Advanced - Batch - Next Generation Payroll
The Payroll Processing area includes several batch jobs. Refer to the appropriate sections below for a list of all batch and report jobs. For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters), refer to the applicable run sheet guide available from the "User Guide Downloads" topic in the online help.
Next Generation (NextGen) Payroll jobs co-exist with its COBOL counterpart in the system. However, at any point in time, only one platform-based execution is possible (either COBOL execution or NextGen Payroll based execution). This is controlled through a switch called COBOL to NextGen Payroll switch. For more details on the COBOL to NextGen Payroll switch, please refer to the "COBOL to NextGen Payroll Switch" topic in the CGI Advantage System Administration Guide.
Please note that, for the existing Java jobs (non-transformed one), this does not apply
Job Name |
Description |
Batch Catalog section |
Flexible Spending Accounts Processor (HH00300R) |
The Flexible Spending Accounts Processor process executes programs HHRE030 and HHRD030. Program HHRE030 creates an extract that is used to generate the Flexible Spending Account Balance Summary Report (HHRD030). Program HHRD030 reads the extract and produces the Flexible Spending Account Balance Summary Report. The Flexible Spending Account Balance Summary Report monitors employee balances, providing a snap shot of both employer liability and employee forfeiture amounts at any given point in time. The Flexible Spending Account Balance Summary Report displays both an Account Balance and Plan Year Balance for each individual employee as well as a total for the Flexible Spending Account represented by the Reimbursement Category and Salary Reduction Category combination. |
Flexible Spending |
Flexible Spending Account Pending Reimbursements Processor (HH00400R) |
The Flexible Spending Account Pending Reimbursements Processor process will execute programs HHRE040 and HHRD040. Program HHRE040 creates an extract that is used to generate the Flexible Spending Account Pending Reimbursement Report (HHRD040). Program HHRD040 reads the extract and produces the Flexible Spending Account Pending Reimbursement Report. The Flexible Spending Account Pending Reimbursement Report displays all pending reimbursements, both by employee and in total, for the plan year specified on the Batch Parameter. |
Flexible Spending |
Flexible Spending Account Participant Statement Processor (HH00500R) |
The Flexible Spending Account Participant Statement Processor process executes programs HHRE050 and HHRD050. Program HHRE050 creates an extract containing employee Flexible Spending account data, which is used to generate the Employee Spending Account Summary Report (HHRD050). Program HHRD050 reads the extract and produces the Employee Spending Account Summary Report. This Employee Spending Account Summary Report can produce participant statements quarterly or on-demand. The Account Balance is calculated as the salary reduction plus reimbursements (negative) plus pending reimbursements (negative). The Plan Year Balance will be the yearly Goal Amount plus reimbursements (negative). |
Flexible Spending |
Flexible Spending Account Extract File Generator (HH00600R) |
The Flexible Spending Account Extract File Generator process, which executes HHRE060, creates an extract file to be used for ad hoc reporting from current data (HHRE060). The extract can be used for generating letters to employees. |
Flexible Spending |
Pending Reimbursement Account Claim Processor (HH00700R) |
The Pending Reimbursement Account Claim Processor process executes programs HHRE070 and HHRD070. Program HHRE070 creates an extract file which contains summary reimbursement data for all reimbursements in the plan year. Program HHRD070 reads the summary extract file and produces the Flexible Spending Reimbursement Summary Report. This report contains all reimbursement activity amounts that need to be processed before the next Gross to Net run. This report lists each employee’s remaining claim amount. It also lists original claim amounts for those claims that have not been fully paid. |
Flexible Spending |
Annualized Salary Extract (HA03100R) |
Annualized Salary Extract updates the ANNUAL_SALARY table with an employee's annualized base salary (or close approximation). Once the annual salary is approximated, it is broken down into quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly salaries as well. From there, it can be reported against or checked against. Annualized Salary Extract also produces a statistics report called the Annualized Salary Extract Statistics (HABASAL) Report. The Annualized Salary Extract Statistics Report lists errors and warning messages generated through the Annualized Salary Extract process. |
On Request Jobs |
Contract Pay Balance Report (HA00900R) |
The Contract Pay Balance Report job (HA00900R) executes two COBOL programs: HARD210 to create an extract file and HAACONS to create the Contract Pay Balance Report. The report lists all smoothed contract pay employees and their pay details to date. Employees are grouped by department and unit. |
On Request Jobs |
Execute Personnel and Payroll Ad Hoc Reports |
This job executes Ad Hoc Reports for payroll and personnel in Advantage HRM. Reports that can be generated are the Probationary Period Tickler Report (HBA6000), the Contract Pay Balances (HAACONP) Report, and the Reserve Pay Balances (HAARESP) Report. The Probationary Period Tickler Report lists all the employees whose probationary end date occur within thirty days of the report run date. Employees are grouped by Department and Unit. Since employees appearing on this list may be approaching a performance or pay review, this report can be used to trigger the scheduling of such events. No totals are displayed on this report. The Contract Pay Balances Report provides a summary of contract activity for all contract employees whose earnings are based on the regular contract model as of the last payroll run. The employees are grouped by Department and Unit. The Reserve Pay Balances Report summarizes the reserve pay balance for employees eligible for reserve pay processing. The totals on this report can be used to determine the reserve pay liability for an employee or group of employees. Employees are grouped by Department and Unit. |
On Request Jobs |
Mass Change |
Mass Change job is used to change data from one value to the other value in a large scale. The job reads data from Employee Assignment table to create new transactions and then replaces the data with new values entered on the mass change revised attributes tab. The data in the operational tables are updated when the transaction is submitted. The minimum effective date and maximum expiration dates are retrieved from MASS_CHANGE table. Records are retrieved from EMPL_ASGNMT within those dates. For each assignment record’s effective and expiration dates, mass change records are again retrieved. For each mass change record, the selection criteria is matched with data in the current assignment record. If the selection criteria and pay parms criteria match, then a transaction is created for the request type in that mass change record. If selection criteria is not a match, then the next mass change record is matched against the current assignment record and the process continues until all mass change records are processed. Then the next assignment record is processed with mass change records. This process continues until all assignment records within the mass change date range are processed. A PDF report is generated at the end with the following information in the report for each transaction: employee ID, appointment ID, request number, transaction code, transaction department, transaction unit, transaction ID, and transaction status. Mass Change can create ESMT, DEPTA, DEPTD, OTDED, OTPAY, RTRG AND STRG transactions. |
On Request Jobs |
Outstanding Paychecks (HA01100R) |
Outstanding Paychecks produces a report that lists all checks that have been outstanding longer than the number of days specified in the outstanding paycheck threshold on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) table. Outstanding Paychecks sets up the files required to run HARD140 and executes it. The Bank Reconciliation Outstanding Checks Report (HAR6900) lists the outstanding checks on the database. The report is generated by the Outstanding Paychecks process. These checks have a status of Paycheck Outstanding. Checks are grouped by bank. |
On Request Jobs |
Paycheck Calc Cleanup |
This job deletes all the Paycheck Calculator table records whose Check Date is on or before the date given in the job parameter. |
On Request Jobs |
Paycycle Bank Reconciliation (HA01200R) |
The Bank Reconciliation process compares the organization’s payroll records to the bank’s checks and direct deposit records to find inconsistencies that occurred during each pay cycle process. In addition, any checks that have been cleared by the bank will be marked in the system. The Bank Reconciliation process starts with information received from the bank that handles your organization’s bank account program. This information is sent in machine-readable format in the form of a tape, and provides the follow-up to the paycheck and electronic funds transfer tapes that you have sent to the bank during pay cycle processing. The bank tape contains information on all cleared checks and deposits including the check number, check amount, processing date, and the check disposition. During the Pay Cycle Bank Reconciliation process, the bank tape is processed against the system files containing outstanding checks. This program matches the checks on the tape to the checks in the system files. Where there is a match, the check is marked as cleared by the system, the check disposition date is updated, and the check status is changed to Pay Check Cleared. The following reports are generated:
On Request Jobs |
Pending Payment Cleanup |
The Pending Payment Cleanup job deletes all PEND_PAY_KEY table records, and records from the PEND_PAY table where there is a corresponding record in the PEND_PAY_KEY table. This job has no job parameters. This job is recommended to run after successful completion of the Payroll Finalization job. This job is recommended to be executed by sites using the Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) IN HOME CARE SERVICES SITE set as true. For more information on the SPAR IN HOME CARE SERVICES SITE refer to the Site Specific Parameter topic. |
On Request Jobs |
Populate CYCL and WCPC Tables |
The Populate CYCL and WCPC Tables job populates the Pay Cycle and Work Cycle for Pay Cycle records automatically. This job create entries on the Pay Cycle and Work Cycle for Pay Cycle tables based on user input and Pay Cycle Pattern and Work Cycle Pattern tables. The process should be run once a year to create all the Pay Cycles and Work Cycle for Pay Cycle records for that year. The Populate CYCL and WCPC Tables batch job uses the Pay Cycle Pattern (PCPT) to determine the Pay Cycle records that need to be created. It also uses the Work Cycle Pattern (WCPT) to determine the Work Cycle for Pay Cycle records that need to be created. This job also creates a report at the end, containing a brief synopsis of the populated Pay Cycle and Work Cycle records. |
On Request Jobs |
Populate WDAY Table |
The Populate WDAY job adds records to the WDAY table for entries on WKCY and creates a report log file. It allows the user to automatically create records on the WDAY table by populating record starting at the “Date of 1st Work Cycle Start” and repeating the cycle from WKCY until the “Populate WDAY through” Date. Then, using the Holiday Schedule from WKCY the Batch program populates the dates with that Holiday Schedule on WDAY with the schedule type of “Holiday”. This job has 5 parameters. Work Cycle, points the program to a particular WKCY entry to be processed and added to the WDAY table. The Start Date and End Date Parameters, allows you to provide a range of dates; any WKCY entry with a “Date of 1st Work Cycle Start” that falls within these dates is processed. The commit block size parameter, which is optional, indicates the block size for committing to the database. Finally, the Override Parameter, defaulted to No, lets you decide if the program should rewrite any entry that it tries to create, but already exists on the Work Day table. |
On Request Jobs |
Tax-deferred Compensation - Annual Limits Control (HH00900R) |
The Tax-deferred Compensation - Annual Limits Control process sums all deferred compensation deduction categories for an employee and compare this to the maximum allowable amount regulated by IRS codes. This processing will ensure that the maximum deduction amount is not exceeded at the category level, as well as the plan level. The system will provide grouping of all deferred compensation categories for each employee. All categories with deferred compensation employee contributions will be grouped and will maintain a combined annual cap specified by IRC 401(k), 403(b) or 457. Categories for deferred compensation that are set-up as employer fringe benefits (employer matching) will be grouped to maintain a combined annual cap to be determined by the employer. Categories for catch-up provisions will be grouped separately from the deferred compensation categories and will maintain combined annual caps specified by the IRS as well. |
On Request Jobs |
W-4 Form Submission Report |
The W-4 Form Submission Report batch job creates a PDF report based on the W-4 form. If and when required, this job can be run specifically for IRS to provide proof of electronic signature of the Form W-4, for the specified employee, or for all employees. This batch job validates the input parameters, retrieves the W-4 details from W4C_DOC_HDR and creates a report that contains Employee ID, Employee Name, User ID, Date and Time of the most recent W-4 submitted by the employee(s). |
On Request Jobs |
Update Check Date for Supplemental Cycle |
The Update Check Date for Supplemental Cycle job can only run in the context of Chain jobs for supplemental cycle. If a site decides to set up Supplemental Cycle chain job through UI based chain job triggering feature on Trigger Management page (TRGM) , then this job need to be embedded in the chain as the first job to be run. It updates the check date parameter of all the jobs in the supplemental cycle in the chain that needs it as input parameter. It defaults to the current system date if not entered. |
On Request Jobs |
Set Retro Run Number for Retro Cycle |
The Set Retro Run Number for Retro Cycle job can only be run in the context of chain jobs for Retro Pay, Retro Deduction and Retro Leave Cycles. If a site decides to set up Retro Pay, Retro Deduction and Retro Leave Cycle chain jobs through UI based chain job triggering feature on the Trigger management (TRGM) page, then this job need to be embedded in the chain as the immediate job following the respective Select Retro Trigger jobs. It updates the Retro Run Number parameter of all the jobs in the Retro Pay, Retro Deduction and Retro Leave Cycle in the chain that needs it as input parameter. It pulls up the Retro Run Number from the ID_CT column from the IDGEN table with IDGEN_KY value as RETR. |
On Request Jobs |
Set GTN Run Number for Payroll Cycle |
The Set GTN Run Number for Payroll Cycle job can only be run in the context of chain jobs for Regular or Preliminary Payroll Cycle. If a site decides to set up Regular or Preliminary Cycle chain job through UI based chain job triggering feature on Pay period page (PERD) , then this job need to be embedded in the chain as the immediate job following the respective Pre-processor job. It updates the GTN Run Number parameter of all the jobs in the Regular or Preliminary cycle in the chain that needs it as input parameter. It pulls up the GTN Run Number from the ID_CT column from IDGEN table with IDGEN_KY value as GTNR. |
On Request Jobs |
Set Retro File Suffix for Retro Cycle |
The Set Retro File Suffix for Retro Cycle jobcan only be run in the context of Chain jobs for retro cycle. If a site decides to set up retro chain jobs for Retro Pay, Retro Deduction or Retro Leave through UI based chain job triggering feature on Trigger Management page (TRGM ), then this job need to be embedded in the chain as the first job to be run. It updates the Retro File Suffix batch parameter of all the retro jobs in the chain that needs Retro File Suffix as its input parameter. This suffix is in turn used in the subsequent jobs for naming the trigger files. This job prepopulates the Retro File Suffix batch parameter with a default value of A01. It also provides the flexibility for the batch administrator to auto increment the File Suffix so that consecutive runs do not end up overwriting the same named File Suffix on the server/table records. |
On Request Jobs |
Preprocessor Regular Gross-to-Net |
The Preprocessor Regular Gross-to-Net job invokes AdvHRPreprocRegularGrossToNet class to select employees for processing in the payroll cycle. It selects every payroll number in the Pay Period (PERD) table with the Run GTN flag checked. It then reads through all of the employee assignments in the database (EMPL_ASGNMT) and creates a Regular GTN trigger (REG_TRIGGER) for each employee assignment in each selected payroll number within the pay period date range. |
Payroll Jobs |
Gross-to-Net: Regular Gross-to-Net |
The Regular Gross-to-Net job invokes GrossToNetDriver class to produce pay checks for the pay cycle. Regular Gross-to-Net is run multiple times, once for each Process Number, defined by the value of MAX GTN PROC NO in the Site Parameter (SPAR) table. GrossToNetDriver reads through the REG_TRIGGER table for a specific GTN Process Number and calculates gross payments such as base pay, FLSA pay, fringe pay, reimbursable pay, and leave cascading to pay. Regular Gross-to-Net pay cycle also processes deductions and determines net pay amounts. |
Payroll Jobs |
Preprocessor Supplemental Gross-to-Net |
The Preprocessor Supplemental Gross-to-Net job invokes AdvHRPreprocSuppGrossToNet class to preprocess the triggers present in the supplementary trigger table for further processing in the supplemental payroll cycle. It selects every supplemental trigger present in the Supplementary trigger table and assigns a GTN Process number to the individual triggers. The splitting of triggers into separate threads is performed by the Preprocessor Supplemental Gross-to-Net job. Each separate thread is identified by a unique GTN Process Number. The MAX SUPP PROC NO parameter in the Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) table defines the number of threads. If this parameter is missing or invalid, AdvHRPreprocSuppGrossToNet will default the number of threads to 1. The maximum value is 50.When MAX SUPP PROC NO has a value greater than 1, AdvHRPreprocSuppGrossToNet will round robin every trigger in SUPP_TRIGGER into separate GTN Processes. When utilizing the NextGen payroll service, if the SINGLE TAXING ENTITY parameter in Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) reference table is set to false and the POPULATE EMPLOYER FICA SPAR parameter is set to true, employees are sorted in the ascending order of Taxing Entity, Internal Employee ID, and Appointment ID and all employees that belong to the same Taxing Entity will be sorted into the same process number. This may result in an uneven distribution of employees across the threads and this uneven distribution is expected under this condition. |
Payroll Jobs |
Gross-to-Net: Supplemental Paycycle |
Supplemental Gross-to-Net reads through the SUPP_TRIGGER table and calculates pay and deductions in supplemental pay cycles. Supplemental pay processing is triggered for each employee by making an entry on the Supplemental Pay Trigger table. Supplemental pay can be requested for a specified pay type, for a retroactive payment, or for a replacement check. Each supplemental request selects only those pending payments whose supplemental indicator matches the supp ID on the Supplemental Pay Trigger table being processed. Therefore, if two different types of supplementals are requested for an employee, two separate checks are written. For replacement check supplementals, permanent payments are also calculated. Deductions eligible for supplemental cycles are also processed. Supplemental triggers are deleted from the table after they are processed. |
Payroll Jobs |
Preprocessor No-Pay-Calc Gross-to-Net |
The Preprocessor No-Pay-Calc Gross-to-Net job invokes AdvHRNoPayCalcPreProcessor class to preprocess the triggers present in the NO_PAY_CALC_TRGR table for further processing in the No-Pay-Calc payroll cycle. It selects every trigger present in the NO_PAY_CALC_TRGR table and assigns a GTN Process number to the individual triggers. The splitting of triggers into separate threads is performed by the Preprocessor NO_PAY_CALC_TRGR Gross-to-Net job. Each separate thread is identified by a unique GTN Process Number. The MAX NO PAY PROC NO parameter in the Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) table defines the number of threads. If this parameter is missing or invalid, AdvHRNoPayCalcPreProcessor will default the number of threads to 1. When MAX NO PAY PROC NO has a value greater than 1, AdvHRNoPayCalcPreProcessor will round robin every trigger in NO_PAY_CALC_TRGR into separate GTN Processes. When utilizing the NextGen payroll service, if the SINGLE TAXING ENTITY parameter in Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) reference table is set to false, employees are sorted in the ascending order of Taxing Entity, Internal Employee ID, and Appointment ID and all employees that belong to the same Taxing Entity will be sorted into the same process number. This may result in an uneven distribution of employees across the threads and this uneven distribution is expected under this condition. |
Payroll Jobs |
Gross-to-Net: No-Pay-Calculation Paycycle |
Gross-to-Net: No-Pay-Calculation Paycycle reads through the NO_PAY_CALC_TRGR table and adjusts employee summaries based on the adjustments and check cancellations that are selected for processing. No checks are produced during No Pay Calculation processing. Only the year-to-date summaries are adjusted. No-pay calc triggers are deleted from the table after they are processed. |
Payroll Jobs |
Generate Bank Notification Extract File - Deductions |
The Generate Bank Notification Extract File - Deductions job (HA00600C) executes the COBOL program HARD040 to read through the pay check tables and produce extract files of EFT transactions and savings bonds, which are used in other batch jobs and sent to banks for processing. |
Payroll Jobs |
Generate Bank Notification Extract File - Net Pay |
The Generate Bank Notification Extract File - Net Pay job (HA01000C) executes the COBOL program HARD060 to read through the MICR tables and produce extract files of check and EFT transactions generated for Net Pay which are used in other batch jobs and sent to banks for processing. |
Payroll Jobs |
Merge EFT Extract Files (HA01005C) |
Merge EFT Extract Files merges the EFT files created by Generate Bank Notification Extract File - Deduction and Generate Bank Notification Extract File - Net Pay into one EFT file. |
Payroll Jobs |
Paycheck Extract File Split (HA01010C) |
Paycheck Extract File Split splits the paycheck extract file, created by the Generate Bank Notification Extract File - Net Pay into a maximum of 20 files based on pay cycle and payroll group to be used for input in Create Check Bank Tapes. |
Payroll Jobs |
Create Check Bank Tapes |
The Create Check Bank Tapes job (HA01020C) reads Paycheck Extract files and converts the data into a format that can be submitted to a bank for processing. These Input files can be from one of two sources:
If the same Pay Cycle and Payroll Group is specified on every paycheck, there is no need to run the Paycheck Extract File Split (HA001010C) does not need to be run. Pay Cycle and Payroll Group codes are the key fields to the Check Print Parameter (CPRM) table, used by the Check Print process to determine the Bank Account and Check Number for each paycheck. The Paycheck Extract File Split job (HA1010C) reads the Paycheck Extract file – HA2CHKE and splits the data into up to 20 different files for every change in either Pay Cycle or Payroll Group code.
The Create Check Bank Tapes job must be run once for each Paycheck Split Extract file - OTCHKnn that was created when the Paycheck Extract File Split job (HA1010C) was run. |
Payroll Jobs |
EFT Extract File Split (HA01030C) |
EFT Extract File Split splits the EFT extract file into a maximum of 20 files for input to the Create EFT Bank Tapes. The EFT extract file is created in either Generate Bank Notification Extract File - Net Pay or Merge EFT Extract Files, depending upon whether the EFT extracts have been merged. Note: If the EFT extract file being split is the merged EFT file created by Merge EFT Extract Files, the MERGED EFT EXTRACT file in EFT Extract File Split must be uncommented and the correct file name inserted. |
Payroll Jobs |
Create EFT Bank Tapes |
The Create EFT Bank Tapes job reads EFT Extract files and converts the data into a format that can be submitted to a bank for processing. These Input files can be from one of five sources:
If the same Pay Cycle and Payroll Group is specified on every paycheck, there is no need to run the EFT Extract File Split does not need to be run. Pay Cycle and Payroll Group codes are the key fields to the Check Print Parameter (CPRM) table, used by the Check Print process to determine the Bank Account and Check Number for each paycheck. The EFT Extract File Split job reads the EFT Extract files (either HA2EFTE or EFTEXTR) and splits the data into up to 20 different files for every change in either Pay Cycle or Payroll Group code. The Create EFT Bank Tapes job must be run once for each EFT Split Extract file – OTEFTnn that was created when the EFT Extract File Split job was run. The Create EFT Bank Tapes job supports multiple EFT bank file formats. For the File Format parameter, when the entered value is 1 (the default value), the file format used is the standard National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) file format and when the entered value is 2, the following file format changes are used:
Payroll Jobs |
Create EFT CSEA Tapes |
The Create EFT CSEA Tapes job (HA01041C) reads EFT Extract files and converts the data into a format that can be submitted to a Child Support Enforcement agency for processing. These input files can be from one of five sources:
Payroll Jobs |
Gross-to-Net: Immediate Update of Canceled Checks |
From Check Distribution (CHCK), when a value in Update Balance Immediately field is Yes, the system schedules the Gross-to-Net: Immediate Update of Canceled Checks job and populate the Job ID field with the Job ID of the scheduled job. Gross-to-Net: Immediate Update of Canceled Checks should not be executed by the Job Manager. |
Payroll Jobs |
Create EFT TDIR Tapes (HA01042C) |
From Check Distribution (CHCK), when a value in Update Balance Immediately field is Yes, the system schedules the Gross-to-Net: Immediate Update of Canceled Checks job and populate the Job ID field with the Job ID of the scheduled job. Gross-to-Net: Immediate Update of Canceled Checks should not be executed by the Job Manager. The Create EFT TDIR Tapes job reads EFT Extract files and converts the data into a format that can be submitted to the Treasury Direct for processing. The Create EFT TDIR Tapes job supports multiple EFT bank file formats. For the File format parameter, when the entered value is 1 (the default value), the file format used is the standard NACHA (National Automated Clearing House) file format. When the entered value is 2, the following file format changes are used:
Payroll Jobs |
Process Configurable Pay |
The Process Configurable Pay batch job evaluates eligible employees’ pending pay records against active Configurable Pay records and generates pending payments when a rule constraint is met by an employee. The job is run immediately prior to a regular pay cycle run. The output of the job is dependent on the run type.
Payroll Jobs |
Generate Automated Accrual (AACC) Transactions |
Generate Automated Accrual (AACC) Transactions batch process is used for creating AACC transactions. Data is read from the AACC_QUEUE table, an XML transaction file is created, and the XML transaction is loaded into CGI Advantage HRM through a nightly batch process. The Generate AACC Transactions process begins by scheduling "AACCDocGeneration" in a way similar to any other batch process. On successful completion of this process, the AACC XML file is created. |
Paycycle Jobs |
Load Automated Accrual (AACC) Transactions |
Load Automated Accrual (AACC) Transactions uses the utility program SysManUtil to load AACC transactions to the database that were created by the Generate Automated Accrual (AACC) Transactions batch process. |
Paycycle Jobs |
Submit Automated Accrual (AACC) Transactions |
Submit Automated Accrual (AACC) Transactions uses the utility program SysManUtil to submit AACC transactions for processing. |
Paycycle Jobs |
Load Leave Extract |
Load Leave Extract job (HA01450C) is run when leave balance information needs to be printed on the employee’s check stub. The Load Leave Extract program, HARD170, uses the Leave Summary (LEAVE_SUMM), Leave Summary History (LEAVE_SUMM_HIST), and the Regular Gross-to-Net Trigger (REG_TRIGGER) tables to extract current and historical leave information for each employee processed during the pay cycle. It creates information for printing on the check stub in the Leave Extract (LEV_EXTRACT) table. This table can also be used in ad-hoc leave reporting. |
Paycycle Jobs |
Payment Activity Report by Vendor ID - Paycycle (HH04100C) |
Payment Activity Report by Vendor ID - Paycycle generates a report summarizing payment activity during the paycycle, sorted by Vendor ID. |
Paycycle Jobs |
Benefit Register Report |
The Benefit Register Report job (HH06000C) executes the COBOL program HHA6000 to create a listing of all employee benefit activity that occurred during a specified time period. (When run during the pay cycle, this time period is a pay cycle). Employees are grouped by pay cycle, benefit class, benefit sub-class, vendor, and payroll number. |
Paycycle Jobs |
Advanced Pay Reconciliation |
The Advanced Pay Reconciliation batch process is used by sites that provide in-home health care services to reconcile advanced payments and estimated taxes calculated for eligible employers against the actual hours worked reported by their associated employees. The batch job will compare the gross pay, gross hours, and certain taxes withheld for employers to the actual gross pay, gross hours, and taxes withheld for all employees associated with the employer in a given month. Employers are identified by having an Appointment ID of “A” and assigned an Alternate ID that matches their Taxing Entity. Employees are identified by having a blank Appointment ID and assigned an Alternate ID that does not match their Taxing Entity. Employees are associated to employers by having the same Taxing Entity. An employer is considered reconciled for a given month if all of the remaining balance and recon balance totals are zero. Once an employer is reconciled for a given month, the employer will be bypassed for reconciliation processing for that month going forward. |
Paycycle Jobs |
Generate Timesheets |
Generate Timesheets will process and generate Timesheet (TIMEI) transactions for the selected payroll numbers. |
Paycycle Jobs |
Payroll Finalization |
Payroll Finalization finalizes a payroll for a given GTN Run Number and GTN Proc Number. As GTN Runs, it creates records in the current payroll tables. The data in these current Payroll tables is used as input for other processes, such as Payroll Accounting Management (PAM) and Check Print. After these other processes are successfully completed, Payroll Finalization is run to move the pay cycle data to the historical payroll tables. Payroll finalization also calculates summaries and displays them on the online log. Payroll can be finalized for all the GTN Proc Numbers associated with a GTN Run Number by entering a * in the GTN Proc Number job parameter. |
Paycycle Jobs |
Leave Summary History Generator (HA01600R) |
Leave Summary History Generator purges data from the Leave Summary History Table and then copies the data from the Leave Summary Table to the Leave Summary History Table. This employee history table is optionally used by Leave Extract Creation (HA01450C) to determine current leave activity. Typically, Leave Summary History Generator is run just after the last supplemental payroll run of the pay period. |
Paycycle Jobs |
STRS/PERS Extract Program |
The Retirement Extract process will populate a new table, the Retirement Contribution Detail (RET_CNTRB_DETL) table, with deduction information produced in the payroll run. This table will track retirement contribution details that can be used by clients to generate interface files and reports for the State Teachers’ Retirement System (STRS) and their Public Employee’s Retirement System (PERS). The extract job will load the deduction details that are flagged as pension contributions into the Retirement Contribution Detail table. Once the details have been loaded into the table through the extract process, the Retirement Contribution Adjustment transaction can be used to modify or delete existing records as well as add new records. |
Paycycle Jobs |
Hours To Gross Report |
The Hours To Gross Register Report (HAR5300) lists the pay transactions used in the calculation of gross pay. This report lists all elements of hours worked by an employee including FLSA and overtime hours, the hourly rate of the employee, and the amount payable to the employee. The report calculates the total number of hours worked and the total amount paid. |
Paycycle Jobs |
Pay Cycle Register Report |
The Pay Cycle Register Report (HAR5200) lists all the employees who were paid during a specified pay cycle. The report is generated by the Pay Cycle Register Reports (HA05200C) script. The employees are grouped by pay cycle, payroll group, payroll number, and bank account number. For each employee, the report lists all data appearing on the employee’s pay check stub. Additional information such as tax class is also displayed. The report lists all elements of gross pay and deduction and the net amount paid to the employee This job runs two separate programs, HARD200 to create intermediate file containing the required information and HAR5200 to read the intermediate file and create a formatted report. |
Paycycle Jobs |
Generate Timesheet TADJ Transactions |
The Generate TADJ transactions job reads the TADJ Queue table and generates a TADJ transaction XML file. In addition to this, the job creates two parameter files TADJ_LOAD_<JobId>.txt and TADJ_SUBMIT_<JobId>.txt, which are used in the SMU Load and Submit processes for TADJ transactions. |
Paycycle Jobs |
Load Time Sheet Adjustment |
Load Time Sheet Adjustment uses the utility program SysManUtil to load TADJ transactions to the database that were created by the Generate Time Sheet TADJ Transactions batch process. |
Paycycle Jobs |
Submit Time Sheet Adjustment |
Submit Time Sheet Adjustment uses the utility program SysManUtil to submit TADJ Transactions for processing. |
Paycycle Jobs |
Load Automated TADJ Transactions |
Load Automated TADJ Transactions uses the utility program SysManUtil to load TADJ transactions to the database that were created by the Generate Time Sheet TADJ Transactions batch process. |
Paycycle Jobs |
Check Print Pre-Processor |
This batch job provides the capability to multi-thread the Check Print process for paper checks and should run prior to the Check Print job. Eligible checks are processed from the Pay Check and Pay Check Extension tables based on the Sort Key value. The parameter inputs for this batch job are Check Disbursement Type, GTN Run Number, Checks, Number of Threads, Payroll Group Code, Pay Cycle Code, Pay Location Code and Pay Period Start Date. Eligible records are read from the Pay Check and Pay Extension tables and are written to the Check Print Thread table. Allocation of eligible checks to the thread takes place using the below formula: Number of Records allocated to each thread = (N-A)/T Where ‘N’ - Total number of eligible records (checks to be processed) ‘A’ - Number of checks or records allocated ‘T’ - Number of threads remaining This job is not required and should only be executed if you wish to multi-thread checks. This job has no impact on EFT processing. |
Pay Check Print Jobs |
Check Print |
The Paycheck Print Processor generates current paychecks created by Gross-To-Net process. The Processor consists of three sub-processes. Check Print retrieves paycheck data based on batch selection parameters from current paycheck tables and assigns a permanent check number to each check record. A new MICR entry is created for each processed paycheck. Check Print needs to be executed at least 2 times. Check Print needs to be run with the NET_PY_DIST_TYP_ID Batch Parameter set to 'C' for paychecks. Check Print can be run in parallel for checks for different check print threads using the Check Print Pre-Processor Job. Check Print includes a Bypass Advantage Check Printing batch parameter. This parameter is used to specify if check printing will be done by the Advantage system or an external process. When this parameter is set to Y, checks that are processed will not be sent to the printer and check stubs (for both checks and EFTs) will not be made available in the Advantage system for employees. This also means that the Generate/Email Paycheck Stubs and Paycheck Load jobs should be bypassed when Check Print is executed with this parameter set to Y. Check Print needs to be run with the NET_PY_DIST_TYP_ID Batch Parameter set to 'E' for EFT. Check Print can be run in parallel for different GTN Proc Numbers for EFT. The first job or thread to run in parallel calculates the number of checks for each bank for a given GTN Run Number and GTN Proc Number and pre- allocates check numbers in the GTN_CHK_NO table for GTN Run Number, GTN Process Number and Bank Account code combination. Any other thread executing simultaneously may enter a wait state for the pre-allocation to be complete. Check sort order is driven by the C_PAY_CHECK_EXT Tables CHK_DIST_ID. Checks with a CHK_DIST_ID of '2' or '4' (Home) are sorted by ZIP, EMPLOYEE_LAST_NAME and EMPLOYEE_FIRST_NAME. Checks with a CHK_DIST_ID of '1' or '3' (Pay Location) are sorted by PAY_CYCLE_CD, PAYROLL_GRP_CD, PAYROLL_NUMBER_CD, PAY_LCTN_CD EMPLOYEE_LAST_NAME and EMPLOYEE_FIRST_NAME. Selected paycheck records are grouped into bundles of system-defined size. The bundled check data is then stored in XML object persisted in CHP_BUNDLE working table. The bundle XML is used to generate paycheck JetForm format data files. The JetForm data files are transferred via FTP to JetForm server for printing. Check Print also generates a detailed report of each check or EFT processed. The report displays the employee name, check number, bank, and whether the record was for a check, EFT or a prenote. |
Paycheck Print Jobs |
Check Reprint |
Check Reprint should be executed when there is a printer problem after the JetForm data has been transferred to the JetForm Server. Check Reprint recreates the JetForm Data file and transfers the JetForm Data file to the JetForm Server. This program does not renumber checks. |
Paycheck Print Jobs |
Generate/E-mail Paycheck Stubs |
Generate/E-mail Paycheck Stubs takes Paycheck Images generated by the Check Print run of the supplied job ID, generates PDFs and e-mails the PDF, if necessary, using the Jet Forms server. Check Image PDFs are stored in bundles and saved in a zip file on the Jet Forms server output directory. The Check Image PDF zip files name format is "Bundle ID"_"INT_CTRL_NO".zip (Ex - |
Paycheck Print Jobs |
Paycheck Load |
Paycheck Load gets the zip files created by Generate/E-mail Paycheck. Paycheck Load verifies the Paycheck stub count in the zip files matches the CHP_BUNDLE Table's TOT_CHK. Paycheck Load copies PDFs from Jet Form Server and loads them to the database so that the checks can be viewed online by users. |
Paycheck Print Jobs |
Assign On Demand GTN Run No |
Assign On Demand GTN Run No assigns the GTN_RUN_NO to submit on demand checks for Payroll Finalization. |
Paycheck Print Jobs |
Check Print Online |
Check Print Online is executed by selecting the "Print" function from the On-line Check (OCHK) transaction. The process prints one check produced from the On-line Check (OCHK) transaction at the user’s request from current paycheck tables and assigns permanent check number to each check record. |
Paycheck Print Jobs |
Check Print Online Cleanup |
AMSCHPOnlineCleanUp deletes calculation only check records from current paycheck tables and generates a report of prepared checks. |
Paycheck Print Jobs |
Load Insert List |
The Load Insert List job is used to set the 'insert indicator' on the payroll print interface file. Input to this batch job is a secondary file that contains the employee IDs of the employees who need inserts. The job first deletes the existing records from INSERT_IND_TMP table. Then it reads the input file and creates entries in table INSERT_IND_TMP for all the Employee IDs. The Check Print job then reads this table and for all employees existing on the table it sets the “insert indicator” to true on the output xml file. |
Paycheck Print Jobs |
Process Ded Detail |
The Job takes in GTN Run Number and GTN Proc Number as input parameters and processes and creates summary records for GTN records from Deduction Detail tables into Deduction Detail Summary table for the input GTN Run Number and GTN Proc Number. Process Ded Detail also rolls-up totals from Pay Detail to GTN RUN SUM for all deduction records. Process Ded Detail uses GTN STATS HDR table to determine if a GTN run record has been processed or not. Job can be run in two modes. First Multi-Threaded mode, job runs in two phases. The First Phase can be run in parallel for different GTN Proc Numbers associated with a GTN Run Number.Phase-2 is executed automatically by one amongst the parallel jobs that completes last and finds that Phase-1 has been completed successfully for all the GTN Proc Numbers associated with the GTN Run Number. Second Single-Threaded mode, job runs in single phase and processes all the GTN Proc Number records for a particular GTN Run Number. |
Load Registry Jobs |
Process Pay Check |
Process Pay Check will process and create summary records for all pending GTN records from Pay check table into Pay Check Sum table. The batch program uses GTN STATS HDR table to determine if a GTN run record has been processed or not. |
Load Registry Jobs |
Process Pay Detail |
The Job takes in GTN Run Number and GTN Proc Number as input parameters and processes and creates summary records for GTN records from Pay Detail table into Pay Detail Sum table for the input GTN Run Number and GTN Proc Number. Process Pay Detail also rolls-up totals from pay detail to GTN RUN SUM for all pay records. Process Pay Detail uses GTN STATS HDR table to determine if a GTN run record has been processed or not. Job can be run in two modes. First Multi-Threaded mode, job runs in two phases. The First Phase can be run in parallel for different GTN Proc Numbers associated with a GTN Run Number.Phase-2 is executed automatically by one amongst the parallel jobs that completes last and finds that Phase-1 has been completed successfully for all the GTN Proc Numbers associated with the GTN Run Number. Second Single-Threaded mode, job runs in single phase and processes all the GTN Proc Number records for a particular GTN Run Number. |
Load Registry Jobs |
Contract Pay Encumbrance Processor |
The Contract Pay Encumbrance Processor processes the contract pay summary information from the contract pay summary table to create contract pay encumbrance expense journal records. These records are written to the contract pay encumbrance expense journal table. The contract pay encumbrance expense journal records are used to create contract pay encumbrance expense transactions. |
Payroll Accounting Management Jobs |
Journal Data Finalization |
The Journal Data Finalization batch process first inserts all the records from the current journal tables to historical journal tables before the current journal tables are purged. This process is executed for the given GTN Proc Number and GTN Run Number combination. The batch process uses the entered GTN Proc Number and GTN Run Number as input to select the records from the current journal tables (PYRL_EXPS_JRNL, PYRL_FRNG_JRNL and PYRL_LIAB_JRNL). Once the records are selected based on the input job parameters, the batch job first inserts all the records from the current journal tables to historical journal tables. The Journal Data Finalization batch job is run only after all Payroll Accounting Management (PAM) related batch jobs are processed and the Payroll Check Processor job in Advantage HRM application, Finance Transaction Generator job in the Advantage Financial application have been processed successfully. |
Payroll Accounting Management Jobs |
Leave Liability Expense Processor |
The Leave Liability Expense Processor processes the leave balance information from the leave extract table to create leave liability accrual expense journal records. These records are written to the leave liability accrual expense journal table, and are used to create leave liability accrual expense transactions. |
Payroll Accounting Management Jobs |
Payroll Accounting Transaction Generator |
The Payroll Accounting Transaction Generator creates payroll accounting transactions and must be run three (3) times in each payroll cycle. The Payroll Accounting Transaction Generator batch parameter PYRL_DOC_ID needs to be set to 'P' (Payroll) for the first run, 'C' (Contract Pay) for the next run, 'L' (Leave Liability) for the last run, and 'A' (Adjustment mode) when there is a record in Payroll Detail Adjustment table with a status code of 'P' - Pending. Payroll Accounting Transaction Generator processes the payroll expense journal, payroll fringe journal, and payroll liability journal records if the batch parameter PYRL_DOC_ID is set to 'P'. Contract pay encumbrance expense journal records are processed if the payroll transaction ID is set to 'C'. Leave liability accrual expense journal records are processed if the payroll transaction ID is set to 'L'. When the PYRL_DOC_ID is set to 'A', the Payroll Accounting Transaction Generator processes Payroll Details Adjustment table records which reference the journal tables (Payroll Expense, Payroll fringe Expense, Contract Pay Expense and Leave liability accrual Expense). |
Payroll Accounting Management Jobs |
Payroll Accounting Transaction Interface 2.X |
For Advantage Financial 2.X sites, the Payroll Accounting Transaction Interface 2.X processes the payroll accounting transactions to create JV and PV transactions that can be loaded into the Advantage Financial 2.X system. The PYRL, PRLNP, PRLLL and PRLCE transactions are processed to create JV transactions. The PRLVP transactions are processed to create PV transactions. |
Payroll Accounting Management Jobs |
Payroll Check Processor |
The Payroll Check Processor processes the payroll information. The pay details and the deduction details are exploded based on the accounting information to create payroll expense, fringe and liability journal records. These records are written to the payroll expense journal, payroll fringe journal and payroll liability journal table respectively. The payroll expense journal, payroll fringe journal and payroll liability journal records are used to create payroll accounting transactions. The accounting and non-accounting data errors are written to the PAM error table. The accounting statistics are written to the PAM statistics table. The job is multithreading so it can be run in parallel, simply specify a unique GTN_PROC_NO for each parallel job. The job is restart able but need to submit the new job to restart it. Payroll Check Processor can be run in preliminary mode as part of the Preliminary PAM process. This allows payroll journal records to be verified before continuing with the normal PAM process. |
Payroll Accounting Management Jobs |
Commit/Clear |
The Commit/Clear batch job is used to either convert preliminary payroll data to regular payroll data or to discard preliminary payroll data without saving it. |
Preliminary Payroll Jobs |
Preliminary GTN |
This job (Invokes GrossToNetDriver class) reads through the P_REG_TRIGGER table and calculates and accumulates gross payments such as base pay, FLSA pay, fringe pay, reimbursable pay, and leave cascading to pay. It also processes deductions and determines net pay amounts. |
Preliminary Payroll Jobs |
Preliminary Preprocessor |
This job (Invokes AdvHRPreliminaryPreprocessor) selects all the employee records that will be processed for preliminary pay cycle processing. It updates the P_REG_TRIGGER table with Employee Assignment (EMPL_ASGNMT) records that will be processed in a Preliminary GTN job. |
Preliminary Payroll Jobs |
Delete/Reset Retro Triggers (HA02411R) |
Delete/Reset Retro Triggers deletes or resets retro triggers after running Select Retro Trigger. Running Delete/Reset Retro Triggers resets the current retroactive pay process, and you will have to start the process over again with Select Retro Trigger. This job is used if the retro triggers selected for processing should not have been selected. |
Retro Pay Processing |
Extract Pay Data for Retro Calculations (HA02420R) |
Extract Pay Data for Retro Calculations uses output from Select Retro Triggers to selectively write pending payment, pay detail and archived pay detail records to a file. |
Retro Pay Processing |
Extract Pay Data for Retro FLSA Calculation (HA02440R) |
Extract Pay Data for Retro FLSA Calculation uses output from Retro Pay Calculation and Extract Pay Data for Retro Calculations to write pending payment, pay detail and archived pay detail records to a file. |
Retro Pay Processing |
Recalculate TTG Pay For Retro |
Recalculate TTG Pay for Retro will read all records from the RETRO_TRIGGER data source where the RETRO_RUN_NO is equal to the value provided for the Retro_Run_Number parameter. For each of these trigger records, the employee appointment record is retrieved. Also retrieved are all the pay detail records (from the PAY_DETL table) where the pay event date (PAY_EVT_BGN_DT) lies between the start and end dates provided on the trigger record. The pay details are each processed and calculated resulting in a record on the RETRO_TTG_PEND_PAY table. The RETRO_TRIGGER data source can be a file or table. The Retro_Trigger_Input_Type (TABLE or FILE) indicates whether the RETRO_TRIGGER data source is a Table or File. If the input type is TABLE then the second parameter, Retro_Trigger_Input, will be the name of the table that contains the triggers to be processed (for example RETRO_TRIGGER). If the input type is FILE then this parameter points to the name of the file that contains trigger records to be processed. |
Retro Pay Processing |
Retro FLSA Pay Calculation (HA02450R) |
Retro FLSA Pay Calculation recalculates FLSA pay and compares the results to those of the original FLSA payments. Any differences are output for pending payments. The original and recalculated values of each payment are output for the Retro Calculation file. |
Retro Pay Processing |
Retro FLSA Processing Detail Report (HA02481R) |
The Retro FLSA Processing Detail Report process creates the Retro FLSA Processing Detail Report (HAA3450), on retroactive payments. The Retro FLSA Processing Detail Report provides a list of the retroactive payments created by the retroactive pay jobs, along with the retroactive pay triggers that resulted in the creation of the payments. Based on the elements entered, this report can display retro payment totals for a department, unit, employee, or an employee’s appointment. |
Retro Pay Processing |
Retro Pay Calculation (HA02430R) |
Retro Pay Calculation recalculates both time-to-gross and gross-to-net payments and compares the amounts to the original payments. Any differences are output for pending payments. The original and recalculated values of each payment are output to the Retro Calculation file. |
Retro Pay Processing |
Retro Processing Detail Report (HA02480R) |
The Retro Processing Detail Report process creates The Retro Processing Detail Report, on retroactive payments. The Retro Processing Detail Report provides a list of the retroactive payments created by the retroactive pay jobs, along with the retroactive pay triggers that resulted in the creation of the payments. Based on the elements entered, this report can display retro payment totals for a department, unit, employee, or an employee’s appointment. |
Retro Pay Processing |
Retro Run Cleanup |
Retro Run Cleanup copies records from the RETRO_PEND_PAY and RETRO_TTG_PEND_PAY Tables to the PEND_PAY Table for a specified, on the Batch Parameter, RETRO_RUN_NO. After copying the records to the PEND_PAY Table Retro Run Cleanup Deletes, all the Records on the RETRO_PEND_PAY, RETRO_TTG_PEND_PAY and RETRO_TRIGGER Tables for the RETRO_RUN_NO. |
Retro Pay Processing |
Select Retro Trigger (HA02410R) |
Select Retro Trigger selects retroactive pay triggers for processing. Select Retro Trigger executes the program HAB3000 which produces the FLSA Retro Trigger file (HAB3000.SFLSART), Non-FLSA Retro Triggers file (HAB3000.SREGRT), Combined FLSA Retro Trigger file (HAB3000.CFLSART), Combined Non-FLSA Retro Trigger file (HAB3000.CREGRT) and Statistics Report (HAB3000.STATS). |
Retro Pay Processing |