IRS Trigger
The IRS Trigger (W2TG) transaction allows you to produce tax reporting forms for specified employees for the year for which the report is being produced. This is useful if adjustments are made to an employee's pay after tax forms have been produced or if an employee requests a W-2 form early because of termination. The IRS Trigger page is used to establish a trigger in the system and, subsequently, generate a supplemental W-2. The IRS Trigger must be established for each employee for whom you want to generate a W-2 in a Supplemental W-2 run.
For Affordable Care Act (ACA) Reporting, this page is used to trigger a new tax form to be created in the event that a correction or replacement is needed. For Affordable Care Act (ACA) processing, the ACA Dependent ID pick list references the R1095B_FORM table, DPND_ID attribute. When you are doing corrections for a 1095-B that was sent directly to the dependent, select the Dependent ID that is being corrected. The ACA Dependent ID field can only be populated when doing corrections to a 1095-B that was sent directly to a dependent (that is, when Subsystem Type ID is set to 1095-B (ACA Self-funded) correct). The ACA Dependent Name is inferred from the 1095B Form table.
The IRS Trigger transaction can be created in the following ways:
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.
Select the Create Retroactive Trigger row-level action on the on the IRS Trigger tab of the Trigger Management (TRGM) activity folder.
Select the Modify IRS Trigger row-level action on the on the IRS Trigger tab of the Trigger Management (TRGM) activity folder.