Manager Home page

The Manager Home page displays announcements and notifications from your employer, allows you to define links to key transactions and informational pop-ups, which are quick links to other areas of the application. The layout of the manager home page can be customized by your site administrator based on the business needs. Your home page may include the following information as a product baseline. The page has Quick Links that helps the manager to navigate to Missing Timesheets, Calendar, Attendance Card and Performance for the sub ordinates. The page also has a Quick Link to Organization chart of the Manager. The business process actions in the left hand side of the navigation helps the manager to view his/her subordinates Personal Information, View or Create Timesheet, Manage Absences and help him/her in managing tasks, positions and calendars.

The Manager Home page contains links to several key transactions and informational pop-ups including:

  • Worklist - Displays a list of all transactions assigned to the logged in user/manager for approval.  

  • Browsing History - Allows you to view the list of the pages you have visited recently.

  • Leave Balance Alert - Allows a manager to view leave balance information for their direct reporting employees.

  • Upcoming Leave  - Allows a manager to view the list of upcoming leaves for their direct reporting employees.

  • Upcoming Events - Allows a manager to view the list of upcoming events (birthday and service anniversary) for their direct reporting employees.

  • Expiring Licenses/Certificates - Allows a manager to view the list of License/Certificates expiring for their direct reporting employees.

  • Timesheet Certification - Allows a manager to view Certified Timesheet for their direct reporting employees.


Several Employee requests allow the manager to take managerial action on items such as approving/rejecting timesheets, overtime, leave requests, reviewing evaluations, and so on. For these requests, the number of items pending for the manager are displayed in the Worklist widget. For example, if there are three pending items requiring managerial action for leave request in the Worklist widget then the number of pending items is updated to reflect this change. Also, once the manager takes action on an item, such as approving a leave request, the number of pending items is updated to reflect this change.

The Worklist widget displays the list of all transactions assigned to the logged in user/manager to approve. The manager can approve and reject the transaction directly from the Worklist widget. Upon selecting the Transaction ID link, the manager can navigate to the corresponding transaction and from there he can approve/reject the request.

Browsing HistoryBrowsing History

This widget lists pages/transactions that have been visited recently by the logged in user. Click on the page link to navigate back to a previously visited page.

Leave Balance AlertLeave Balance Alert

The Leave Balance Alerts widget provides managers with leave balance information for their direct reporting employees, allowing them to work with employees to ensure that their leave balance threshold levels are not exceeded.

This widget provides information about when your direct reporting employees are approaching either their maximum or minimum leave thresholds.  

Upcoming LeaveUpcoming Leave

This widget displays the list of upcoming leaves that begin in the next 30 days for the employees who report to the manager.

Upcoming EventsUpcoming Events

This widget allows a manager to view the list of upcoming events such as birthdays and service anniversaries for their direct reporting employees.

Expiring Licenses/CertificatesExpiring Licenses/Certificates

This widget allows a manager to view the list of Licenses/Certificates expiring in the next 30 days for their direct reporting employees.