Offline Process Configuration

The Offline Process Configuration (OPROC) reference page provides the ability to configure feature specific payroll and payroll accounting management information so that employees can be processed based on site specific information.  

The following Feature ID’s are currently available for configuration:

Feature ID

Feature ID Settings

940 Tax Reporting

For sites that utilize Advantage 940 Tax Reporting, the following configuration fields are required:

  • Configuration Text Field 1 - This field is used to define the Employer ID Number (EID). Enter the 9-digit number that represents your site.

  • Configuration Text Field 2 - This field is used to define the Employer Name.

  • Configuration Text Field 3 -This field is used to define the Employer Trade Name.  

  • Configuration Text Field 4 - This field is used to define the Employer Business Address.

  • Configuration Text Field 5 - This field is used to define the Employer Business City.

  • Configuration Text Field 6 - This field is used to define the Employer Business State. Enter the abbreviated state value for your site.

  • Configuration Text Field 7 - This field is used to define the Employer Business Zip Code. Enter the 5-digit number for your site.

  • Configuration Numeric Field 1 - This field is used to enter the Federal Unemployment Nonexempt Rate. Enter a two-digit decimal value.

Employee Tax Refund Processing

For sites that utilize Employee Tax Refund Processing, the following configuration fields are required:

  • Configuration Text Field 1 - This field is used to define the FICA Benefit Type/Plan that is used for refunds on the One Time Deduction (OTDED) transactions. Enter comma separated Benefit Type and Benefit Plan values. For example, TYPE1, PLAN1.

  • Configuration Text Field 2 - This field is used to define the Medicare Benefit Type/Plan that is used for refunds on the One Time Deduction (OTDED) transactions. Enter comma separated Benefit Type and Benefit Plan values. For example, TYPE1, PLAN1.

  • Configuration Text Field 3 - This field is used to define the SDI Benefit Type/Plan that is for refunds on the One Time Deduction (OTDED) transactions for refunds. Enter comma separated Benefit Type and Benefit Plan values. For example, TYPE1, PLAN1.

  • Configuration Text Field 4 - This field is used to define the Refund Pay Event that is used on the By-Pay-Type Supplemental Trigger (STRG) transactions generated. Enter a valid Pay Event.

  • Configuration Text Field 5 - This field is used to define the Employer Business Address.

  • Configuration Text Field 6 - This field is used to define the Employer Business City.

  • Configuration Text Field 7 - This field is used to define the Employer Business Zip Code. Enter the 5-digit number for your site.

  • Configuration Text Field 8 - This field is used to define the Employer Name.

  • Configuration Numeric Field 1 - This field is used to define the FICA Minimum Wage Threshold. Enter the threshold value for the specific tax year.

  • Configuration Numeric Field 2 - This field is used to define the Medicare Minimum Wage Threshold. Enter the threshold value for the specific tax year.

  • Configuration Numeric Field 3 - This field is used to define the State Disability Insurance (SDI) Minimum Wage threshold. Enter the threshold value for the specific tax year.

Quarterly Catch Up Tax Processing

For sites that utilize Quarterly Catch Up Tax Processing, the following fields are required:

  • Configuration Text Field 1 - This field is used to define the Pay Event that is set on the By-Pay-Type Supplemental Trigger (STRG) transactions generated. Enter a valid Pay Event.

  • Configuration Numeric Field 1 - This field is used to define the Employer Wage Minimum threshold amount required to be met before taxes can be collected on FUTA (U), SUI (S), and ETT (E) taxes. Enter the government mandated threshold value for the specific tax year.   

NextGen Payroll Configuration

For sites that utilize the Next Generation Payroll service, the following fields are required:

  • Configuration Text Field 1 - This field is used to define the default location for the files produced by NextGen Payroll. Enter the full path where the files should be written by NextGen Payroll. Example: /apps/CGIADV/RTFiles/payroll/ledgers

  • Configuration Text Field 2 - This field is used to define the ledgers file location for NextGen Payroll. Enter the full path where the ledger files should be written by NextGen Payroll. Example: /apps/CGIADV/RTFiles/payroll/ledgers

  • Configuration Text Field 3 - This field is used to define the spool file location for NextGen Payroll. Enter the full path where the spool files should be written by NextGen Payroll. Example: /apps/CGIADV/RTFiles/payroll/spool

  • Configuration Numeric Field 1- Enter the maximum database table rows that the NextGen Payroll should be allowed to fetch in one database fetch operation. If left blank, the maximum prefetch rows defaults to 5000.

NextGen Payroll Cache Configuration

This Feature ID is used to define the cache configuration for Next Generation Payroll. Configuring the following fields supports faster processing time for batch processes that utilize the Next Generation Payroll service:

  • Configuration Text Field 1 through 16 - Enter the comma separated list of tables that participate in caching process for Next Generation Payroll. Primarily, include the tables whose data does not change during the processing of jobs that utilize the Next Generation Payroll service. Most of the reference tables will fall into this category. Some tables whose data does change during the job processing can be included, but caution must be used and ensure that these table updates are not required for any other processing at the same time. A default list is provided.

  • Configuration Numeric Field 1 - Enter the maximum database table rows that the Next Generation Payroll cache should hold before cache overflow occurs and elements are removed from the cache.

  • Configuration Flag Field 1 - Setting this flag to Yes enables Next Generation Payroll caching for your site. It is recommended for sites to turn this flag On for better performance, When this is turned On, sites must run the Begin Day batch process to refresh the cache before the start of the batch cycles.

For online transactions such as Online Check and Paycheck Calculator, cache will be ignored irrespective of whether this flag is turned On or Off.

NextGen Payroll Cache Preload Configuration

This Feature ID defines the cache preload configuration for the Next Generation Payroll service. Configuring the following fields allows for faster processing time for batch processes that utilize the Next Generation Payroll service:

  • Configuration Text Field 1 through 16 - Enter the comma separated list of tables that should be preloaded by the Begin Day batch process into the Next Generation Payroll cache. Include only the tables whose data does not change during the processing of batch processes that utilize the Next Generation Payroll service, and are very frequently used by the Next Generation Payroll batch processes.

  • Configuration Numeric Field 1 - Enter the maximum database table rows per table that can be preloaded into the Next Generation Payroll cache.

  • Configuration Flag Field 1 - Setting this flag to Yes enables the preloading of the Next Generation Payroll cache. When this is turned Off, the Begin Day batch process will only clear the cache without pre-loading any tables into cache.

Set up the following Offline Process Configuration (OPROC) to configure feature specific payroll information.

Feature ID


Field ID Settings

California Garnishment

The California Garnishment Feature ID defines pay period hours and multipliers used in the California Garnishment calculation. This Feature ID is intended to be used with the California Garnishments Special Routine ID.  

  • Configuration Numeric Field 1 - Used to define weekly pay period hours.

  • Configuration Numeric Field 2 -Use to define bi-weekly pay period hours.

  • Configuration Numeric Field 3 - Use to define semi-monthly pay period hours.

  • Configuration Numeric Field 4 - Use to define monthly pay period hours.

  • Configuration Numeric Field 5 - Use to define annual pay period hours.

  • Configuration Numeric Field 6 - Used to define the percent multiplier. This value is multiplied by the Net Disposable Income (NDI) to determine the federal limit.

  • Configuration Numeric Field 7 - Used to define the percent multiplier. This value is multiplied by the value determined from deducting the minimum wage multiplied by the pay period from the Net Disposable Income (NDI).

For more information, refer to the “California Garnishment (CAGN)” topic in the CGI Advantage Deduction Processing User Guide.

Multi State Tax

The Multi State Tax Feature ID defines the default configurations for federal and state taxes, when an employee does not have any tax enrollment information available.  This entry is utilized when the MULTI_STATE_TAX APPCTRL entry is set to Y. Note, these values take the place of the Default Tax Site Parameters (SPAR).

  • Configuration Text Field 1 - Enter the default FICA Class code used to identify the employee’s participation in the retirement and Medicare portion of FICA in the absence of employee specific data.

  • Configuration Text Field 2 - Enter the default Tax Class code used in determining the federal tax withholdings to be calculated in the absence of employee specific data.

  • Configuration Text Field 3 - Enter the default Tax Marital Status code that is used to calculate an employee’s federal tax withholding in the absence of the employee specific data. 

  • Configuration Text Field 4 - Enter the default State Tax Class code that is used in determining the set of eligible state tax withholdings in the absence of the employee specific data.

  • Configuration Text Field 5 -  Enter the default State ID code that is used in determining the state tax withholdings to calculate in the absence of the employee specific data.

  • Configuration Text Field 6 - Enter the default Tax Marital Status code used to calculate an employee’s state tax withholding in the absence of employee specific data.

  • Configuration Text Field 7 -  Enter the State Tax Class code to be used on the Employee State Tax Withholdings Certificate (ETAXS) transaction. The TAXCS indicated defines which states an employee is eligible to enroll in on ETAXS.

  • Configuration Numeric Field 1 - Enter the default number of allowances used to calculate an employee’s federal tax withholding in the absence of employee specific data. Note, this only applies to employee’s hired prior to January 1, 2020 who have not submitted a Form W-4.

  • Configuration Numeric Field 2 - Enter the default number of allowances used to calculate an employee’s state tax withholding in the absence of employee specific data.

Set up the following Offline Process Configuration to configure feature specific payroll accounting management information.

Feature ID

Field ID Settings

PAM Processing Configuration 

The PAM Processing Configuration OPROC defines configuration settings for Payroll Accounting Management processing. These configurations setting apply to the Payroll Check Processor and Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation batch processes:

  • Configuration Text Field 1: Enter the Account Override Processing Orders to be used for OPROC specific processing on Payroll Check Processor Accounting Overrides (PCPAO). Enter values separated by a comma.

  • Configuration Text Field 2: Enter the Account Override Processing Orders to be used for OPROC specific processing on Payroll Check Processor Accounting Overrides (PCPAO). Enter values separated by a comma.

  • Configuration Text Field 3: Enter the Account Override Processing Orders to be used for OPROC specific processing on Payroll Check Processor Accounting Overrides (PCPAO). Enter values separated by a comma.  

  • Configuration Text Field 4: This field contains the Vendor Disbursement Format that is used during Populate Warrant Disbursement Information on PRLVP processing. For more information on Populate Warrant Disbursement Information on PRLV refer to the “Advanced - Special Processing” topic in the CGI Advantage Payroll Processing User Guide.

  • Configuration Flag 1: Indicates if Populate Warrant Disbursement Information on PRLVP processing is enabled.For more information on Populate Warrant Disbursement Information on PRLV refer to the “Advanced - Special Processing” topic in the CGI Advantage Payroll Processing User Guide.

  • Configuration Flag 2: Indicates if Premium COA Allocation Crosswalk processing during the Payroll Check Processor batch process is enabled. 

  • Configuration Flag 3: Indicates if records on PYRL_EXPS_JRNL_HST will be considered during Premium COA Allocation Crosswalk processing when determining which Straight Paid Overtime Events is used to allocate overrides.

Bank Account Code overrides for PAM Transactions

Bank Account Code overrides for PAM Transactions feature on OPROC allows a default bank account code inferred during the Check Print process to be overridden by the Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation batch job. 

Configuration Text Field 1 - 15 can be used to enter the PAM Transaction Type and the Bank Account code to be used during the Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation process.

Each Configuration Text Field can be used to indicate the Bank Account code used for a particular PAM transaction. Comma separated text values are not supported.

  • Configuration Text Field 1: E=A110

  • Configuration Text Field 2: X=A111

  • Configuration Text Field 3: I=A112 

The above entries mean Bank Account Code of A110 is applicable to Payroll Expense Type (PREXP) and Bank Account Code of A111 is applicable to Payroll Fringe Expense Type (PREXP) and Bank account code of A112 is applicable to Payroll Liability Journal Type (PRLIA).

Note: Bank Account code override for Adjustment Expense Journal Type Transactions (PREXC) is not  allowed.

Below is a reference of the available PAM transaction types represented by a specific code that can be set up on the Configurable Text Fields.

  • For Payroll Liability Type (PRLIA), use the code L. For example. (L=99).

  • For Payroll Expense Type (PREXP), use the code E For example (E=99) .

  • For Payroll Fringe Expense Type (PREXP), use the code X. For example, (X=99).

  • For Payroll Fringe Liability Type (PRLIA), use the code I. For eaxmple, (I=99).

  • For Payroll Vendor Payable Fringe Type (PRLVP), use the code P. For example (P=99).

  • For Payroll Net Pay Type (PRLNP), use the code N. For example, (N=99).

  • For Payroll Vendor Payable Type (PRLVP), use the code V. For eaxmple, (V=99).

  • For Payroll Internal Type (PRLID), use the code G. For example,. (G=99).

  • For Payroll Internal Fringe Type (PRLID), use the code F. For example, (F=99).

  • For Payroll Leave Liability Type (PRLLL), use the code B. For example, (B=99).

  • For Payroll Contract Encumbrance Type (PRLCE), use the code C. For example, (C=99).

  • For Contract Reserve Pay Type (PRLNP), use the code R. For example,. (R=99).

  • For Payroll Accrued Expenditure Type (PRLNP), use the code A. For example, ,(A=99).

  • For Payroll Expense Accrual Type (PRACR), use the code EA. For example, (EA=99).

  • For Payroll Fringe Expense Accrual Type (PRACR), use the code XA. For example, (XA=99).

Preloaded Chain Jobs triggered by UI

Preloaded Chain jobs triggered by UI allows a user to trigger the payroll related chain jobs from Pay Period (PERD) and Trigger Management (TRGM) reference pages. The chain job Catalog ID’s need to be updated here as per the following guidelines.

  • Configuration Number Field 1: Enter the catalog ID for the Run Preliminary Payroll chain job.

  • Configuration Number Field 2: Enter the catalog ID for the Run Regular Payroll chain job.

  • Configuration Number Field 3: Enter the catalog ID for the Run Retro Pay Cycle chain job.

  • Configuration Number Field 4: Enter the catalog ID for the Run Retro Deduction Cycle chain job.

  • Configuration Number Field 5: Enter the catalog ID for the Run Retro Leave Cycle chain job.

  • Configuration Number Field 6: Enter the catalog ID for the Run Supplemental Payroll chain job.

  • Configuration Number Field 7: Enter the Job Manager Server ID for assigning the triggered chain jobs to the appropriate job manager.