Employee Dependent Profile

The Employee Dependent Profile  transaction allows you to modify and update your existing dependent’s details. This information is used to compute and track various insurance benefits.

Note: You can only modify existing dependents using the Employee Dependent Profile transaction. You can add new dependents and/or update dependent information while enrolling into benefits via Benefits Enrollment Wizard, refer to the Benefits Enrollment Wizard - Adding/Modifying Dependents topic for more information.

The Employee Dependent Profile transaction has the following sections:


This section allows you to enter personal information for the dependent such as Gender, Date of Birth, and Social Security Number. If the dependent does not have a Social Security Number, specify Yes in the SSN Applied for field.


You may select Dependent Address Same as Employee Address to use your address for the dependent or enter a different address. When entering a new address, you must fill out Street 1, City, State, Zip, and Country.

 Contact Contact

If applicable, enter your dependent’s email and phone number(s).

Current Employer InformationCurrent Employer Information

If applicable, enter the current employer information for your dependent. If you enter an Insurance Company, then Policy Number and Membership Number must be entered as well.

Current Employer AddressCurrent Employer Address

If applicable, enter the current employer address for your dependent. This information may be auto populated if you previously completed the Current Employer Information section. If not, then enter Employer Street 1, City, State, Zip, and Country.

Current Employer ContactCurrent Employer Contact

If applicable, enter the current employer contact for your dependent. This information may be auto populated if you previously completed the Current Employer Information section. If not, you may enter information as needed.