the flat amount, dollar based and non-Goal Oriented benefit, this field will always be non-editable.

Employer CostEmployer Cost

Employer Cost is the amount that the employer is contributing to your benefit cost.

Deduction FrequencyDeduction Frequency

The frequency in which the deduction will be taken. For example, Semi-monthly paycheck, Bi-weekly paycheck, or Weekly paycheck.

Enroll DependentsEnroll Dependents

The Enroll Dependents section allows you to enroll the dependents into the benefit and add a new dependent or update an existing dependent's details. This section is displayed only if you have selected the coverage level which requires to enroll the dependents on the benefits.

If you select the Add Dependents Benefits Coverage button, you will be presented with an Enroll Dependents window. Select the check box associated with the dependent(s) you wish to enroll for the benefit coverage and select the Enroll button. Once you select the Enroll button, the selected dependents will be shown under the Enroll Dependents grid.

If you select the Manage Dependents button, you will be presented with a Manage Dependents window. Select the Add Record icon to insert a new dependent record. You can select the Expand icon to add details for a new record or update the dependent details for an existing dependent. Once you have made all your changes, select the Save button to save your changes and you will be navigated to the Benefits enrollment page. Select the Cancel button or close X icon to cancel the changes and return to the Benefits Enrollment page.

At the bottom of the page the Enroll Dependents’ grid section displays a list of individuals who will be enrolled for coverage for the specified benefit.  For instance, if the benefit allows dependents, then previously enrolled dependents are displayed (in case of passive enrollment) to allow you to continued the coverage or to cancel enrollment for any dependent that is no longer to be covered by the benefit.  Another example, if the benefit is for Dependent only, you will see the dependent's details that you have opted to cover from the Enroll Dependents window after selecting the Add Dependents Benefits Coverage. The Cancel Enrollment option will be provided in order to remove the dependent from the benefits coverage.

Removing the dependent from this benefit coverage will not alter any information for your established dependents, but will only remove the dependent from this particular benefit coverage.

For information on each step in the Benefits Enrollment Wizard, select one of the following options below:

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