Benefits Enrollment Wizard - Life Insurance Benefits Enrollment

The Life Insurance enrollment page allows you to select and calculate your cost to enroll into a Life Insurance plan. The cost you will incur will be calculated based on the information you enter, such as whether you are selecting for employee only, spouse only, and/or dependents. Select one of the options below for more information.

Life Insurance Benefit – Employee OnlyLife Insurance Benefit – Employee Only

The Employee Only life insurance benefits may take into account any or all of the following information:

  • The age of the employee

  • The employee's annual salary

  • The employee's tobacco/nicotine usage

  • The employee's gender

  • The employee's selected coverage level (typically a percentage of annual salary)

To enroll in the Employee Only life insurance coverage, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Add Benefits button, the Add Benefits pop-up window will be open containing the list of all the available Life Insurance benefits type.

  2. Select Employee Only Coverage Level for the Life Insurance plan you want to enroll.

  3. Select the drop down for the Tobacco/Nicotine Usage questionnaire, and select your level of Tobacco/Nicotine Use.

  4. The Coverage Amount will display the available coverage level plan amounts based on your answer to the Tobacco/Nicotine Use question. Select the desired Coverage Amount.

  5. Select the Enroll button to return to the Benefits Enrollment page. You can see the Employee Cost, calculated deduction amount based on the deduction frequency in the Enroll Benefits grid section.

  6. You can perform the following row-level actions for the selected Life Insurance benefits, Designate Beneficiary or Cancel Enrollment.

  7.  Select the Continue button when you are satisfied with the coverage or Exit to quit without saving your changes.

Life Insurance Benefit – Spouse OnlyLife Insurance Benefit – Spouse Only

The Spouse Only life insurance benefits may take into account any or all of the following information:

  • The age of the spouse

  • The spouse's tobacco/nicotine usage

  • The selected coverage level (amount of coverage)

To enroll in the Spouse Only life insurance coverage, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Add Benefits button, the Add Benefits pop-up window will be open containing the list of all the available Life Insurance benefits type.

  2. Select the Spouse Only Coverage Level for the Life Insurance plan you want to enroll into.

  3. Select the drop down for the Tobacco/Nicotine Usage questionnaire, and select the level of Tobacco/Nicotine Use for your spouse.

  4. The Coverage Amount will display the available coverage level plan amounts based on your answer to the Tobacco/Nicotine Use question. Select the desired Coverage Amount.

  5. Select the Enroll button to return to the Benefits Enrollment page. You can see the Employee Cost, calculated deduction amount based on the deduction frequency in the Enroll Benefits grid section.

  6. You can perform the following row-level actions for the selected Life Insurance benefits, Designate Beneficiary or Cancel Enrollment.

  7.  Select the Continue button when you are satisfied with the coverage or Exit to quit without saving your changes.

Life Insurance Benefit – Dependent OnlyLife Insurance Benefit – Dependent Only

The Dependent Only life insurance benefits may take into account any or all of the following information:

  • The selected coverage level (amount of coverage)

To enroll in the Dependent Only life insurance coverage, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Add Benefits button, the Add Benefits pop-up window will be open containing the list of all the available Life Insurance benefits type.

  2. Select the Dependent Only Coverage Level for the Life Insurance plan you want to enroll into.

  3. Select the Coverage Amount from the list of eligible coverage level plan amounts.

  4. Select the Enroll button to return to the Benefits Enrollment page.

  5. You can perform the following row-level actions for the selected Life Insurance benefits, Cancel Enrollment, Add Dependents Benefits Coverage, and Designate Beneficiary.

  6. After adding or modifying dependent details. Select the dependent you wish to enroll into the benefit.

  7. Select the Continue button when you are satisfied with the coverage or Exit to quit without saving your changes.

For information on adding or modifying Life Insurance beneficiaries, refer to Adding/Modifying Beneficiaries topic.

For information on adding or modifying Life Insurance dependents, refer to Benefits Enrollment Wizard - Adding/Modifying Dependents topic.

For information on each step in the Benefits Enrollment Wizard, select one of the following options below:

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