Frequently Asked Questions

How do you manually purge Journal Tables?How do you manually purge Journal Tables?

The Journal Data Finalization batch process first inserts all records from the current journal tables to historical journal tables before the current journal tables are purged. This process is executed for the given GTN Proc Number and GTN Run Number combination. The batch process uses the entered GTN Proc Number and GTN Run Number as input to select the records from the current journal tables (PYRL_EXPS_JRNL, PYRL_FRNG_JRNL and PYRL_LIAB_JRNL). Once the records are selected based on the input job parameters, the batch job first inserts all of the records from the current journal tables to historical journal tables.

When you run Payroll Accounting Management (PAM) related jobs after finalizing Payroll, you can run the Journal Data Finalization job to clear the Journal tables that have been processed. This job takes two parameters – GTN_RUN_NO and GTN PROC NO and it clears the journal table entries for the specified GTN Run number.

Note: The Journal Data Finalization batch job is run only after all PAM related batch jobs in Advantage HRM, the Payroll Check Processor batch job in Advantage HRM, and the Finance Transaction Generator job in the Advantage Financial application have been successfully processed.

Alternatively, you can use SQL scripts or DBSurfer to find the Journal entries that have been processed and delete these entries.

How do you resolve Payroll Check Processor errors?How do you resolve Payroll Check Processor errors?

Resolution: Check to make sure that each employee has a Bank Account Code specified. This error will only happen if there are more than 100 records on one of the journal tables for that GTN run number. This also should not happen if you run Check Print before running PAM.

Resolution: Check the GLOBAL LEVEL DEFAULT DEPATMENT parameter on SPAR and note the Department Code entered. Check the DEFAULT LDPR CD FOR PAY and DEFAULT LDPR CD FOR DED parameters on SPAR and note the LDPR codes entered in the text value field. Make sure that there is a valid LDPR entry for each Department Code – LDPR code combination.

Resolution: The following are the steps to get the accounting. If PAM cannot find any accounting then it uses the default accounting (step 6) and displays the warning message H0559 in the job log with the Employee ID.

  1. Pay and Leave Events (EVNT) -  If allowed, a timesheet override could be used to override what is on the EVNT table for a pay code.

  2. Employee Appointment (DEPTA)

  3. Position (position or position split)

  4. Department (DEPTX)

  5. Default Accounting from Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) entry DEFAULT LDPR CD FOR DED (deduction) and DEFAULT LDPR CD FOR PAY (pay).

Refer to "Accounting Configuration in HRM" topic for detailed information on these steps.

How do you resolve Payroll Accounting Transaction Generator errors?How do you resolve Payroll Accounting Transaction Generator errors?

Resolution: There needs to be valid entries on ADNT for all of the following transactions: 










Entries should be made for all necessary departments (makes sure to have an entry for the department entered on the GLOBAL LEVEL DEFAULT DEPT parameter on SPAR) and for all the necessary fiscal years (The Payroll Accounting Transaction Generator uses the current system date to search the Calendar Date (CLDT) table for the Fiscal Year and then uses that to locate the record for the transaction on the Auto Numbering (ADNT) table.

Resolution: There are many multiple sources for this problem. Confirmed sources include missing Department Codes and Vendor Codes on the journal table records. In addition, make sure the Yes/No Flag is selected Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) entry GLOBAL LEVEL DEFAULT DEPT and it has valid Department code in the Text Value field.

The following is the detail logic of the Transaction Department code.

  1. If the transaction type is PRLVP (PYRL_LIAB_JRNL) OR PRLID (PYRL_LIAB_JRNL) than the Department code is retrieved from the Text Value field of the PAYMENT VOUCHER DEPT SPAR parameter.

  2. For other PAM transactions the Department code is retrieved from the Text Value field of the GLOBAL LEVEL DEFAULT DEPT SPAR parameter (it checks for the SPAR flag before using the Text Value)

  3. If the Payroll Transaction Generator does not get the Transaction Department code from the above steps, then the Department code is retrieved from the following steps.

  4. Retrieve the Department code from the payroll journal tables.

  5. Retrieve the Department from the Text Value field of the PAM DOC DEPT DEFAULT SPAR parameter.

Why is the Payroll Check Processor not splitting the pay period when pay cycle crosses the fiscal year?Why is the Payroll Check Processor not splitting the pay period when pay cycle crosses the fiscal year?

  1. Make sure the SPLIT PAY PERIOD parameter on Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) is turned on (that is, the Yes/No Flag check box is selected) and it has a Text Value of YEAR.

  2. Make sure the % of Pay in Prior Acctg Period value has been entered on the Pay Cycle (CYCL) page.

Note: Exception Pay Employee uses a percentage split from the CYCL. Positive Pay Employee determines the percentage based upon the work days that fall into each of the fiscal years.

If PAM is still not splitting the pay period properly then execute the following SQL to make sure prior fiscal year has a correct end date in the Calendar Date (CLDT) table.


How do you resolve PREXP transaction summarization issues?How do you resolve PREXP transaction summarization issues?

Set the Numeric Value to 2 for Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) parameter PREXP SUMMARIZATION DATE so it will use PROCESS_DT instead of EVNT_DT for the PREXP transaction summarization.

What if PRLNP transactions aren't created from the PYRL_EXPS_JRNL table?What if PRLNP transactions aren't created from the PYRL_EXPS_JRNL table?

Make sure the Yes/No Flag of the Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) parameter, ADVANTAGE FINANCIAL 3.X SYSTEM is selected (true). If this flag is cleared (false) PAM will not create a PRLNP transaction from the PYRL_EXPS_JRNL table.