Pay Detail
Only rejected Pay Detail records, details with a Fringe Pay Type or Year-to-Date dollar Adjustment, dummy checks (where the Component Sequence Number is zero and Contract Amount is zero), or checks which are External Adjustments are processed. Cancelled checks are processed by a separate logic to ensure that correction details are populated with the appropriate information. The Pay Type and the Pay Event Date from the Pay detail record is used to read the Event Type table. If the Pay Type Event does not exist in the Event table then an error message is written to the Payroll Management Error table (See Appendix A for additional information).
If the ALLOW RESERVE PAY PROCESSING flag on Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) is set to Y and the Cost Accounting ID on the Event Type table is set to Reserve then the Balance Sheet Account from the Event table is used in further processing if the Balance Sheet Account on the Pay Detail record is spaces. Also, a new Payroll Liability Journal record is written to the Payroll Liability Journal table after populating the record with the necessary information. The following fields are written to the Payroll Liability Journal record from the Pay Detail record:
Transaction ID
Pay Cycle
Employee Name (First, Middle, Last)
Employee ID
Appointment ID
Internal Employee ID
GTN Run Number
Process Date
Pay Period Start Date
Pay Period End Date
Check Date
Pay Event Date is written to the Event Date
Pay Type is written to the Deduction Type
Bank Account Code
Check Number
Internal Control Number
The position external id, deduction plan, accounting profile, expense category code, use EFT flag, vendor, goal type id, deduction goal id, deduction type short description, deduction plan short description, net pay distribution type and pay input definition must be populated with spaces. The internal position id, goal deduction amount, goal cycle count, multiple installment count and installment deduction count must be populated with zeros on the payroll liability journal record. The deduction amount on the payroll liability journal record must be equal to the negative of the contract pay amount on the pay detail record. The attributes defaulted flag and the generate payment voucher flag must be set to ‘N’ on the payroll liability journal record. The fund and accounting department on the payroll liability journal record must be read from the RESERVE PAY FUND CD and RESERVE PAY DEPARTMENT CD entries on SPAR. If the fund and/or department are not found in the site parameter table then an error message must be written to the payroll management error table (See Appendix A for additional information). The balance sheet account on the payroll liability journal record must be populated with the balance sheet account calculated above. The financial event must be populated with the RESERVE PAY FIN USAGE EVENT entries on SPAR. If the financial usage event is not found in the site parameter table then an error message must be written to the payroll management error table (See Appendix A for additional information).
The accounting period information must be written to the payroll liability journal record. To obtain the accounting period information the calendar date table must be read using the check date to get the fiscal month and fiscal year. The fiscal month and fiscal year must be used to read the accounting period table. If the accounting period is closed then the accounting period table must be read until the next open accounting period is found. The fiscal month and fiscal year from the accounting period table must be written to the payroll liability journal record. If an open accounting period is not found in the accounting period table then an error message must be written to the payroll management error table (See Appendix A for additional information). If the check date does not exist in the calendar date table then an error message must be written to the payroll management error table (See Appendix A for additional information).
If the ACCTG BYPASS FINANCIAL EDITS flag on SPAR is set to ‘Y’ then the detection and correction of accounting errors will take place within the financial system. Otherwise, the deduction accounting attributes must be validated. The payroll liability journal record must now be inserted into the payroll liability journal table.
The pay detail record must now be processed further irrespective of the ALLOW RESERVE PAY PROCESSING flag on SPAR and the cost accounting id on the event type table. If the pay detail record being processed is a result of the time-to-gross process then the pending pay accounting table must be read to obtain the accounting information for the pay detail.
The following fields must be moved from the pay detail record before writing the payroll expense journal record to the payroll expense journal vector.
Transaction ID
Sub title
Bank account code
Check number
Pay cycle
Employee name (first, middle, last)
Employee ID
Source appointment id
Internal employee id
GTN type ID
GTN run number
Process date
Pay period start date
Pay period end date
Check date
Transaction code
Transaction number
Pay type
Internal control number
If the ALLOC OVERTIME OVER LABOR on SPAR is set and the pay event being processed is an overtime pay event, then the pay detail must be stored for processing it later. If the ALLOC LEAVE OVER LABOR on SPAR is set and the pay event being processed is a pay event, then the pay detail must be stored for later processing. All other pay details must be processed as outlined below.
The expense category, cost accounting id, event type id and the pay input definition from the event table must be written to the payroll expense journal record. If the retro sequence number on the pay detail record is zeros then the retro pay flag on the payroll expense journal record must be set to ‘N’. Otherwise the retro pay flag on the payroll expense journal record must be set to ‘Y’. If the ACCTG CHARGE EXCESS TIME CATEG flag on SPAR is set to ‘Y’ then the time category code from the event table and labor distribution profile code, object code, sub object code, check number, bank account from the pay detail record must be written to the payroll expense journal record. The pay period first month end date and the pay period end accounting period for split pay period must be written to the payroll expense journal record.
The following steps must be performed in the same order as below to get the correct accounting information for pay detail records.
If the cost accounting id on the event table is set to ‘profile override’ or if the override labor distribution profile flag on the pay detail record is not ‘Y’ and the cost accounting id on the event table is set to ‘user profile override’ then the department and the labor distribution profile determined previously from the event table and the pay event begin date must be to get the accounting information using the COA process.
If the cost accounting id on the event table is set to ‘user profile override with employee home department’ and the override labor distribution profile flag on the pay detail record is not ‘Y’ then the employee’s home department from the employee assignment table, the labor distribution profile from the event table and the pay event begin date must be to get the accounting information using the COA process.
If the pay detail record says that the employee assignment attributes, position attributes or split position attributes must be used for accounting then the internal employee id, source appointment id and pay event begin date must be used to get the accounting information using the COA process.
If the Use Profile Code flag on the pay detail record is set to Y, then the labor distribution profile code and the Pay Event Begin Date from the pay detail record must be used to get the accounting information using the COA process.
If the ‘use specific attributes’ on the pay detail record is set to ‘Y’ and the default labor distribution profile code is populated and none of the accounting attributes have overrides, then the default labor distribution profile code must be used for accounting. The home department from the employee assignment record must be used as the labor distribution profile department for accounting. If the employee assignment record is not valid as of the effective date on the pay detail record then the employee assignment table must looked up using the effective date on the pay detail record to get the correct home department. The department code, labor distribution profile and the pay event begin date must be used to obtain the accounting information using the COA process.
The expiration date returned by the COA process must be compared with the pay event date. If the expiration date is less than the pay event date then the above steps must be repeated using the day after the expiration date to get the accounting information until expiration date returned by the COA process is greater than the pay event date. Also, the ratio of the number of working days for which the accounting information is valid and the total number of working days in the entire event must be multiplied with the distribution percentage returned by the COA process to get the effective distribution percentage.
Once the accounting information is obtained, the pay journal record must be split into multiple records, one for each accounting line. The contract pay amount and the input amount for each line must be obtained by multiplying the effective distribution percentage for each accounting line with the contract pay amount and the input amount on the pay detail record respectively. The object and sub object must be overridden with the ones specified on the event table if the cost accounting id is set to ‘object sub object override’ or ‘user object sub object override’ and the override object flag and the override sub object flag on the pay detail record are not set to ‘Y’.
If the accounting period is a split accounting period then the payroll expense journal record must be split into multiple records. The accounting event begin date must be set to the pay event begin date. The accounting event end date must be set to the pay event date. The total pay amount must be set to the contract pay amount. The total input amount must be set to the input amount.
The steps to split the payroll expense journal record into multiple records for split accounting period is outlined below:
If the accounting event begin date is not equal to the accounting event end date and it is a split pay period then the pay detail record must be split into two payroll expense journal records. One must end at the end of the month and the second one must begin on the first day of the second month.
The two payroll expense journal records must have the same information except the event date and the contract pay amount.
The total number of working days between the accounting event begin date and the accounting event end date must be calculated.
The number of working days between the accounting event begin date and the last date of the end of the month must be calculated.
The allocation percentage must be set to the ratio of the number of working days to the total number of working days.
The pay event begin date for the first record must be set to the accounting event begin date. The pay event date for the first record must be the month end date of the accounting event begin date. The contract pay amount on the first record must be calculated by multiplying the total pay amount with the allocation percentage. The input amount on the first record must be calculated by multiplying the total input amount with the allocation percentage.
The pay event begin date for the second record must be set to the first day of the month for the accounting event end date. The pay event date for the second record must be set to the accounting event end date. The contract pay amount allocated to the first record must be subtracted from the total pay amount to get the contract pay amount for the second record. The input pay amount allocated to the first record must be subtracted from the total input amount to get the input amount for the second record.
The event date on the payroll expense journal record must be used to get the first open fiscal month and fiscal year from the accounting period table. The logic to get this information is outlined earlier in the transaction. The fiscal month and fiscal year must be written to the payroll expense journal record. The pay event begin date and the work cycle code must be written to the payroll expense journal record.
If the ACCTG CHARGE EXCESS TIME CATEG on SPAR is set to ‘Y’, the time category vector must be built by processing all the pay detail records that do not satisfy the conditions below.
Input amount on the pay detail record is equal to zero
The pay detail record is an entity adjustment or year-to-date dollar adjustment
The event date is in a prior pay period
To build the time category vector, the following steps must be performed.
The time category code and the effective date from the event type table must be used read the time category table to get the cost accounting id. If the time category does not exist in the time category table then an error message must be written to the payroll management error table (See Appendix A for additional information).
If the cost accounting id is set to not-override then the time category vector must be searched to verify if a record with the same time category code from the event type table, the bank account number and check number from the pay detail record exists. If a record already exists then the input amount from the pay detail record must be added to the total input amount in the time category array. If a record does not exist, then a new record must be added to the time category vector with the time category code from the event type table, the bank account number, check number, the standard hours per pay period and the input amount from the pay detail record. The standard hours calculated while processing with the employee attributes record must be used as the standard hours per pay period.
After all the pay details have been processed, the stored overtime pay details and leave pay details are processed.
For overtime pay details, the FLSA period for the pay detail is determined. If the FLSA period began before the pay period start date then all the payroll expense journal records from the FLSA period start date and the pay period start date must be read. If the ADV Financial 3.X entry on SPAR is set to true then the payroll accounting journal must be read to retrieve the data. If no records are found or the SPAR entry is set to false then the payroll expense journal history table must be read. If no records are found then the payroll expense journal table must be read. All the pay detail records between the FLSA start date and FLSA end date must be checked to verify if the pay event generated the overtime pay event. All such records are selected and the overtime pay detail is prorated across all the records.
For leave pay details, all the pay details that are pay event type must be selected. All such records are selected and the leave pay detail is prorated across all the records.
For cancelled checks’ pay details, look to the Pay Detail table and identify cancelled checks by the Original Internal Control Number field. If this field is zero or null, the check is not cancelled. For each pay detail with a populated Original Internal Control Number, use this number as the Internal Control number when looking up to the Expense Journal. Copy the all chart of accounts information as well as the Processing Date, Pay Period Start Date, Pay Period End Date, Check Date, Event Date, Pay Event Begin Date, Fiscal Month, and Fiscal Year from the Expense Journal row to a new Expense Journal row.