Transaction Information

The following Transaction Codes exist in the Payroll Accounting Management area of CGI Advantage HRM.

Transaction Name

Page Code

Intended Use

Employee Event Accounting Information


The Employee Event Accounting Information (DEPTE) transaction allows you to enter event type specific labor distribution accounting information data for employees. This transaction updates both Employee Appointment Accounting and Employee Appointment Event Accounting tables.

  • The Header tab only contains the Employee ID, Appointment ID, From, To dates, Home Department and Home Unit fields. 

  • The Employee Event Accounting Information Detail tab serves as an employee’s event type specific labor default and can hold multiple event type entries. When payroll data for one of the specified Pay Events is processed, labor is distributed based on the corresponding DEPTE detail section for that Pay Event. 

Employee Pay Period Accounting


The Employee Pay Period Accounting Information (EPPA) transaction allows you to enter labor exception data for employees. The data overrides the employee defaults for a specific number of hours for a specific date and event within the pay period. The accounting data may specify a single accounting line or a labor distribution profile code.

Labor Cost Redistribution Request


Records labor cost accounting distribution adjustments.

The following Transaction Codes belong to the Payroll (PYRL) Transaction Type and are created by the Payroll Accounting Management process and are processed in Advantage Financial. The transactions cannot be created manually and cannot be viewed or modified from Advantage HRM. Refer to the CGI Advantage - General Accounting User Guide in the Advantage Financial application, for more information.

Transaction Name

Page Code

Intended Use

Payroll Accrual


Records remaining labor and fringe costs for a period.  

Payroll Contract Encumbrance


Records encumbrances for remaining payroll costs of a contract period

Payroll Expenditure


Records gross pay on the payroll end date

Records expenditures for internally-funded fringe costs

Payroll Expenditure Correction


Records a correction in CGI Advantage Financial for payroll costs

Used instead of starting the correction process within CGI Advantage HR

Payroll Internal


Records internally-funded deductions

Records internally-funded fringe costs

Payroll Leave Liability


Records the amount of leave accrued through the current pay period

Payroll Liability


Records net pay

Records external deductions

Records reserve pay

Records external fringe

Used when direct disbursement is not requested

Payroll Net Payment


Records reduction in Net Pay and Cash for payroll checks

Records transfer of Accrued Expenditure to Cash Expenditure for Net Pay and Deductions Paid

Payroll Vendor Payment Request


Requests payment for external deductions

Requests payment for external fringe costs