Employee Pay Period Accounting (EPPA)
The Employee Pay Period Accounting Information (EPPA) transaction allows you to enter labor exception data for employees. The data overrides the employee defaults for a specific number of hours for a specific date and event within the pay period. The accounting data may specify a single accounting line or a labor distribution profile code.
The Employee Pay Period Accounting Information (EPPA) transaction includes the following tabs:
Employee Pay Period Accounting Information - This tab captures employee information and pay period information. Employee ID, Appointment ID, Pay Period Start Date and Pay Period End Date are required fields.
EPPA Details - This tab captures the employee's pay period accounting event type details. Priority Number, Event Type, and Labor Distribution Override Option are required fields, if a record is added to this tab. The Labor Distribution Profile field is required if the Labor Distribution Override Option field is set to Use Entered Labor Distribution Profile; otherwise, leave it blank.
An Employee Pay Period Accounting (EPPA) transaction can be created in one of the following ways:
Create directly from the Transaction Catalog.
Create via the Create Employee Pay Period Accounting Information action or via the Modify Employee Pay Period Accounting Information action on the Employee Pay Period Accounting tab of the Payroll Management (PAYM) activity folder. Refer to the "Payroll Management (PAYM)" topic in the Payroll Processing User Guide for more information.