One-Time Payment
The One-Time Payment (OTPAY) page allows you to make special "one-time" only payments to an employee. Unlike permanent pay, one-time payments affect the employee's pay only once. One-time payments can be negative or positive: positive payments increase the employee's gross pay; whereas, negative payments decrease the employee's gross pay. Payments issued through this page remain on the Pending Payment table until gross-to-net is run.
The One-Time Payment page includes the following tabs:
One-Time PaymentOne-Time Payment
Use the One-Time Payment tab to identify the employee that should receive the one-time payment.
The Modified On and Modified By field under the One- Time Payment section displays the last update date of each record in the table along with the User ID who made the update.
One-Time Payment DetailOne-Time Payment Detail
The One-Time Payment Details tab allows you to enter the details about the one-time payment. Payment Amount, Event Date, Supplemental Pay, and Labor Distribution Override Option are required fields. Labor Distribution Profile must be populated if Labor Distribution Override Option is set to Use Entered Labor Distribution Profile.
Schedule Location must be a valid value on the Location (LOCA) reference page and must have a Location Type of either Work or Both. If the site uses the MULTI_STATE_TAX Application Parameter, and a Schedule Location is entered, the State associated with the Location must be valid on the employee’s state tax enrollment.
The One-Time Payment transaction can be created in one of the following ways:
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.
Select the Create One-Time Payment row-level action for the desired pending payment record on the Pending Payment tab of the Payroll Management activity folder.
Automatically created by the Process Travel Payments process, when run in Process Mode. The job selects eligible Advantage Financial Travel Payment records based on the Payment Date and Department batch parameters. The process creates a single OTPAY transaction for each Employee and Travel transaction (TRER or TRADV) combination.