Overload Payment Generator

The Overload Payment Generator (OPAY) transaction provides an "easy to use" facility to take a single calculated payment, and divide it over multiple payroll periods. Each Overload Payment Generator transaction contains the total overload payment amount and the number of pay periods over which it is spread. This page generates multiple Pending Payment (PEND) records to be dispersed over the number of pay periods specified.

The Overload Payment Generator page includes the following tabs:

Overload Payment GeneratorOverload Payment Generator

Use the Overload Payment Generator tab to identify the employee.

Overload Payment Generator DetailOverload Payment Generator Detail

The Overload Payment Generator Detail tab allows you to identify all of the payment, profile, and position information. This tab further allows you to identify the funding and detail accounting information for the profile.

  • You enter the total payment in the Total Payment Amount field and then the number of payments in the Number of Payments field. The Total Payment Amount is then divided by the value in the Number of Payments field and is distributed across the number of payments specified. For example, a $1,000 total payment may be paid over ten periods, therefore creating ten $100 payments.

  • The Pay Event Start Date must be greater than or equal to the current date. The first Pending Payment transaction created is distributed on the first pay period end date greater than or equal to the designated Pay Event Start Date. All additional payments generated will be automatically spread over the payroll cycles that follow.

  • A valid Pay Type is required.

  • A value is required in the Labor Distribution Override Option field.

  • If Labor Distribution Override Option is Use Entered Labor Distribution Profile, then Labor Distribution Profile is required.

  • Schedule Location must be a valid value on the Location (LOCA) reference page and must have a Location Type of either Work or Both. If the site uses the MULTI_STATE_TAX Application Parameter, and a Schedule Location is entered, the State associated with the Location must be valid on the employee’s state tax enrollment.

The Overload Payment Generator transaction can be created in the following ways:

  • Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.

  • Select the Create Overload Payment Generator row-level action for the desired record on the Pending Payment tab of the Payroll Management activity folder.