Retroactive Trigger

The Retroactive Trigger (RTRG) page allows you to view and modify automatically generated retroactive pay and leave triggers, and enter manual triggers for situations where automatic triggers do not occur, such as when a change to a table-driven pay rate or leave process occurs. After entering retroactive triggers for all affected employees, you can then initiate the offline retroactive processing. When it is processed, a trigger record is added to the database and preparation for retroactive processing begins. Manual triggers can also be generated using the Mass Change Requests for One-Time Transactions (MAS3) page if many employees are affected by the change.

The Retroactive Trigger transaction can be created in the following ways:

  • Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.

  • Select the Create Retroactive Trigger row-level action on the Retroactive Trigger tab of the Trigger Management activity folder.

  • Select the Modify Retroactive Trigger row-level action on the Retroactive Trigger tab of the Trigger Management activity folder.

Required/Conditionally Required FieldsRequired/Conditionally Required Fields

The following fields are required:

  • Employee ID

  • Appointment ID

  • Type ID

  • Start Date

  • End Date

The user must enter the Personnel Action field prior to entering the Personnel Action Reason field.