Onboard Employee Landing

If you are a new hire, you are required to provide a lot of information when you are onboarded in an organization.  This information can be provided before your first day of work. On the Onboarding Landing Page if you are a new hire you can view, access and complete your onboarding tasks.

You can view and perform the following functions on this page:

My Onboarding TasksMy Onboarding Tasks

The My Onboarding Tasks section displays a list of User Tasks that are assigned to you, along with the status and due date for each task. You can also view the total number of tasks assigned to you.  Task Progress Bar displays progress bar of your completed task.

Note: Each task listed on this page is created and assigned to you by the Human Resource user. The Human Resource users should refer to the “Onboarding an Employee” topic in the Recruiting and Staffing User Guide for more information.

You can perform the following actions on this page:

  • Select the Task Name link that you wish to complete.

  • You will be navigated to a page to complete the task.

  • Complete each task and select the Save & Close button to save your changes.

Company InformationCompany Information

This section displays information about company policies, forms, welcome videos and so on. This section is configurable by the organization.

My InformationMy Information

The My Information section allows you to view basic employee assignment information such as Title, Date of Hire, Home Department, and Supervisor Name.