Benefits Enrollment Wizard - Reviewing and Submitting

After completing all the pages of the Benefits Enrollment Wizard, you will be presented with the Summary of Enrollment page.  This page displays a summary of your enrollment selections that have not yet been submitted by you.  Once you submit your enrollment you will be presented with another summary page that displays the summary of all the deductions you have elected to enroll in that have been submitted. Once you submit your enrollment the summary page will display the total employee and employer cost, reference number and summary of all the benefits and deductions you have elected in the submitted form.

This summary page allows you to review the benefits and personal deductions you have elected to enroll in before you finally submit your selections.  From this summary page you may still go back and make changes to your selections. Upon selecting the Submit Enrollment button you will be required to acknowledge that you agree to the deductions you have selected to enroll in.

The Summary page displays the following information:

Benefits EnrolledBenefits Enrolled

This Benefits Enrollment section displays the benefits in which you have enrolled in a grid.  This section displays all information such as coverage information for the deduction: who is covered by the benefit, their relationship to you, and also the Enrolled benefit type (Primary/Secondary). This section also displays the benefit's Goal Amount for a goal oriented benefit if applicable, your out-of-pocket expense (Employee Cost) per paycheck, the amount that will be contributed by your employer towards the benefit (Employer Cost), the date of the paycheck on which the deduction will end and the Coverage period start date. The Employee Out-of-Pocket Cost amount is reduced by any Cafeteria Benefit Contributions, if applicable. The Amount Paid by Employer includes the employer paid fringe benefit amount plus any Cafeteria Benefit Contributions, if applicable.

For example, if the employer fringe is $15.00 and the Cafeteria Benefit Contribution applied is $45.00, the total amount paid by employer would be $60.00. If you have chosen to waive any benefits, the benefits you have selected to waive will be displayed in the Benefits Waived section.

Personal DeductionsPersonal Deductions

The Personal Deductions section displays the personal deductions in which you have elected to enroll. This section displays the goal amount for the deduction if applicable, your out-of-pocket expense per paycheck (Employee Cost), the date of the pay check when the personal deduction will start, and the date the goal amount will be met, if applicable.

Benefits WaivedBenefits Waived

The benefits you have elected to waive are listed in the Benefits Waived section.

Enrollment Summary ActionsEnrollment Summary Actions

For information on each step in the Benefits Enrollment Wizard, select one of the following options below:

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