Consolidating Fall Staff Survey Data
The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 requires that all public and private institutions of higher education with 15 or more employees report biennially (odd years) to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. This Fall Staff Survey (formerly, EEO-6) report is required by law.
A separate report is filed for each campus or separate administrative office of an institution where 15 or more full-time employees work. The report must be filed no later than November 30th of the survey year. Employment statistics must cover the payroll period closest to October 1st of the survey year.
The Fall Staff Survey report covers both full-time and part-time staff. The institution is responsible for the definition of full-time and part-time employees. Fall Staff Survey full-time staff statistics include the number of persons who are on the payroll of the institution. This includes the faculty who are on sabbatical or leave, and should be reported at their regular salary even though they might be receiving a reduced payment while on leave.
Fall Staff Survey reporting does not include employees whose services are paid by an outside contractor performing a function for the institution such as custodial, maintenance, food service, security, etc., or persons who volunteer or donate their services to the institution.
A person engaged in two or more separate activities (for example, multiple appointments) is reported in the principal activity. The judgment as to what constitutes principal activity should be made by the institution. In this system, the primary appointment (Appointment ID is blank on the Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT) page) represents the principal activity.
Faculty are considered separately on the Fall Staff Survey report. There are five classifications that apply specifically to faculty: length of contract, academic rank, tenure status, soft money sources, and foreign national status.
Part-time employees are also considered separately on the Fall Staff Survey report. Employees classified as part-time employees include instruction, research assistants, medical interns, and residents who receive money and/or benefits for their services. Students and casual labor are excluded. Whether an employee is full-time or part-time is determined by the Full/Part-time field on the Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT) page, and the employee’s Employment Status code. The Extended Employment Status Reporting (EMPX) page is used to identify if an employee is a student or casual laborer.
New hire or reactivated employee data is identified in a separate section of the report. This includes the number of full-time employees in the respective activities who were included in the payroll for the first time between July 1st and September 20th of the survey year.
Newly hired employees are defined as persons who were hired full-time for the first time or after a break in service. Persons returning from sabbatical leave or full-time faculty with less than a nine to ten month contract are not included in this classification. In order to identify if an employee is a new hire, the system tests the employee’s original appointment date from the Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT) page, and checks to see if the employee was appointed between July 1 and September 30.
Note: During the development of Fall Staff Survey reports and processes, many assumptions were made concerning how each site builds reference pages and loads employee data into the system. It might be necessary to modify the reports and processes to meet your site’s specific requirements for Fall Staff Survey reporting.
This system provides the following procedures to process Fall Staff Survey data:
Creating an Employee’s Fall Staff Survey Information
The Consolidated EEO-6 Employee Data (EEO6) page is an online reporting extract available to view Fall Staff Survey related information for an employee that was consolidated from other pages in the system.
This page is populated by the Consolidated EEO-6 Employee Extract (HB00500R) process. This process gathers information required for Fall Staff Survey reporting, computes the salaries and classifications according to dates identified in the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page, and loads the data onto the Consolidated EEO-6 Employee Data (EEO6) page by employee ID and date specified. This information is used as the primary input file by the Fall Staff Survey Worksheet Report. The data is loaded by year and month to allow for comparison of Fall Staff Survey related data over time. Data from multiple months and years can be stored and viewed online.
If an employee’s annual salary is reduced when they are on extended leave or sabbatical, then the employee’s annualized salary is not correct on the Consolidated EEO-6 Employee Data (EEO6) page. Fall Staff Survey reporting requires full salary to be reported for an employee. To view an employee’s Fall Staff Survey information, open the Consolidated EEO-6 Employee Data (EEO6) page.
Enter the employee’s ID.
Select Display: Browse Data to view the employee’s current Fall Staff Survey information.
Changing an Employee’s Fall Staff Survey Information
The data on the Consolidated EEO-6 Employee Data (EEO6) page can be updated without affecting the source data. This allows the segregation of data by function so that EEO data pages can be changed to meet EEO requirements and so that personnel and payroll pages have separate security access to preserve financial records.
To change an employee’s Fall Staff Survey information, open the Consolidated EEO-6 Employee Data (EEO6) page and display the employee’s data.
Enter the new or changed information.
Select Save to save this information.
Calculating the Annual Salary
The Annual Salary Calculation (HABASAL), run by the Annualized Salary Extract (HA03100R) process, creates a “snapshot” of the annual salary as of the reporting date, rather than a salary amount that might change due to retroactive personnel actions. This information is stored in a separate system record.
The salary calculation program uses the employee’s base pay event as defined on the Employment Status page and the employee’s assignment attributes as defined on the Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT) page as the basis for the salary calculation. The annual salary is assumed to be the salary that is calculated by the Annual Salary Calculation (HABASAL). This process uses the same logic used on the Pay Rate History Inquiry page.
The annualized salary is most often the correct salary for the Fall Staff Survey report. However, it is possible that the value calculated doesn’t contain all required wage components. This is directly dependent upon the set-up of the payroll system tables.
Note: Officers are who are responsible for the creation of the Fall Staff Survey report should work with the payroll management group to determine if the salary amount being created by this process satisfies Fall Staff Survey reporting requirements.
The primary appointment (Appointment ID is blank on the Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT) page) is assumed to be the Principal Activity record for Fall Staff Survey reporting. However, if an employee has multiple appointments, then the annual salary reported on Fall Staff Survey is a combination or sum of the annual salary for each separate appointment. The Consolidated EEO-6 Employee Extract (HB00500R) process creates and loads the Consolidated EEO-6 Employee Data (EEO6) transaction page, and uses the employee’s primary appointment for all other page and employee data inquiries.
Creating the Fall Staff Survey Report
The fall staff survey process executes processes to produce the fall staff survey worksheet management reports, this process populates the Consolidated Fall Staff Survey Employee Data (EEO6) page. For more information, see Creating an Employee’s Fall Staff Survey Information.
Reviewing Fall Staff Survey Information
Fall Staff Survey data can be looked up on the Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT) page. In terms of Fall Staff Survey data, this page provides the employee’s current employment status and pay rate, which could directly affect Fall Staff Survey reporting.