Benefits Enrollment Wizard - Personal Deductions Enrollment

The Personal Deductions page of the Benefits Enrollment Wizard allows you to see the personal deductions that are available and the deductions you have already selected on the same page. The Personal Deductions page is comprised of the following functions:

Enrolled Personal DeductionsEnrolled Personal Deductions

The Enrolled Personal Deductions section of the Personal Deductions page displays a list of the personal deductions in which you have selected for enrollment.  

These Deductions Selected for Enrollments displays the Deduction Types and Plans which you have selected for enrollment along with the information you selected for the deduction: Goal Amount, Deduction Amount, Number of Paychecks, Deduction Rate, Deduction Frequency, Pay Check Deduction Starts, and Check Date Goal is Met.

From this list, you can also select to Remove a deduction (by selecting through the check box and clicking on Delete icon present on the grid) or modify deduction details.

Available Personal DeductionsAvailable Personal Deductions

The Available Personal Deductions page displays a list of all the deductions that are available for your enrollment but have not been selected by you for enrollment.

The Search function allows you to search through all the available Personal Deductions in order to easily locate a specific deduction in which you wish to enroll.  To search for a deduction, type the keyword in the Search box and any matching records for your keyword in the Deduction Type or Deduction Plan will be displayed. Select one of the matching records, and then select the Search button.  Records matching the keyword will be displayed in the Available Personal Deduction grid.

Select the Reset button to clear the search keyword box and it will reset the Available Personal Deduction grid.

Once the search action is performed and the matching personal deductions are found, they will be displayed in the Available Personal Deduction grid.

Select the check box associated with the deductions and select the Enroll button to enroll into the personal deduction of your choice. You can select and enroll into multiple deduction at a time.

Once a personal deduction is selected for enrollment the personal deduction will no longer be displayed in the Available Personal Deduction grid again.

For each Deduction Type and Plan, the Deductions Available for Enrollment grid lists the following information: Goal Amount, Deduction Amount, Number of Paychecks, Deduction Rate, and Deduction Frequency.

When you select deduction enrollment, one of two things may happen.

If none of the deduction parameters (Deduction Amount, Number of Paychecks, Deduction Rate, or Deduction Frequency) for the selected personal deduction are allowed to be modified, the personal deduction will be automatically added to the Enrolled Personal Deductions grid and the deduction parameters will not be editable.

If you are allowed to modify any of the default deduction parameters for the selected personal deduction, the Enrolled Personal Deductions grid will be editable and allow you to make changes to the deduction you selected. You have to calculate the Deduction Amount by entering the relevant information and clicking on the Calculate Cost button present on against each record.

Modifying a Personal DeductionModifying a Personal Deduction

If you are enrolling into or modifying a previously selected deduction, and that deduction allows you to modify it, a deduction parameter will be displayed editable mode. You can change the information for the deduction.  The deduction fields are originally displayed with the default values that have been setup for the deduction by your employer.  If any of these settings are allowed to be changed, then these fields will be in the editable mode.

  • Deduction Amount - If the Deduction Amount can be modified, enter the amount you would like to have deducted from your paycheck.

  • Deduction Rate - If the Deduction Rate can be modified, enter the percentage to be used for the deduction. When you select the Calculate Cost button, the Deduction Amount will be calculated and displayed.

  • Number of Paychecks - This field allows you specify the number of pay check that a goal amount will be distributed across to meet the goal for the deduction. For instance, if you have a deduction with a goal amount of $1,000.00 and you specify 10 as the Number of Paychecks, the deduction amount will be $100.00 per paycheck for 10 paychecks.

  • Deduction Frequency - This field, which cannot be edited, displays the frequency in which the deduction will be taken (for example, semi-monthly, bi-weekly, annually, quarterly, every paycheck etc.).

  • Pay Check Deduction Starts - When this field can be edited, it allows you to define when the initial deduction will start being taken from your paycheck.  Select the check date from the drop down list of check dates available.

  • Check Date Goal is Met - If the deduction is associated with a goal amount, this field will display the date of the pay check when the total goal amount will be met.  This value will be displayed when you select the Calculate Cost button.

Once you have finished making your changes, select Continue button.  If you decide you do not want to make any modifications to the deduction, select the Exit button to discard your changes and return to the Personal Deductions page.  Once you click on the Continue button, the details will be saved and you will be navigated to the summary page.

For information on each step in the Benefits Enrollment Wizard, select one of the following options below:

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