Deduction Detail
Only rejected deduction detail records or deduction detail records whose related check is an external adjustment, entity adjustment, or year-to-date dollar adjustments, should not be processed. The Deduction Type (DEDT) table is read using the Deduction Type Code and the Effective Date on the deduction detail record. If the Deduction Type does not exist in the Deduction Type table then an error message is written to the Payroll Management Error table (See Appendix A for additional information). If the Fringe Pay Type flag on the deduction detail record is set to Y, then the Event Type table is read using the Fringe Pay Type Code from the Deduction Type table and the Effective Date on the deduction detail record. If the Fringe Pay Type Event does not exist in the Event (EVNT) table then an error message is written to the Payroll Management Error table (See Appendix A for additional information). If the Event is to be excluded from accounting then the deduction detail is not processed any further.
The deduction detail information is stored in a vector until the deduction details of all the employees have been processed. This vector is used later for allocating fringes.
The following fields are written from the deduction detail record to the deduction journal vector:
Fringe Pay Type flag
Transaction ID
Title Code
Sub Title Code
Bank Account Code
Check Number
Pay Cycle Code
Employee Name (First, Middle and Last)
Employee ID
Source Appointment ID
Internal Employee ID
GTN Run Number
Process Date
Pay Period Start Date
Pay Period End Date
Check Date
Effective Date is written to Event date
Deduction Amount
Internal Control Number
The Fringe Deduction flag in the Deduction Journal record is set to the Fringe Pay Type flag on the Deduction Detail record. If the Fringe Pay Type flag is Y, then the Event Type ID, Cost Accounting ID, Object, Sub-Object, Labor Distribution Profile Department, Labor Distribution Profile, Expense Category and Pay Input Definition ID from the Event table are written to the Event Type ID, Cost Accounting ID, Event Object, Event Sub-Object, Labor Distribution Profile Department, Labor Distribution Profile, Expense Category and Pay Input Definition ID of the Payroll Liability Journal vector record. Also,the Transaction Code, Department Code, and Transaction Number from the Deduction Detail record are written to the Payroll Liability Journal record.
If the Fringe Pay Type flag is not Y, then the Vendor, Use EFT flag, Goal Deduction Amount, Goal Cycle Count, Goal Type ID, Multiple Installments Count, and Installment Deduction Count from the Deduction Detail record is written to the Payroll Liability Journal record. If the Deduction is Net Pay then the Net Pay Distribution Type from the Deduction Detail record is written to the Payroll Liability Journal record. Otherwise, the Voluntary Deduction EFT ID from the Deduction Detail record is written to the Net Pay Distribution Type of the Payroll Liability Journal record.
If the Fringe Pay Type flag is set to Y, then the Fringe Pay Type Code from the Deduction Type table is written to the Pay Type Code of the Payroll Liability Journal record. Otherwise, the Deduction Type Code, Short Description and Deduction Goal ID from the Deduction Type table is written to the Payroll Liability Journal record.
The Position External IDs are populated with spaces and the Internal Position IDs are populated with zeros on the Payroll Liability Journal array. The Deduction Class ID from the Deduction Type table is written to the Tax FICA RRB Deduction flag on the Payroll Liability Journal array. The Net Pay Deduction flag is set to Y if the Deduction Detail record is Net Pay. Otherwise, it is set to N.
The Deduction Type, Deduction Plan and the Effective Date from the Deduction Detail record are used to read the Deduction Plan (DPLN) table. If the Deduction Type and Deduction Plan combination does not exist in the Deduction Plan table then an error message is written to the Payroll Management Error table (See Appendix A for additional information). The Pay Include/Exclude ID and Use Cash Basis Gross Pay flag from the Deduction Plan table are written to the Payroll Liability Journal record. If the Pay Include/Exclude flag is set to Include or Exclude (other values exist) then the pay categories from the Include /Exclude Pay Categories table must be written to the payroll liability journal record. If the Fringe Pay Type flag is not Y then the Deduction Plan, Short Description, Balance Sheet Account, Generate Payment Voucher flag, Financial Transaction, Override Clearing Fund, Seller Balance Sheet Account, Offset Record Account, Use Clearing Fund flag and Payment Voucher Type from the Deduction Plan table are written to the Payroll Liability Journal record. Also,the Fund, Sub-Fund, Department, Unit, Sub-Unit, Activity, Sub-Activity, Object, Sub-Object, Department Object, Reporting Category, Sub-Reporting Category, Program, Function, Sub-Function, Appropriation Unit, Revenue Source, Sub-Revenue Source, Department Revenue Source, Location, Sub-Location, Task, Task Order, Major Program, Phase, Program Period, Balance Sheet Account, Sub-Balance Sheet Account, Offset Balance Sheet Account and Offset Sub-Balance Sheet Account from the Deduction Plan table are written to the Seller Fund, Seller Sub-Fund, Seller Department, Seller Unit, Seller Sub-Unit, Seller Activity, Seller Sub-Activity, Seller-Object, Seller Sub-Object, Seller Reporting Category, Seller Sub-Reporting Category, Seller Program, Seller Function, Seller Sub-Function, Seller Appropriation Unit, Seller Revenue Source, Seller Sub-Revenue Source, Seller Department Revenue Source, Seller Location, Seller Sub-Location, Seller Task, Seller Task Order, Seller Major Program, Seller Phase, Seller Program Period, Seller Balance Sheet Account, Seller Sub-Balance Sheet Account, Seller Offset Balance Sheet Account and Seller Offset Sub Balance Sheet Account on the Payroll Liability Journal record.
If the Fringe Pay flag is Y, then the accounting period information is populated on the Payroll Liability Journal record. To obtain the accounting period information the Calendar Date table is read using the Check Date to get the Fiscal Month and Fiscal Year. The Fiscal Month and Fiscal Year are then used to read the Accounting Period (APRD) table. If the Accounting Period is closed then the APRD is read until the next open Accounting Period is found. The Fiscal Month and Fiscal Year from APRD are written to the Payroll Liability Journal record. If an open Accounting Period is not found in ARPD, then an error message is written to the Payroll Management Error table (See Appendix A for additional information). If the Check Date does not exist in CLDT then an error message is written to the Payroll Management Error table (See Appendix A for additional information).
If the Fringe Pay Type flag is Y, then an additional Payroll Liability record is processed. The Fringe Deduction flag in the Deduction Journal array is set to N. The Position External ID is populated with spaces and the Internal Position ID is populated with zeros on the Payroll Liability Journal vector. The Deduction Class ID from the Deduction Type table is written to the Tax FICA RRB Deduction flag on the Payroll Liability Journal vector. The Deduction Type Code, Short Description and Deduction Goal ID from the Deduction Type table are written to the Payroll Liability Journal record. The Net Pay Deduction flag is set to Y if the Deduction Detail record is Net Pay. Otherwise, it is set to N. The Vendor, Ese EFT flag, Goal Deduction Amount, Goal Cycle Count, Goal Type ID, Multiple Installments Count, and Installment Deduction Count from the Deduction Detail record are written to the Payroll Liability Journal record. If the Deduction is Net Pay, then the Net Pay Distribution Type from the Deduction Detail record is written to the Payroll Liability Journal record. Otherwise, the Voluntary Deduction EFT ID from the Deduction Detail record is written to the Net Pay Distribution Type of the Payroll Liability Journal vector. If the Fringe Pay Type flag is Y, then the Event Type ID, Cost Accounting ID, Object Code, Sub-Object Code, Labor Distribution Profile Department and Labor Distribution Profile Code from the Event table are written to the Event Type ID, Cost Accounting ID, Event Object Code, Event Sub-Object Code, Labor Distribution Profile Department and Labor Distribution Profile Code of the Payroll Liability Journal record respectively. If the Generate Payment Voucher flag in the Deduction Plan table is spaces then an error message is written to the Payroll Management Error table (See Appendix A for additional information).
Cancelled checks are identified by the Original Internal Control Number field in the Deduction Detail. If this field is zero or null, the check is not cancelled. For each Deduction Detail with a populated Original Internal Control Number, this number is used as the Internal Control Number when looking up the Liability or Fringe Journals, as appropriate. All chart of accounts information, as well as the Processing Date, Pay Period Start Date, Pay Period End Date, Check Date, Event Date, Pay Fiscal Month, and Fiscal Year is copied from the Fringe or Liability Journal row to a new Fringe or Liability Journal row.