Accounting Configuration in HRM

Accounting Detail at the Employee LevelAccounting Detail at the Employee Level

PAM retrieves the Accounting details for the pay event from the Pay Detail table. PAM looks for Accounting data in a particular order:

  • Use Entered Accounting Values - The accounting details for the employee and pay period must be specified. PAM posts the pay detail based on these values.

  • Use Entered Labor Distribution Profile - A Labor Distribution Profile must be specified. PAM locates this Labor Distribution and posts the pay detail based on the accounting details on Labor Distribution Profile (LDPR).

  • Use Entered Accounting Values - The accounting details for the event matrix must be specified. PAM posts the pay detail based on these values.

  • Use Entered Labor Distribution Profile - A Labor Distribution Profile must be specified. PAM locates this Labor Distribution and posts the pay detail based on the accounting details on Labor Distribution Profile (LDPR).

  • Use Appointment Accounting Values - The accounting details defined for the employee’s appointment on the Employee Accounting Data (DEPTA) transaction are used by PAM to post the pay detail accounting

  • Use Position Accounting Values - The accounting details defined for the employee’s position on the Position Status Maintenance (PSMT) transaction are used by PAM to post the pay detail accounting.

  • Use Timesheet Accounting Values - The accounting details for the eligible event type codes can also be configured to follow the accounting for other event codes on the check’s pay details. When this option is selected, applicable event type codes (which cannot themselves be Event Matrix Eligible) are defined on the Related Timesheet Events tab. The accounting assigned to these event type codes within the same check are used to define the pay detail accounting for the event matrix code(s).

PAM retrieves the accounting details for the pay event based on the value provided in the Cost Accounting field on EVNT for the pay event. These are the values you can enter:

  • Object/Sub-object - The event posts to the Object and Sub-Object you specified on EVNT.

  • Obj/Sub-obj-Unless Transaction Ovrd - The event posts to the Object and Sub-Object specified on EVNT, unless overrides are entered on transactions such as TADJ, TIMEI, OPAY, and OTPAY. In this case, PAM posts the event based on the overrides specified on the transaction.

  • Labor Distribution Profile - The event posts to the Labor Distribution Profile specified on EVNT.

  • LDPR - Unless Transaction Override - The event posts to the Labor Distribution Profile specified on EVNT, unless overrides are entered on transactions such as TADJ, TIMEI, OPAY, and OTPAY. In this case, PAM posts the event based on the overrides specified on the transaction.

  • LDPR w/ Home Dept - The event posts to the employee’s Home Department and the Labor Distribution Profile specified on EVNT.

  • LDPR w/ Home Dept-Unlss Transaction Ovd - The event posts to the employee’s Home Department and the Labor Distribution Profile specified on EVNT, unless overrides are entered on transactions such as TADJ, TIMEI, OPAY, and OTPAY. In this case, PAM posts the event based on the overrides specified on the transaction.

  • Reserve Pay/Accrual Acct - This event is a reserve accrual or payout event. In this case, a BSA code must be specified on EVNT. PAM then posts the event to this BSA.

  • Exclude from Acct Interface - The event is not processed by PAM.

  • No Override - No accounting attributes are specific to this event. Accounting details for the pay detail default to those on the profile for the position in which the employee is enrolled.

Note: With the Transaction Override on the EVNT, if you specify Accounting details for Timesheet (TIMEI), Timesheet Adjustments (TADJ), One Time Pays (OTPAY), or any other transaction for the pay, these details would also override the accounting details on the EVNT, but only for the pay details on those transactions. Refer to Accounting Overrides for additional information.

  • Use Entered Accounting Values - The accounting details for the Department, Unit and Event Type code must be specified. PAM posts the pay detail based on these values.

  • Use Entered Labor Distribution Profile - A Labor Distribution Profile must be specified. PAM locates this Labor Distribution and posts the pay detail based on the accounting details on Labor Distribution Profile (LDPR).

  • >Use Entered Accounting Values - The accounting details for the employee and event type code must be specified. PAM posts the pay detail based on these values.

  • Use Entered Labor Distribution Profile - A Labor Distribution Profile must be specified. PAM locates this Labor Distribution and posts the pay detail based on the accounting details on Labor Distribution Profile (LDPR).

  • Use Entered Accounting Values - The accounting details for the position must be specified. PAM posts the pay detail based on these values.

  • Use Entered Labor Distribution Profile - A Labor Distribution Profile must be specified. PAM locates this Labor Distribution and posts the pay detail based on the accounting details on Labor Distribution Profile (LDPR).

  • Use Appointment Accounting Values - No accounting attributes are specific for this position. Accounting details for the pay detail default to those on the profile for the employee.

Note: The FUND CODE FOR RESERVE PAY and DEPT CODE FOR RESERVE PAY are used as the ultimate default values regardless of whether USE HISTORICAL POSITION ACCTG is set to Y or N. The purpose of USE HISTORICAL POSITION ACCTG is to enable the application to perform additional look-ups for the historical position accounting IF and ONLY IF no employee appointment accounting and position accounting attributes can be found since the employee is not active for the entire pay period. If any of the employee appointment accounting or position accounting attributes can be found for the current pay period, that accounting code is used. If no employee appointment accounting and position accounting (current and historical) attributes can be found, the FUND CODE FOR RESERVE PAY and DEPT CODE FOR RESERVE PAY are used as the final fail-safe default values. In another words, the USE HISTORICAL POSITION ACCTG parameter only enables additional look-ups for historical position accounting attributes and does not dictate whether the FUND CODE FOR RESERVE PAY and DEPT CODE FOR RESERVE PAY are used or not, as they are used if all attempts to look for the employee appointment accounting and position accounting attributes (current and historical) produce no results.

Accounting Detail at the Deduction/Benefit Plan LevelAccounting Detail at the Deduction/Benefit Plan Level

The Deduction Detail table contains deduction details for a check by deduction type and deduction plan. Accounting details for a deduction are generally specified on the Deduction Plan for the deduction. For a standard deduction, these details are specified on Deduction Plan (DPLN). For a benefit, these details are specified on BENP for the benefit. For the employer side of a benefit, these details are specified on EFBP for the benefit.

Accounting information is set up in the following sections of these windows:

Payment Voucher InformationPayment Voucher Information

This section controls the type of payment voucher transaction that is created by the Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation process IF enabled on the table for a deduction (or benefit) record.

  • External

  • Inter Fund Revenue

  • Inter Fund Expenditure

  • Intra Fund Revenue

  • Liabilities Only

  • Intra Fund Expenditure

Note: Types 2 through 6 are considered Internal deductions.

External deductions are deductions that are paid to external vendors such as health care providers. They are set up with the following information:

Payment Voucher Type

1 (External)

BSA code

 The balance sheet account that tracks the money paid to this external vendor

Vendor code

The vendor ID for the external vendor being paid

Internal deductions are deductions that are paid to sources within the organization and can therefore be referenced by a COA.

Inter Fund  

This is used when the Fund of the Deduction is different from the Fund of the employee’s COA.

Intra Fund

This is used when the Fund of the Deduction is the same as the Fund of the employee’s COA


This is used to determine whether a deduction should have a payment voucher type of revenue or not. This depends on how the information is to be tracked on the financial side. If a payment voucher type is revenue, then a revenue source is required.


This is used to determine whether a deduction should have a payment voucher type of Expenditure or not. This depends on how the information is to be tracked on the financial side. If a payment voucher type is expenditure, then an expenditure source or appropriation is required

Liabilities only

This is used to determine whether or not a deduction is Liabilities Only. A Liabilities Only deduction does not require a revenue source or appropriation.

The Payment Voucher Information Section also allows you to determine whether or not a Payment Voucher must be generated for this deduction. This is done by means of the Generate Payment Voucher flag. This flag has two basic functions:

  • Indicate whether or not Payment Vouchers are to be automatically generated for External deductions.

  • Indicate whether or not an Internal deduction is to be processed by PAM.  If the Generate Payment Voucher flag is unchecked for an Internal deduction, the deduction will not be processed by PAM, and no transaction will be generated.

Note: Internal deductions generally have the Generate Payment Voucher flag set to Y.

Fund Accounting/Detail AccountingFund Accounting/Detail Accounting

These sections contain the COA elements you need to enter for an Internal Deduction.

Clearing FundClearing Fund

A Clearing Fund is a fund or sub fund in Financial that is used to track payroll liabilities and cash reserved until checks are cleared. The Use Clearing Fund flag determines whether the Cash transactions for the DPLN/BENP/EFBP are processed one at a time Cash, or if they are stored in a Clearing Fund and processed at specified intervals Cash in Clearing Fund. The Clearing Fund is typically specified in SPAR. You can also override this SPAR setting.  
If the Use Clearing Fund flag is checked, this deduction posts to a Clearing Fund when processed. If the Override Clearing Fund is not specified, the Clearing Fund to which the deduction posts will be the one specified in the CLEARING FUND DEFAULT VALUE parameter on SPAR.
To enable the Clearing Fund functionality, the following must be done:

  1. Specify a Cash Balance Sheet Account

  2. Set the SPAR entry JV OFFSET BS ACCT CD.


  4. Check the Use Clearing Fund flag.

  5. Specify the following entries in the Clearing Fund section of the Deduction/Benefit Plan window:

Clearing Fund flag

Clearing funds will be used on PAM transactions created for this deduction

Override Clearing fund/sub fund

If a clearing fund is entered here, the clearing fund specified on SPAR will be overridden and the clearing fund/sub fund entered will be used.

The clearing fund is written to PYRL transactions in different locations depending on the transaction type:

  • PREXP - Funds are never overridden by clearing funds.

  • PRLIA - Override Clearing Fund is written to the clearing fund field (clrng_fund_cd) and the normal fund is in the operating fund field (fund_cd).

  • PRLNP - For Net Pay, the Override clearing fund is written to the fund_cd field.

  • PRLID - Funds are never overridden by clearing funds.

  • PRLVP - The Override Clearing Fund is written to both the fund_cd and the override clearing fund field (clrng_fund_cd).

Note: Accounting details at the Deduction/Benefit Plan level can be found in ded_plan DB table: