Appendix A
The following information is written to the Payroll Accounting Management Error table when certain table entries are missing. The layout for the Payroll Accounting Management Error table can be found in Appendix D. The Run Number, Pay Cycle, Employee ID and Appointment ID are populated for all the error messages. Additionally, the fields listed below for each error message are concatenated and written to the error key. The Error Number is a counter that is incremented by 1 for every error message. It is initialized to 1 when the processing of a new pay check begins. The Error Type is set to N (Non-Exception error) for all error records.
Event - The Event Type Code and the Event Date are written to the error key. EVENT TYPE TABLE ENTRY NOT FOUND is written to the error message.
Deduction Type - The Deduction Type Code and the Event Date are written to the error key. DEDUCTION TYPE TABLE ENTRY NOT FOUND is written to the error message.
Deduction Plan - The Deduction Type Code, Deduction Plan Code and the Event Date are written to the error key. DEDUCTION PLAN TABLE ENTRY NOT FOUND is written to the error message.
Calendar Date - The date used to read the Calendar Date (CLDT) table is written to the error key. CALENDAR DATE TABLE ENTRY NOT FOUND is written to the error message.
Accounting Period - The Fiscal Month and Fiscal Year used to read the Accounting Period (APRD) table are written to the error key. NO OPEN ACCOUNTING PERIOD is written to the error message.
Pay Cycle - The Pay Cycle Code and the Event Date are written to the error key. PAY CYCLE TABLE ENTRY NOT FOUND is written to the error message.
Generate Payment Voucher Flag - The Deduction Type Code, Deduction Plan Code and the Event Date are written to the error key. ACCTG INFO NOT FOUND FOR DED is written to the error message.
Fund - The Fund Code and the Fiscal Year are written to the error key. RESERVE FUND ENTRY NOT FOUND ON SPAR is written to the error message.
Department - The Department Code and the Fiscal Year are written to the error key. RESERVE DEPARTMENT ENTRY NOT FOUND ON SPAR is written to the error message.
Sub Title - The Title Code, Sub-Title Code and the Event Date are written to the error key. SUB TITLE TABLE ENTRY NOT FOUND is written to the error message.
Time Category - The Time Category Code and the Event Date are written to the error key. TIME CATEGORY TABLE ENTRY NOT FOUND is written to the error message.
Financial accrue event - The Pay Event is written to the error key. RESERVE FIN ACCRUAL EVENT ENTRY NOT FOUND ON SPAR is written to the error message.
Financial usage event - The Pay Event is written to the error key. RESERVE FIN USAGE EVENT ENTRY NOT FOUND ON SPAR is written to the error message.