Payroll Management
The Payroll Management (PAYM) activity folder makes it easy for you to perform payroll-related activities in the system by gathering all of the necessary pages together into one place. Open the Payroll Management activity folder and then use the search tool to specify search parameters.
Select the View row-level action to open the Payroll Management record to view additional information via the following tabs:
Use the Employee tab to view the employee information and search for specific employees.
This tab contains the following page-level actions:
Create Timesheet Adjustments - This action creates and opens a Timesheet Adjustments (TADJ) transaction, which allows you to make adjustments to the timesheet.
Create External Adjustments - This action creates and opens the External Adjustments (EADJ) transaction, which allows you to make year-to-date pay, deduction and entity (employer and employee) summary adjustments.
Employee Pay Period AccountingEmployee Pay Period Accounting
Use the Employee Pay Period Accounting tab to view, create or modify the pay period accounting data for the employee. The grid results can also be downloaded to a spreadsheet format using the Grid Action menu.
This tab contains the following actions:
Create Employee Pay Period Accounting Information - This tab-level action creates and opens an Employee Pay Period Accounting Information (EPPA) transaction, which allows you to enter labor exception data for employees.
Modify - This row-level action creates and opens the Employee Pay Period Accounting Information (EPPA) transaction, which allows you to modify the transaction details.
Employee Accounting DataEmployee Accounting Data
Use the Employee Accounting Data section to view, create or modify the accounting data for the employee. The grid results can also be downloaded to a spreadsheet format using the Grid Action menu.
This tab contains the following actions:
Create Employee Accounting Data - This tab-level action creates and opens an Employee Accounting Data (DEPTA) transaction, which allows you to record and view department-specific accounting attributes for a particular employee.
Modify - This row-level action creates and opens the Employee Accounting Data (DEPTA) transaction, which allows you to modify the transaction details.
Employee Event AccountingEmployee Event Accounting
Use the Employee Event Accounting tab to view, create or modify the event accounting data for the employee. The grid results can also be downloaded to a spreadsheet format using the Grid Action menu.
This tab contains the following actions:
Create Employee Event Accounting Information - This tab-level action creates and opens an Employee Event Accounting Information (DEPTE) transaction, which allows you to enter event type specific labor distribution accounting information data for employees.
Modify - This row-level action creates and opens the Employee Event Accounting Information (DEPTE) transaction, which allows you to modify the transaction details.
Position Distribution Profile MaintenancePosition Distribution Profile Maintenance
Use the Position Distribution Profile Maintenance tab to view, create or modify the position distribution profile.
This tab contains the following actions:
Create Position Distribution Profile Maintenance - This tab-level action creates and opens a Position Distribution Profile Maintenance (PDPR) transaction, which allows you to record and view information relating to the assignment of an employee to multiple positions.
Modify - This row-level action creates and opens the Position Distribution Profile Maintenance (PDPR) transaction, which allows you to modify the transaction details.
Position Distribution Profile Maintenance DetailsPosition Distribution Profile Maintenance Details
Use the Position Distribution Profile Maintenance Details tab to view the position distribution profile accounting information. The grid results can also be downloaded to a spreadsheet format using the Grid Action menu.
Employee Training ProfileEmployee Training Profile
Use the Employee Training Profile tab to create, view or modify employee training information by course. The tab also allows you to modify the training profile grid. The grid results can also be downloaded to a spreadsheet format using the Grid Action menu.
This tab contains the following actions:
Create Employee Training Profile - This tab-level action creates and opens an Employee Training Profile (ETRP) transaction, which allows you to create, Modify and Delete employees' training profiles during their learning and career development.
Modify Viewable Grid Employee Training Profile - This tab-level action is used to display the list of training profiles that are marked for deletion. An administrator can remove training profiles that should not be deleted by selecting Delete from the row-level menu for a specific training profile. This will remove the training profiles from the list of training profiles marked for deletion.
Modify - This row-level action creates and opens the Employee Training Profile (ETRP) transaction, which allows you to modify the transaction details.
Pending PaymentPending Payment
Use the Pending Payment tab to view, modify or delete pending payments for an employee. The tab can also be used to create a one-time payment or an overload payment. The grid results can also be downloaded to a spreadsheet format using the Grid Action menu.
This tab contains the following actions:
Create One-Time Payment - This tab-level action creates and opens a One-Time Payment (OTPAY) transaction, which allows you to process a one-time payment for an employee.
Create Overload Payment Generator - This tab-level action creates and opens the Overload Payment Generator (OPAY) transaction, which allows you to generate multiple pending payment records to be dispersed over the number of pay periods specified.
Delete Viewable Grid of Pending Payment - This tab-level action is used to display the list of pending payments that are marked for deletion. An administrator can remove pending payments that should not be deleted by selecting Delete from the row-level menu for a specific pending payment. This will remove the pending payment from the list of payments marked for deletion.
Modify - This row-level action creates and opens the Pending Payment (PEND) transactions, which allows you to modify the status of a pending payment.
Issued Checks/AdvicesIssued Checks/Advices
Use the Issued Checks/Advices tab to view issued checks, including calculated pay and details, deduction details, and fringe details. The tab can also be used to create a check disposition or on-line check calculation, and allows you to discern that a paycheck has been split into two or more distributions via the Split Deposit flag. The grid results can also be downloaded to a spreadsheet format using the Grid Action menu.
This tab contains the following actions:
Create On-line Check Calculation - This tab-level action creates and opens the On-line Check transaction, which allows you to perform the supplemental pay processing necessary to produce a check for an employee.
Create Check Disposition - This row-level action creates and opens a Check Disposition (CHCK) transaction, which allows you to display the current status of an employee’s check, and allows the user to change the status of the check.
Pay Distribution DetailPay Distribution Detail
Use the Pay Distribution Detail tab to display the distribution information related to the split-out of Net Pay; the distribution checks that are components of the paycheck. This tab displays information regarding all of the distributions of Net Pay that occurred on the selected paycheck.
The External Warrant Number and External Warrant Date fields provide the ability to track warrant details generated outside of Advantage HRM. The external warrant details can be uploaded to the Pay Check tables using the SCO_WRNT_NO and SCO_WRNT_DT columns. These columns can be updated using any of the methods Advantage HRM offers to update database tables.
This tab contains the following row-level action:
Modify - This action creates and opens the Deposit Reissue (DPRI) transaction, which allows you to modify the transaction details.
Use the Pay Details tab to view or download the pay details.
Deduction DetailsDeduction Details
Use the Deductions Details tab to view or download the deduction details.
Use the Fringe Details tab to view or download the fringe details.
Employee Pay SummaryEmployee Pay Summary
Use the Employee Pay Summary tab to view or download the summary payment section by quarter.
Employee Pay Summary StateEmployee Pay Summary State
Use the Employee Pay Summary tab to view or download the summary payment section by quarter. Additionally, the tab allows users to search on the State ID field.
Employee Pay Summary LocalEmployee Pay Summary Local
Use the Employee Pay Summary tab to view or download the summary payment section by quarter. Additionally, the tab allows users to search on the Local ID field.
Employee Weekly Pay HistoryEmployee Weekly Pay History
Use the Employee Weekly Pay History tab to view or download an employee's pay information by week.
Employee Pay Details HistoryEmployee Pay Details History
Advantage HRM provides the capability to view pay details information by employee in historical event date order without the user selecting a specific warrant/direct deposit. On the Employee Pay Detail History tab of the Payroll Management (PAYM) activity folder, the employee's pay rate (hourly rate), all hours reported (including pay hours generated from leave events) and those system-generated pay events such as FLSA premium overtime and pay period bonuses can be viewed.
Search fields are provided on this tab to assist with finding a specific pay detail record for an employee. You can expand the records in the grid to view additional details. The grid results can also be downloaded to a spreadsheet format using the Grid Action menu.
Select Related Transactions from the page-level menu, to view related transactions.