Employee Information

The Internal Control Number, Process Date, Internal Employee ID, Appointment ID, Check Date, Pay Period Start Date, Pay Period End Date, Net Pay Distribution Type ID, Bank Account, Check Number, Pay Class, Pay Cycle, Employee Last Name, Employee First Name, Employee Middle Name, Employee ID, Title, Sub-Title, Gross-to-Net Run Number, Gross-to-Net Type ID, Supplemental Type ID, Home Department, Home Unit and Gross-to-Net Process Number are stored and used when the pay details and deduction details are processed.

If the Yes/No Flag of the ACCTG CHARGE EXCESS TIME CATEG entry on Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) is set to Y for a regular pay cycle or an advance processing, duplicate check or replacement check supplemental pay cycle, then standard hours is calculated. Standard hours is used later for charging extra time. The following steps determine the total number of standard hours.

  1. The Pay Period Start Date is used to get the first effective assignment record for the pay period.

  2. The number of days between the Pay Period Start Date and Pay Period End Date is calculated to get the total number of days in the pay period.

  3. The number of non-working days is calculated by reading the Work Day (WDAY) table using the Work Cycle Code on the Assignment record, Pay period Start Date, and Pay Period End Date. If the Work Cycle Code on the Assignment record is spaces or null, the Work Cycle Code is obtained from the Pay Cycle (CYCL) table if the GET WORK CYCLE FROM PYCL flag on Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) is Y. To get the Work Cycle Code from the Pay Cycle table:

  • If the Pay Policy Code on the employee assignment record is not populated, then the Pay Policy Code is obtained from the Sub-Title table using the Title and Sub-Title Code on the Employee Assignment record. If the Title and Sub-Title combination does not exist in the Sub-Title table then an error message is written to the Payroll Management Error table (See Appendix A for additional information).

  • The Pay Policy Code is used to get the Contract Pay Allowed ID and the Reserve Pay Allowed ID fields from the Contract Reserve Pay Policy table.

  • The Calendar Work Cycle Code and the Contract Work Cycle Code is obtained from the Pay Class table using the Pay Class Code on the Employee record.

  • The GET WORK CYCLE FROM PYCL, USE NEW CONTRACT MODEL, ALLOW CONTRACT PAY PROCESSING and ALLOW RESERVE PAY PROCESSING parameter values are obtained from the Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) table.

  • If the GET WORK CYCLE FROM PYCL value for the Yes/No Flag is not Y, then the Work Cycle Code is spaces. If not, then the following logic is used to determine the Work Cycle Code.

  • The Contract Work Cycle Code is used if all the conditions below are satisfied. Otherwise, the Calendar Work Cycle Code is used.

  • The ALLOW CONTRACT PAY PROCESSING flag on SPAR is Y and Contract Pay Allowed flag on Pay Class table is ‘Y’ and Contract Pay Allowed ID on the Contract Reserve Pay Policy table is ‘Y’ and override contract pay flag on the assignment record is spaces.

  • The USE NEW CONTRACT MODEL flag on SPAR is ‘Y’.

  • The ALLOW RESERVE PAY PROCESSING flag on SPAR is not ‘N’ and one of the following conditions must be satisfied.

  • Reserve Pay Allowed flag on the pay class table is smooth over contract period or all the following conditions are satisfied.

  • Reserve pay allowed flag on the pay class table is ‘Y’.


  • Reserve Pay Allowed ID on the Contract Reserve Pay Policy table is set Y or Reserve Pay Allowed ID on Contract Reserve Pay Policy table is set to Optional Reserve Value and Override Reserve Pay Flag on the Assignment record is Y.

  1. Reserve Pay Allowed ID on the Contract Reserve Pay Policy table is Smooth Over Contract Period or all the following conditions are satisfied.

  • Reserve Pay Allowed Flag on Pay Class table is Y.


  • Reserve Pay Allowed ID on Contract Reserve Pay Policy table is set Y or Reserve Pay Allowed ID on Contract Reserve Pay Policy table is set to Optional Reserve Value and Override Reserve Pay Flag on the Assignment record is Y.

  1. If the Work Cycle Code is spaces or null then the number of non-working days must be set to zero.

  2. The Actual Number of Days in the pay period is calculated by subtracting the number of non-working days in the pay period from the Total Number of Days in the pay period.

  3. The Number of days between the Assignment Start Date (or Pay Period Start Date if it is greater than Assignment Start Date) and Assignment End Date (or Pay Period End Date if it is less than Assignment End Date) are calculated to get the total number of days the assignment is effective in the pay period.

  4. The number of non-working days the assignment is effective is calculated by reading the Work Day table using the Work Cycle Code on the Assignment record, Assignment Start Date (or Pay Period Start Date if it is greater than Assignment Start Date) and Assignment End Date (or Pay Period End Date if it is less than Assignment End Date). If the Work Cycle Code is spaces or null, the Work Cycle Code is obtained from the Pay Cycle table.

  5. The actual number of days the assignment is effective is calculated by subtracting the number of non-working days the assignment is effective from the total number of days the assignment is effective.

  6. The Standard Hours Per Assignment is calculated by multiplying the Standard Hours Pay Period for the assignment (from the Pay Class table using the Pay Class Code on the Assignment record) with the ratio of the actual number of working days the assignment is effective and the actual number of working days in the pay period.

  7. If the employee switched assignments or started a new assignment during the pay period then steps 2 – 8 are repeated for all assignments effective during the pay period.

  8. The Total Standard Hours are calculated by adding the Standard Hours calculated for all the assignments effective during the pay period.