Employee Inquiries (EINQ)

The Employee Inquiries activity folder makes it easy for you to review basic data pertaining to employees by gathering information pertaining to employees and personnel actions into one place. 

After opening the Employee Inquiries activity folder, use the Employee Search tool and grid to find and select the appropriate employee. You can then access pages for viewing or modifying basic employee information from the secondary navigation panel.

The Employee Inquiries activity folder contains the following tabs:


Use this tab to view the employee information.

Employee Name HistoryEmployee Name History

Use the Employee Name History tab to view the history of employee's change in name.

This tab contains the following row-level action:

  • Create Employee Identification Change Form -This action creates and opens the Employee Identification Change Form (EICF) transactions, which allows you to create and record any changes to an employee's identification number.

Employee Monthly Service Hours - AppointmentEmployee Monthly Service Hours - Appointment

Use the Employee Monthly Service Hours - Appointment tab to view employee monthly service hours' information.

This tab contains the following row-level action:

  • Create Service Adjustment Transaction - This action creates and opens the Service Hours Adjustment transactions, which allows you to adjust service credits by using appropriate service hours.

Employee Weekly Service Hours - AppointmentEmployee Weekly Service Hours - Appointment

Use the Employee Weekly Service Hours - Appointment tab to view weekly service hours for the employee information.

This tab contains the following row-level action:

  • Create Service Adjustment Transaction - This action creates and opens the Service Hours Adjustment transactions, which allows you to adjust service credits by using appropriate service hours.

Employee Monthly Service Hours - EmployeeEmployee Monthly Service Hours - Employee

Use the Employee Monthly Service Hours - Employee tab to enter employee's monthly service hours' information.

This tab contains the following row-level action:

  • Create Service Adjustment Transaction - This action creates and opens the Service Hours Adjustment transactions, which allows you to adjust service credits by using appropriate service hours.

Employee Weekly Service Hours - EmployeeEmployee Weekly Service Hours - Employee

Use the Employee Weekly Service Hours - Employee tab to view information about the employee's weekly service hours.

This tab contains the following row-level action:

  • Create Service Adjustment Transaction - This action creates and opens the Service Hours Adjustment transactions, which allows you to adjust service credits by using appropriate service hours.

Employee Service CreditsEmployee Service Credits

Use the Employee Service Credits tab to fetch service credits calculated based on services hours.

This tab contains the following row-level action:

  • Create Service Adjustment Transaction - This action creates and opens the Service Hours Adjustment transactions, which allows you to adjust service credits by using appropriate service hours.

Employee CompetenciesEmployee Competencies

Use the Employee Competencies tab to view an employee's competency related information.

Employee Training ResultsEmployee Training Results

Use the Employee by Training Results tab to view an employee's training and results related information.

Employee Incident InquiryEmployee Incident Inquiry

Use the Employee Incident Inquiry tab to view an employee's employee incident related information.

Employee Grievance InquiryEmployee Grievance Inquiry

Use the Employee Grievance tab to view an employee's grievance related.

COBRA Roster by NameCOBRA Roster by Name

Use the COBRA Roster by Name tab to view an employee's COBRA Roster related information.

Employee Seniority TotalsEmployee Seniority Totals

Use the Employee Seniority Totals tab to view the total seniority hours an employee has earned for each of their Titles.

This tab contains the following row-level action:

  • Create Seniority Hours Beginning Balance - This action creates and opens Seniority Hours Beginning Balance transactions, which allows you to create a new Employee Seniority record to include a beginning balance.

  • Modify Seniority Hours Beginning Balance - This action creates and opens Seniority Hours Beginning Balance transactions, which allows you to modify an existing Employee Seniority record with a beginning balance.

Employee Seniority by PeriodEmployee Seniority by Period

Use the Employee Seniority by Period tab to view the seniority hours an employee has earned for each pay period.

This tab contains the following row-level action:

  • Modify Seniority Hours Adjustment - This action creates and opens Seniority Hours Adjustment transactions, which allows you to modify the seniority hours on an existing Employee Seniority record for a pay period.

Select Related Transactions from the page-level menu, to view related transactions.

Refer to the following topics for related reports that can be generated.