Overtime Request

The Overtime Request (OREQ) transaction is used to enter overtime requests. This page also enables you to download the overtime requests in the .ics format that can be uploaded in your calendar application such as Microsoft Outlook, Apple and so on.

Note:  A Human Resource Administrator may create an Overtime Request transaction for an employee to record his/her overtime request via Overtime Request transaction. Human Resource users should refer to the “Overtime Request” topic in the Time and Leave User Guide for more information.

The Overtime Request transaction is line based; the user can enter a new line for each of overtime requests, thus allowing for multiple requests to be entered on one transaction. The Timesheet (TIMEI) transaction automatically populates approved Overtime Requests when the Easy Fill action is selected.

Entering a Timesheet when an Overtime Request has been ApprovedEntering a Timesheet when an Overtime Request has been Approved

When an Employee or Human Resource user submits an Overtime Request and the Overtime Request transaction has been approved, the overtime information is populated on the Timesheet. An informational message is displayed when the Timesheet transaction is opened, indicating that there are approved overtime requests. Upon selecting the Easy Fill action, the Overtime Event from the Overtime Request transaction and the hours specified are populated on the timesheet with the corresponding date.

Entering Timesheet when an Overtime Request is PendingEntering Timesheet when an Overtime Request is Pending

If an overtime request is in pending phase and an Employee or Human Resource user creates a Timesheet, an informational error message, stating that a pending Overtime Request transaction exists for the employee, is displayed. The Human Resource user may then choose to approve it or ignore the informational error message and proceed with the creation of the timesheet transaction. The Employee may not continue with submitting the Timesheet transaction and must wait for a response on the overtime request.

An Overtime Request is submitted after the Timesheet has been SubmittedAn Overtime Request is submitted after the Timesheet has been Submitted

If an overtime request is submitted after a Timesheet transaction (having an overtime event on it) has been submitted for that particular pay period, an informational message is displayed, stating that overtime already exists for the employee, date, and event. This ensures that the system verifies if the Overtime Request transaction submitted is not for the same date and same event as specified on the Timesheet transaction. This could lead to duplication of overtime requests.

On the other hand, if an overtime request is submitted after the timesheet has been submitted and the Timesheet transaction does not have any overtime event on it, an informational message is displayed, stating that the Timesheet has been submitted for the pay period and that the system administrator will need to create a timesheet adjustment transaction to accommodate the overtime hours.

Timesheet is entered with Overtime event but no Overtime Request transaction has been submitted earlierTimesheet is entered with Overtime event but no Overtime Request transaction has been submitted earlier

If an Employee or Human Resource user creates a Timesheet with an overtime event on it and there is no overtime request for that overtime event for the same date, an informational error message is displayed, stating that an Overtime request transaction was not created for the overtime event.

Field InformationField Information

Use the Overtime Request Detail grid line to identify the overtime request information, including the date the overtime hours will be charged, the event to which the overtime will be charged, and the number or hours/minutes of overtime that will be charged. In addition, the Comments box allows additional comments to be recorded.

Note: Attachments and comments may be required for an event line on the transaction, depending on your site setup.

The Overtime Request transaction can be created in the following ways, based on user access rights:

  • Select the Create or Overtime Request action on the Time and Leave Landing > Overtime Requests carousel tile to add new overtime information. Once you have made all of your changes, select the Submit button to save the overtime information and return to the Overtime Request carousel tile.

  • Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.

  • Select the Create New Overtime Request row-level action on the Overtime Request tab of the Time and Leave Management (ATLM) activity folder.