Creating a Seniority Hours Beginning Balance
The Seniority Hours Beginning Balance transaction give an employee a Beginning Balance for a Title. Beginning Balance represents the total seniority hours an employee has earned for a Title prior to their hours being tracked using the Employee Seniority functionality in Advantage HRM.
To open the Seniority Beginning Balance page and enter an employee a beginning balance for a title, perform these steps.
The Seniority Hours Beginning Balance transaction can be created in the following ways:
Select the Modify Seniority Hours Beginning Balance row-level action on the Employee Seniority Total tab of the Employee Inquiries (EINQ) activity folder.
Select the Create Seniority Hours Beginning Balance row-level action on the Employee Seniority Totals tab of the Employee Inquiries (EINQ) activity folder.
Complete the Beginning Balance section. Enter a beginning balance amount in hour format, into the Beginning Balance Hours field. Enter the From and To fields. The From and To dates fields represents the start and end date of the assignment that the employee worked in a Title for the beginning balance.
Select Validate to make certain that your entries are correct.
Select Submit to record the beginning balance for an employee in the system. Upon submission, assuming proper workflow setup, the Seniority Hours Beginning Balance transaction is passed on to the employee for review, responses, and comments in Pending Approval status.
Select Close to exit the Seniority Hours Beginning Balance page.
Note: Create a Seniority Hours Beginning Balance transaction if the beginning balance was submitted incorrectly.